Many of the scientific activities of our division are carried out in collaboration with other divisions and institutes. Below is given a list of the existing collaborations.
Astronomy group at the University of Victoria, Canada
CHARMS - Collaboration for high-accuracy experiments on nuclear reaction mechanisms with magnetic spectrometers
ELISe - Electron-ion scattering in a storage ring
EXL - Exotic nuclei studied with electromagnetic and light hadronic probes
Faculty of Science and Information Technology at Al-Balqa Applied University, Jordan
FRANZ - Frankfurt Neutron Source
GAMS group at TU München, Germany
GSI Nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics group
ILIMA - Isomeric beams, liftimes and masses
ISNAP at Universtity of Notre Damme, USA
JINA - Joint institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, USA
LAND - Large area neutron detector
LISA - Lifetime spectroscopy for astrophysics
NUSTAR - Nuclear structure. astrophysics and reactions
n_TOF - Neutron time-of-flight facility
SPALADIN - Spalation studies with ALADIN
SPARC - Stored Particles Atomic Physics Research Collaboration
Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics group at the University of Basel, Swiss