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Archiv | 2020 | KW:21 |Ausgabe: 21-2020 | 18.05. - 24.05.


Webinar: The Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships

On June 25 the GSI Grant Office in cooperation with the European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations (KoWi) will be organising a webinar about the Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (MSC-IF).

This program supports the scientific career development of scientists at a postdoc level (with a PhD and/or having at least four years of research experience) to do a research project abroad. The research topic is open and age of the researcher does not play a role. Successful applicants will receive full-time employment contract which covers living, mobility and family costs including social security.

Detailed information about actual call, the eligibility and mobility criteria, the proposal and submission process will be presented. To explore different perspectives, successful MSC-IF applicants will share their personal experiences. Your questions will be welcomed. Private discussions with the supervisor of your choice at GSI/FAIR can be arranged.

The event aims in particular at

  • Researchers independent of nationality planning to conduct a MSC-IF project at GSI/FAIR, i.e. European Fellowship
  • GSI/FAIR researchers willing to gain research experience abroad (outside of EU or EU associated courtiers) and holding a national or long-term (at least 5 consecutive years) residentship of an EU or an EU associated country, i.e. Global Fellowship.

Please note that the MSC-IF European Fellowship program is not suitable for GSI/FAIR researchers to extend their current contracts as the general mobility rule prohibits a stay of more than 12 month in the previous 3 years prior to the call deadline (September 9, 2020) at the country of their host organisation.

Interested scientists are welcome to register for this webinar via, where program, agenda and registration form can be found.

Please feel free to contact the GSI Grant Office if you need any further information. We would be glad to support your MSC-IF application at any stage.

Dr. O. Ivanova, Grant Office

  • 20.05. 14:00 Uhr, Wissenschaft für Alle

Wissenschaft für Alle, 2020-05-20 14:00:00 Uhr

Hörsaal, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung

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