
Wissenschaft für Alle

The GSI lecture series "Wissenschaft für Alle" is aimed at all persons interested in current science and research. The topics cover a broad range from research at GSI and FAIR to general information about physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and computer science. Talks will be hold in German.

GSI Colloqium

The tuesday colloquium hosts talks for a professional audience in English language.

Colloquium dates

Abends bei FAIR

Abends bei FAIR (in German) gives you a comprehensive insight into the research and development at GSI and FAIR. Scientists present their projects — from astro-, bio-, nuclear and plasma physics up to materials research, accelerator physics and high-tech development.

Other Events

Information concerning other events (partially internal) can be found in the Calendar.

Past Events

On this page we provide you with additional information about our past events. More Information.