The FRS (FRagment Separator) group focuses on the production and investigation of nuclear structure of exotic nuclei. Thanks to the characteristics of the high-resolution magnetic spectrometer FRS, exotic nuclei can be produced, separated, identified and eventually stored in a storage ring. The FRS group at GSI provides the technical infrastructure and service for external scientists that come to perform their experiment here and has a wide research programm focused on the FRS. 

To know more details about the FRS, please visit our technical web page

Head of the group is Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheidenberger.


The Super-FRS in the FAIR project

The Super-FRS will be the most powerful in-flight separator for exotic nuclei up to relativistic energies. Rare isotopes of all elements up to uranium can be produced and spatially separated within some hundred nanoseconds, thus very short-lived nuclei can be studied efficiently. The Super-FRS is a large-acceptance superconducting fragment separator with three branches serving different experimental areas including a new storage-ring complex. The new rare-isotope facility is based on the experience and successful experimental program with the present FRS.

Super-FRS Experiment Collaboration

The physics program at the super-conducting fragment separator (Super-FRS) at FAIR, being operated in a multiple-stage, high-resolution spectrometer mode, is discussed. The Super-FRS will produce, separate and transport radioactive beams at high energies up to 1.5 AGeV, and it can be also used as a stand-alone experimental device together with ancillary detectors. Various combinations of the magnetic sections of the Super-FRS can be operated in dispersive, achromatic or dispersion-matched spectrometer ion-optical modes, which allow measurements of momentum distributions of secondary-reaction products with high resolution and precision. A number of unique experiments in atomic, nuclear and hadron physics are suggested with the Super-FRS as a stand-alone device, in particular searches for new isotopes, studies of hypernuclei, delta-resonances in exotic nuclei and spectroscopy of atoms characterized by bound mesons. Rare decay modes like multiple-proton or neutron emission and the nuclear tensor force observed in high-momentum regime can be also addressed. The in-flight radioactivity measurements as well as fusion, transfer and deep-inelastic reaction mechanisms with the slowed-down and energy-bunched fragment beams are proposed for the high-resolution and energy buncher modes at the Super-FRS.