Data Center

The Data Center Group operates the data centers of FAIR/GSI Green IT Cube, RZ1 and BG2.

Tasks of the Data Center Group:

  • Operation of the data centers
  • Operation of infrastructure monitoring systems
  • Operation of the central asset and data center management systems
  • Monitoring of the technical infrastructure and coordination of operation and maintenance with external service providers
  • Optimization of energy efficiency
  • Planning, procurement and installation of further systems in cooperation with the respective specialist groups
  • Repair and RMA Processing for Servers

If you have any questions or problems, you will find instructions or documentation on the various topics on our website.

You can also open a ticket in our ticket system via e-mail:

Green IT Cube

  • Innovative and energy-efficient: The "Green IT Cube" in the form of a cube measuring 27×30×22 m with six floors and an adjacent technical building including cooling towers.
  • In the first version, the Green IT Cube has a cooling capacity of 4 megawatts, which will rise to 12 megawatts in the final expansion phase. The water cooling used in the rear doors of the server cabinets is highly efficient and requires less than 7% of the electrical power of the IT equipment.
  • It houses a mirror (RZ-1 and Green IT Cube) of the important basic IT services, as well as the servers, computing nodes and storage units for the experiment data.
  • A time-lapse video about the construction of the Green IT Cube can be found here:
  • KPI for the Green IT Cube in 2023:
    PUE 1.06
    WUE 2.07
    CER 15.7


  • Conventional data center with the central network node, mirror data center for the important basic services, and central location of the magnetic tape library.


  • Location of the second (backup) magnetic tape library at an independent location