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Archiv | 2017 | KW:04 |Ausgabe: 04-2017 | 23.01. - 29.01.

Kurier - Mitteilungen von und für Mitarbeitende

Ausgabe: 04-2017 | 23.01. - 29.01.



APPA R&D meeting

Quelle: A. Prosvetov

The second APPA R&D meeting of German University groups brought together more than 80 scientists from about 20 German universities and research institutions involved in the APPA research pillar at FAIR. The APPA umbrella comprises the international research collaborations BIOMAT (biophysics and materials research), FLAIR (low-energy antiproton research), Plasma Physics, and SPARC (atomic physics with highly charged ions) with a research focus on investigations of matter under extreme conditions including strong fields, high densities, high pressures, and high temperatures.

During the workshop (12.-13.1.2017), the present status of the different APPA facilities and the progress of the APPA-related BMBF collaborative research projects were discussed. The overall atmosphere of the meeting benefitted from the broad variety and interdisciplinarity of the different APPA fields. Particular emphasis was put on the FAIR phase-0 research program. The presentations and discussions made clear that APPA with its versatile state-of-the-art instrumentation is well prepared for making excellent contributions to the FAIR research right from the start.

S. Schippers (Univ. Gießen), Christina Trautmann (GSI)

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