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Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende
Ausgabe: 28-2023 | 10.07. - 16.07.
Wissenschaftliche Sitzungen/Seminare bei GSI
GSI/FAIR Open Science Workshop 2023
The 1st Open Science Workshop at GSI/FAIR will be held on 19th and 20th October 2023 taking place over two afternoons 13:00-17:00. The meeting will be hybrid Zoom and on-site at GSI.
Within an open and informal environment, Open Science Themes related to GSI and FAIR are planned, including Open Access publications, Research Data Management, and Open Source Software, Open Infrastructure, and GSI/FAIR participation in external Open Science Projects. The meeting is open to all interested colleagues internal and external to GSI/FAIR.
Please register if you are interested in participating, and contributions are very welcome. Contact for further information, or if you would like to have a presentation contribution.
You can register for the workshop here:
For more information on Open Science at GSI/FAIR, please see:
A. Mistry, RED/Geschäftsf./wiss. : Leitung, Tel. 1779
- 11.07. 16:15 Uhr, GSI-FAIR Colloquium
GSI-FAIR Colloquium, 2023-07-11 16:15:00 Uhr
Main Lecture Hall, GSI
Jie Meng Peking University
- 12.07. 14:00 Uhr, AP-Seminare
AP-Seminare, 2023-07-12 14:00:00 Uhr
KBW 2.28 & Room 638 5681 6325, GSI & Zoom
Jordan Marsh University of Edinburgh(UE)
- 12.07. 14:00 Uhr, C++ User Group
C++ User Group, 2023-07-12 14:00:00 Uhr
C27 3.010 - C27 Ebene 3, GSI
- 12.07. 14:30 Uhr, NUSTAR Seminar
NUSTAR Seminar, 2023-07-12 14:30:00 Uhr Meeting-ID: 628 3246 4736 Kenncode: 642846, SB3 3.170a Seminarroom Theorie
Sergey Eliseev Max-Planck Institut für Kernphysik
- 13.07. 14:00 Uhr, Biophysics Seminar
Biophysics Seminar, 2023-07-13 14:00:00 Uhr
Lecture hall, Theory SB3 3.170a, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
Maria Didonna GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)
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