
GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung is participating with twelve other institutes in the European research project artEmis, which is supported by an EU grant (Euratom) of two million euros until 2027. artEmis will design, build, and operate a smart and scalable multi sensor system comprising of about 100-200 novel low-cost geochemical sensors, that will measure with unprecedent spatial and temporal resolution changes in radon concentration in ground water, together with other observables like temperature and acidity.

The Nuclear Spectroscopy Group at GSI plays a key role in the project in terms of realizing the sensing and analytics. Building on particle and radiation detectors, signal processing electronics and data processing systems used for nuclear physics experiments at GSI facilities, the Nuclear Spectroscopy group is developing the sensor units for artEmis. In addition to radon detectors, the units will include sensors for temperature, pressure, conductivity and other physical parameters. By using artificial intelligence (AI) methods, which also result from basic research at GSI, the sensor units can be operated autonomously.

More information on the artEmis project can be found here.