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Archiv | 2015 | KW:46 |Ausgabe: 46-2015 | 09.11. - 15.11.


Ankunft eines Schwergewichts - In Frankreich gefertigter Magnet für FAIR erreicht GSI

Quelle: G. Otto, GSI

Der Magnet GLAD hat heute das GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung und FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe) erreicht. Eine Woche dauerte die 600 Kilometer lange Reise des 60 Tonnen schweren wissenschaftlichen Gerätes von Saclay bei Paris nach Darmstadt. Der im Forschungszentrum CEA in Saclay gefertigte supraleitende Magnet GLAD (GSI Large Acceptance Dipole) wird Teil des sogenannten R3B-Experiments an der Beschleunigeranlage von FAIR. Mit dem Experiment werden Wissenschaftler Reaktionsprozesse erforschen, die für die Entstehung der Elemente in Sternexplosionen verantwortlich sind.

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A giant has arrived - Magnet built in France for FAIR delivered to GSI

The GLAD (GSI Large Acceptance Dipole) magnet has arrived today at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe). It took one week for the giant 60-ton scientific device to make the 600-kilometer journey from Saclay (near Paris) to GSI in Darmstadt. The superconducting GLAD magnet, which was built at the CEA research center in Saclay, will be used in the R3B experiment at FAIR. With this experiment scientists can investigate the synthesis of the elements in supernovae.

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Fourth International FAIR School

Quelle: Dima Anuchin

From September 6-13 the Fourth Edition of the International FAIR School took place in Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy. The school was jointly organised by the
Helmholtz Graduate School for Hadron and Ion Research and the FAIR Russia Research Centre in Moscow.
The event brought young PhD students from the FAIR partner countries together and exposed them to the science of all pillars of the FAIR project.
By doing so it formed new connections, started potential new collaborations and helped that the FAIR community grows together even more

S. Vogel

HGS-HIRe & RS-APS Lecture Week on Atomic & Laser/Plasma Physics

Quelle: G. Burau

The third joint HGS-HIRe and RS-APS lecture week dedicated to the scientific fields of atomic and laser/plasma physics has been held in Haus Ebersberg in the north of Hesse in September 2015.
Complemented by the presentations of the participating students, experts from the Helmholtz Institute Jena and the GSI Helmholtzzentrum gave lectures on "(Laser) Spectroscopy of
Stored and Trapped Ions" addressing the experimental and theoretical aspects together.

G. Burau

HGS-HIRe Graduate Day

Quelle: G. Burau

The HGS-HIRe Graduate Day 2015 was held at Nonnenau, an island in the Rhine river, on October 15. This year's plenary talk dedicated to the FAIR project as challenge for heavy ion accelerator development was followed by participant presentations from the fields of nuclear astrophysics, hot & dense matter and plasma physics, accelerator physics and materials science. The Participant Council with the election of new participant representatives and, last but not least, the evening reception with the traditional HIRe Feier complemented the program of this main annual event of our graduate school.

G. Burau

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Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 0