GSI PhD Representatives

Welcome to the website of the GSI/FAIR PhD Representatives.

The PhD Representatives represent the needs and interests of all PhD students and other students working at GSI/FAIR on site, but also external PhD students with a connection to GSI/FAIR. This includes, for example, those PhD students who are members of the Graduate School HGS-HIRe. Whether GSI contract, university contract, or scholarship; we are the point of contact for all PhD students involved with GSI/FAIR - regardless of the specific contract constellation.

As representatives, we act as a link to the administrative and scientific committees and can raise your issues there.

This website is not only intended to provide information about our work and projects, but we also want to bundle relevant information here that could be relevant for you during your doctorate.

Good to know: Sometimes you come across different names like Doktorandenvertretung, Promovierendenvertretung, PhD Representatives, or Doctoral Researchers Council in connection with us. We would therefore like to take this opportunity to bring some order to this chaos: We have decided to call ourselves Doktorandenvertretung in German and PhD Representatives in English. It would be more correct to call ourselves the Doctoral Researchers Council in English, as there is a legal difference between the German Doktor and the Anglo-Saxon PhD. However, the value and research quality between PhD and Doktor is equivalent and since the term PhD is much more familiar to most foreign doctoral students, we have decided to call ourselves PhD Representatives in English. For historical reasons, however, our e-mail address is still Unfortunately, this cannot be changed at a later date.

Please note: The subpages are only available for person with a Web-Login! How to get a Web-Login as a PhD student, you can find out here:

If you would like to request an account, please get in touch with your contact person at GSI / FAIR or send your request to it-service(at), you will then receive a reply with the next steps.

Weitere Vertretungen

An dieser Stelle finden wir es noch erwähnenswert, dass es noch weitere Vertretungen für Doktorand*Innen gibt. Zum einen gibt es an einigen Universitäten eigene Doktorandenvertretungen:

Diese organisieren sich seit kurzem in einem Dachverband, dem Bundesverband für Promovierende. Dieser vertritt die Interessen der Promovierenden an deutschen promotionsberechtigten Einrichtungen gegenüber Öffentlichkeit, Politik und Verwaltung. Darüber hinaus gibt es noch die Helmholtz Juniors, die sich unabhängig vom jeweiligen Helmholtzzentrum für die Interessen der "Helmholtz-Doktorand*Innen" einsetzen. Diese sind wiederum in das N2-Netzwerk (Network of Networks) eingebettet, welches die Promovierenden der außeruniversitären Forschungsorganisationen (Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft, Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, Max-Planck-Gesellschaft) in Deutschland zusammenbringt.

So, if you have any problems, questions, suggestions, or you might even want to get involved, just get in touch with us (Student.Representative(at) Otherwise, you can subscribe to the PhD-All mailing list, where we keep you updated. You can subscribe here:


Your Representatives – Yannic Wolf (1st Representative), Jannik Petersen (2nd Representative), Sarah Grimm (Volunteer), Carl Georg Boos (Volunteer)

