Welcome to the ALICE group at GSI

ALICE is one of the four big experiments at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is dedicated to the investigation of the nucleus-nucleus collisions. The aim of ALICE Collaboration is to study the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where the formation of a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, is expected.

The ALICE group at GSI made significant contribution to the design and construction of the two key detectors subsystems of ALICE, the Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and the Transition Radiation Detector (TRD). Today, the group is strongly involved in the operation and calibration of the TPC and TRD subsystems, as well as in the physics analysis of the ALICE data. Together with GSI-IT, the group is responsible for the operation of the ALICE tier-2 computing center at GSI, which provides an analysis platform to all ALICE members in Germany.


 Link to the ALICE at GSI group page
