General Program Advisory Committee (G-PAC)

The General PAC is an international program advisory committee of GSI and FAIR with external experts as members. The General PAC gives advice to the Directorate on selecting experiment proposals that are submitted by individual users or user groups in the areas of nuclear and atomic physics, currently for the FAIR Phase-0 program. Following periodic calls for proposals, the General PAC meets to evaluate those experiment proposals on the basis of scientific merit and with regard to the GSI/FAIR strategy, and makes recommendations on the amount of beam time to be allotted by the directorate. The G-PAC also acts as umbrella for the different sub-PACs of GSI/FAIR for various research fields.

'Call for Proposals' for beamtime in 2026/2027

We hereby invite you to submit experiment proposals in the framework of FAIR Phase-0, which offers beamtime for experiments at GSI until the start of FAIR. The FAIR Phase-0 program is exploiting the facilities of GSI, upgraded to meet the requirements as FAIR injectors, plus the FAIR CRYRING storage ring and the PHELIX laser. Moreover, it offers an opportunity to use detectors developed for FAIR for scientific programs.

The present Call for Proposals to all four Program Advisory Committees (PACs) is foreseen to offer a total user beamtime in 2026 and 2027 combined of roughly

  • 350 shifts at UNILAC,
  • 300 shifts at SIS18,
  • 250 shifts in total for at ESR, ESR-HITRAP and ESR-CRYRING,
  • 100 shifts at PHELIX.

For experiments at CRYRING in standalone-mode (internal ion sources only) a ‘Call’ for beamtime in 2026 will be communicated in 2025.

A list of typically available beam parameters can be found here.

Your proposal must be submitted by 2nd of December 2024.


Detector Tests:

Beamtime applications for pure detectors tests in 2026/27 (i.e. w/o direct scientific goal): please contact the PAC Scientific Secretary (Dr. Manuel Vogel) to obtain specific access and instructions for this. Deadline is the same as for scientific proposals.

Proposals are to be submitted via the website-based submission system GATE, to which each participant of a proposal is required to register1. More detailed information gives the short GATE manual.

In particular, we urgently ask you to consult the Link Scientist of the experimental site in question as soon as possible and well before final submission to discuss technical details and feasibility of the experiment, and for guidance with the application forms. The Link Scientist is to be chosen within the GATE forms, and can be contacted e.g. via GATE upon a first draft completion of all forms in the step ”Submit”. It is recommended to begin the process as early as possible.

A pdf file describing the proposed experiment is to be uploaded; details on its structure and content are given here. Should you  encounter problems in GATE, please contact GATE-Help(at) (Karin Füssel).

Please note that due to current European sanctions participants with Russian or Belarussian affiliation cannot be participants in experiment proposals at GSI/FAIR.


GATE website:


Submitted proposals will be evaluated by the G-PAC, whose recommendation will be considered by the Scientific Managing Director when granting beamtime2. Beamtime granted in this round will expire after 2027.


Research Data Management Plan (RDMP):

Currently, a RDMP is not obligatory but recommended for accepted experiment proposals. For more information see this document.


We are looking forward to an exciting science program in FAIR Phase-0!


Contact persons for the 'Call' are:

G-PAC Scientific Secretary: Manuel Vogel

For issues with GATE: GATE-Help


(1) All participants of a proposal need to register themselves and allow being searchable for other users. General Data Protection Regulation GDPR apply according to Art. 13 and 14 DSGVO: Staff Management Board GDPR english

(2) Beamtime is granted at no charge within the framework of the Helmholtz Association: "Rahmenrichtlinie über die Nutzung von Forschungsanlagen der Helmholtz-Zentren durch Dritte” (1.3.2000), §II. 1.2. GSI/FAIR need to report to funding agencies on user operation and user communities in form of statistical data.

Please note that GSI does not cover the consumables and investments necessary for running an experiment.

During proposal submission the Proposer is explicitly asked to indicate host lab resources required for the proposed experiment additional to beamtime requests. Related to preparations for FAIR, technical and infrastructure departments often have very tight time schedules and need to plan carefully with respect to time and manpower.  In order to offer the best possible service enabling the experiments to be set up and run in an optimal way, we need to know all requirements to us as host lab in advance.


In the webform you are asked to mark whether and which resources you will need, incl. further specifications on this request. This will allow the involved departments to confirm the feasibility. Together with your local contact person, you can restrict your information there to a minimum and best guesses from experience or after consulting the department involved. In case of doubts, the respective department will come back to you with further questions before confirming feasibility of your experiment.

While this information in the proposal serves as rough information only, when planning the execution of your experiment you need to contact the respective host department directly and with concrete details on your requirements.


We absolutely want to avoid the situation in which after evaluation and granting we discover, that the proponents had expected service of GSI, which cannot be delivered (at the required time/in that detail or volume) and thus a granted experiment cannot run.

Database of granted beam time

Experiments with granted beamtime (i.e. ranked A) are listed in this table. It contains experiments in the status after granting and before completion/expiry, and gives number of granted shifts.

Experiments in the reserve list have been ranked A- due to large overdraft of beamtime. They might be scheduled if beamtime becomes available. 

Data are updated before and after a beamtime block.

Further information on application and scheduling of beam time is given under the websites Applying for Beamtime and Scheduling, respectively. General information on beam time can be found here.

Members of the G-PAC

  • Sydney Galès (Chair)
    IPN Orsay, France
  • Toshiyuki Azuma
    Riken, Japan
  • Jana Bielcikova
    Nuclear Physics Institute, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
  • Yorick Blumenfeld
    IPN Orsay, France
  • Philippe Crochet
    LPC, Clermont-Ferrand, France
  • Paul Greenlees
    University of Jyväskylä, Finland
  • Magda Kowalska
    CERN, Switzerland
  • Witold Nazarewicz
  • Marek Pajek
    Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce, Poland
  • Marina Petri
    University of York, UK
  • Thomas Pfeifer
    Max-Planck-Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
  • Achim Schwenk
    Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
  • Tomohiro Uesaka
    RIKEN, Japan
  • Eberhard Widmann
    Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics, Vienna, Austria


G-PAC Scientific Secretaries

Dr. Manuel Vogel

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 2046

contact by E-Mail to: M.Vogel(at)

Next G-PAC Meeting

Date of the next G-PAC Meeting: February 18-20, 2025

Recent G-PAC Meetings

G-PAC45 on September 28-30, 2022: documents of the meeting (for G-PAC members only)

G-PAC44 on August 26-28, 2020: documents of the meeting (for G-PAC members only); Public Agenda 

G-PAC43 on September 19-21, 2017; Public Agenda 

G-PAC42 / All-PAC in December 2015 (in writing)

G-PAC41/All-PAC on April 17, 2015

G-PAC40 on November 23/24, 2011

G-PAC39 on November 2/3, 2010

G-PAC38 on April 20/21, 2010

G-PAC37 on October 20/21, 2009

All-PAC01-Meeting on October 21, 2009

User Services

Information for Users on services and beam time can be found on the Users' Webpages.  

Central point of contact for associated guests and users on campus is the Welcome Office.


General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (according to Art. 13 and 14 DSGVO): Staff Management Board GDPR english
