Biophysics Seminars 2009
16.12.2008 16:15 Hörsaal
| Light Ion Fragmentation Measurements for Medical and Space Applications Giacomo Cuttone, LNS-INFN (Italy) |
15.01.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Radiation-induced Leukemia - Risk Modelling for Radiotherapy and Space Explorations Thilo Elsässer, GSI |
29.01.2009 15:30 Theorieseminarraum
| Radiochromic film imaging spectroscopy of laser-accelerated proton beams Knut Harres, TUD |
05.02.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Epigenetic dynamics of retinoic acid-induced RET transcriptional activation in neuroblastoma cell lines Francesco Natale, University Federico II (Italy) |
11.02.2009 15:00 Hörsaal
| Interaction of targeted and non-targeted radiation effects in genomic instability and carcinogenesis Mary-Helen Barcellos-Hoff, NY University (USA) |
12.02.2009 15:00 Seitenraum Hörsaal
| Calculation of the RBE-weighted dose and biological dosimetry for moving targets Alexander Gemmel, GSI |
23.02.2009 15:00 Seitenraum Hörsaal
| Silvia Molinelli, CNAO, Pavia (Italy) |
05.03.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Multiple field optimization of biologically effective dose: nonlinear methods and numerical analysis Michael Horcicka, GSI |
18.03.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Jonas Klinger, GSI |
25.03.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| The ALTEA program: latest results Livio Narici, University of Rome (Italy) |
26.03.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Photon radiation response at high doses and implications for hadron therapy Thomas Friedrich, GSI |
02.04.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Secondary electrons generated by ion beams in tissue like media: modelling energy spectra and damaging effects Emanuele Scifoni, FIAS |
08.04.2009 14:00 DKFZ Seminarraum, Heidelberg
| Heavy ion radiobiology in therapy and space Marco Durante, GSI |
16.04.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| ALLEGRO – Estimation of the dose in the normal/healthy tissue from the use of heavy ion radiation therapy Gheorghe Iancu, GSI |
30.04.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Mechanical activity of embryonic stem cell-derived myocardial tissue Dieter Pollet, TUD |
14.05.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Chromatin accessibility after heavy ion irradiation Nicole Averbeck, GSI |
18.05.2009 17:15 Hörsaal S1/01/01 Audimax-Gebäude, Darmstadt
| Was steckt dahinter? Space travel and radiation Marco Durante, GSI |
28.05.2009 14:30 FIAS lecture hall, Frankfurt
| Protection from cosmic radiation in space travel Marco Durante, GSI |
04.06.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Measurements of secondary dose to distal organs during therapy with photons or charged particles Robert Kaderka, GSI |
17.06.2009 14:00 Seitenraum Hörsaal
| The CORALS project: COsmic Radiations and ALternative Splicing Charles Lambert, Lab Connective Tissues Biology, University of Liège (Belgium) |
24.06.2009 10:00 Hörsaal
| Heavy ion effects in organotypic tissue slices Mareike Müller & Felicitas Merz, Uni Frankfurt |
07.09.2009 14:00 Theorieseminarraum
| ATM kinase and DNA damage signaling: how to embrace the complexity Sergei Kozlov, Queensland Institute of Medical Research (Australia) |
10.09.2009 14:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Gerhard Kraft, GSI |
11.09.2009 14:30 Annex Gebäude, AR 1.007
| Compact and non - expensive transport systems for medical facilities using proton and ion beams Mark Kats, ITEP Moscow (Russia) |
22.09.2009 09:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Radiobiological experiments for carbon ion prostate cancer therapy: Interplay of normal and tumor cells in co-culture and measurement of the oxygen enhancement ratio Cläre von Neubeck, GSI |
25.09.2009 13:30 Theorieseminarraum
| Particle therapy: Protons vs. C-Ions Herman Suit, Harvard Medical School, Boston (USA) |
01.10.2009 14:00 TUD S2 14/024, Kernphysik, Schlossgartenstraße 9
| Introductory lecture to new TUD students Marco Durante, TUD |
07.10.2009 10:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Stem cell regulation via dynamic interactions of the nervous and immune systems with the microenvironment Tsvee Lapidot, Weizmann Institute (Israel) |
23.10.2009 10:30 Theorieseminarraum
| Radiobiology on the Moon Marco Durante, GSI |
30.10.2009 09:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Cellular response to heavy ions in hypoxic conditions Walter Tinganelli, GSI |
05.11.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| On-line dose compensation for the treatment of moving organs Robert Lüchtenborg, GSI |
06.11.2009 09:30 Theorieseminarraum
| Status of preparations for a carbon ion therapy facility at ITEP Moscow Igor Roudskoy, ITEP (Russia) |
12.11.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Effects of heavy ions on ion-channel activity Bastian Roth, TUD |
19.11.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Target scanning Christoph Schuy, GSI |
23.11.2009 11:15 Theorieseminarraum
| Stable morphology, but internal reorganisation of interphase human chromosomes visualised in living cells Iris Müller, University of Dundee (UK) |
03.12.2009 15:00 Theorieseminarraum
| Fragmentation of 7Li beams in water Radek Pleskac, GSI |
15.12.2009 16:00 Theorieseminarraum
| The FIRST experiment on fragmentation of high-energy heavy ions of biomedical interest at GSI Vincenzo Patera, University of Rome and LNF-INFN (Italy) |
17.12.2009 17:15 TUD Kleiner Hörsaal B101/52
| Single-molecule studies on chromatin structure and dynamics John van Noort, Leiden University (Holland) |