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Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende
Ausgabe: 05-2019 | 28.01. - 03.02.
December 2018: HGS-HIRe Lecture Week on Nuclear Structure Physics

Quelle: Gerhard Burau
The topic of this lecture week on nuclear structure physics was 'Nuclear Photonics', a cross-disciplinary topic addressing and combining various aspects of nuclear physics, laser and accelerator physics and technology. The event was organized in cooperation with colleagues from TU Darmstadt working on these fields of research. Although the program of lectures, presentations by the participants and group work was challenging, there was still time to enjoy the picturesque and pre-Christmasly decorated places of Kloster Schöntal, an old former monastery which maintained its baroque style and ambience.
Gerhard Burau
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