Biophysik - Team Details


Thomas Friedrich

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Biophysics division
Planckstraße 1
64291 Darmstadt
Arbeitsbereich : Radiobiological Modelling
Position : Senior Scientist
E-Mail : t.friedrich @
Telefon : +49-6159-71-1340
Raum : 3.135a
Forschungsprofil :  
Research profile:
My research focus is to understand the effectiveness of ionizing radiation to cells, tissues and organisms with the special emphasis on its dependence on radiation quality. I approach this by developing, benchmarking and applying mathematical models based on experimental findings. The models are able to predict the biological effects of radiation exposure. They cover the relevant stages after exposure ranging from DNA lesion induction and repair up to cellular survival or other relevant endpoints. Consequently, the models contribute to research in various fields, ranging from medical applications such as radiotherapy of cancer with photons or ions, over radioprotection on earth and in space to biology inherent questions concerning DNA repair kinetics.

ResearcherID / ORCID profiles: