Chronological list of publications of Plasma Physics department & PHELIX:

Publications PP in 2015


  1. B. Aurand, S. Kuschel, Ch. Rödel, O. Jäckel, J. Polz, B. Elkin, H. Zhao, A. Karmakar, P. Gibbon, M. C. Kaluza, T. Kuehl:
    Reduction of X-ray generation in high-intensity laser ion acceleration
    Applied Physics B 118.2 (2015): 247-251

  2. N.E. Andreev, M.E. Povarnitsyn, M.E. Veysman, A.YA. Faenov, P.R. Levashov, K. V. Khishchenko, T.A. Pikuz, A.I. Magunov, O.N. Rosmej, A. Blazevic, A. Pelka, G. Schaumann, M. Schollmeier, M. Roth:
    Interaction of annular-focused laser beams with solid targets
    Laser and Particle Beams (2015), 33, 541–550

  3. R. S. Belikov, I. K. Krasyuk, T. Rinecker, A. Yu Semenov, O. N. Rosmej, I. A. Stuchebryukhov, M. Tomut, K. V. Khishchenko, A. Schoenlein:
    Negative pressure and spallation in graphite targets under nano- and picosecond laser irradiation
    Quantum Electronics 45 (5) 421 – 425 (2015)

  4. C. Brabetz, S. Busold, T. Cowan, O. Deppert, D. Jahn, O. Kester, M. Roth, D. Schumacher, V. Bagnoud:
    Laser-driven ion acceleration with hollow laser beams
    Phys. Plasmas 22, 013105 (2015)

  5. F. Burkart, R. Schmidt, V. Raginel, D. Wollmann, N. A. Tahir, A. Shutov, and A. R. Piriz:
    Analysis of 440 GeV proton beam–matter interaction experiments at the High Radiation Materials test facility at CERN
    J. Appl. Phys. 118, 055902 (2015)

  6. S. Busold, D. Schumacher, C. Brabetz, D. Jahn, F. Kroll, O. Deppert, U. Schramm, T. E. Cowan, A. Blažević, V. Bagnoud, M. Roth:
    Towards highest peak intensities for ultra-short MeV-range ion bunches
    Nature Scientific Reports 5, Article number: 12459 (2015)

  7. W. Cayzac, V. Bagnoud, M. M. Basko, A. Blažević, A. Frank, D. O. Gericke, L. Hallo, G. Malka, A. Ortner, An. Tauschwitz, J. Vorberger, M. Roth:
    Predictions for the energy loss of light ions in laser-generated plasmas at low and medium velocities
    Phys. Rev. E 92, 053109 – Published 24 November 2015

  8. B. Ecker, B. Aurand, D. C. Hochhaus, P. Neumayer, B. Zielbauer, E. Oliva, L. Li, T. T. T. Le, Q. Jin, H. Zhao, K. Cassou, S. Daboussi, O. Guilbaud, S. Kazamias, D. Ros, P. Zeitoun, T. Kuehl :
    A Double-stage soft x-ray laser pumped by multiple pulses applied in grazing incidence
    Journal of Physics B Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 05/2015; 48(14):144009

  9. F. Horst, G. Fehrenbacher, T. Radon, E. Kozlova, O.Rosmej, D. Czarnecki, O. Schrenk, J. Breckow, K.Zink:
    A TLD-based ten channel system for the spectrometry of bremsstrahlung generated by laser-matter interaction
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 782 (2015) 69–76

  10. C. P. João, F. Wagner, J. Körner, J. Hein, T. Gottschall, J. Limpert, V. Bagnoud:
    A 10-mJ-level compact CPA system based on Yb:KGW for ultrafast optical parametric amplifier pumping
    Applied Physics B March 2015, Volume 118, Issue 3, pp 401-407

  11. I. K. Krasyuk, A. Yu Semenov, I. A. Stuchebryukhov, R. S. Belikov, K. V. Khishchenko, O. N. Rosmej, T. Rienecker, A. Schoenlein, M. Tomut:
    Investigation of the spall strength of graphite using nano- and picosecond laser pulses
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series 653 (2015) 012002

  12. D. Kraus, J. Vorberger, J. Helfrich, D. O. Gericke, B. Bachmann, V. Bagnoud, B. Barbrel, A. Blažević, D. C. Carroll, W. Cayzac, T. Döppner, L. B. Fletcher, A. Frank, S. Frydrych, E. J. Gamboa, M. Gauthier, S. Göde, E. Granados, G. Gregori, N. J. Hartley, B. Kettle, H. J. Lee, B. Nagler, P. Neumayer, M. M. Notley, A. Ortner, A. Otten, A. Ravasio, D. Riley, F. Roth, G. Schaumann, D. Schumacher, W. Schumaker, K. Siegenthaler, C. Spindloe, F. Wagner, K. Wünsch, S. H. Glenzer, M. Roth and R. W. Falcone:
    The complex ion structure of warm dense carbon measured by spectrally resolved x-ray scattering
    Phys. Plasmas 22, 056307 (2015)

  13. B. Landgraf, A. Hoffmann, D. Kartashov, F. Gärtner, Z. Samsonova, P. Polynkin, J. Jacoby, T. Kühl and C. Spielmann:
    Generation of multi-millijoule red-shifted pulses for seeding stimulated Raman backscattering amplifiers
    Optics Express, Vol. 23, Issue 6, pp. 7400-7406 (2015)

  14. G. Loisch, G. Xu, A. Blazevic, et al.:
    Hydrogen plasma dynamics in the spherical theta pinch plasma target for heavy ion stripping
    Physics of Plasmas, Volume: 22, Issue: 5, Article Number: 053502, Published: May 2015

  15. A. Ortner, A. Frank, A. Blazevic, M. Roth:
    Role of charge transfer in heavy-ion-beam-plasma interactions at intermediate energies
    Physical Review E 91(2):023104 · February 2015

  16. A. Ortner, S. Faik, D. Schumacher, M. Basko, A. Blazevic, S. Busold, S. Bedacht, W. Cayzac, D. Kraus, T. Rienecker, Anna Tauschwitz, F. Wagner, M. Roth, A. Frank, G. Schaumann:
    A novel double hohlraum target to create a moderately coupled plasma for ion stopping experiments
    NIM B 343: (123-131) January 2015

  17. A. R. Piriz, Y. B. Sun, N. A. Tahir:
    Hydrodynamic instability of elastic-plastic solid plates at the early stage of acceleration
    Physical Review E 91, 033007 (2015)

  18. A. R. Piriz, Y. B. Sun, N. A. Tahir:
    Analytic model for the dynamic Z-pinch
    Physics of Plasmas 22, 062704 (2015)

  19. O. N. Rosmej, N. Suslov, D. Martsovenko, T. Rienecker, R. Maeder, M. Schaechinger, A. Schoenlein, S. Zaehter:
    The hydrodynamic and radiative properties of low density foams heated by X-rays
    Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 (2015) 094001 (10pp)

  20. D. Rusby, L. A.Wilson, R. Gray, R.J. Dance, N.M.H. Butler, D. MacLellan, G. Scott, V. Bagnoud, B. Zielbauer, P. Mckenna:
    Measurement of the angle, temperature and flux of fast electrons emittedfrom intense laser-solid interactions
    Journal of Plasma Physics 81(05):475810505 · July 2015

  21. G. G. Scott, V. Bagnoud, C. Brabetz, R. J. Clarke, J. S. Green, R. I. Heathcote, H. W. Powell, B. Zielbauer, T. D. Arber, P. McKenna, D, Neely:
    Optimization of plasma mirror reflectivity and optical quality using double laser pulses
    New J. Phys. 17 (2015) 033027

  22. T. Stöhlker, V.Bagnoud, K. Blaum, A. Blazevic, A. Bräuning-Demian, M. Durante, F. Herfurth, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Neff, R. Pleskac, R. Schuch, S. Schippers, D. Severin, Anna Tauschwitz, C. Trautmann, D. Varentsov, E. Widmann:
    APPA at FAIR: From fundamental to applied research
    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Volume 365, Part B, 15 December 2015, Pages 680–685

  23. J. Seres , E. Seres, B. Landgraf, B. Aurand, T. Kuehl, Ch. Spielmann:
    Quantum Path Interference and Multiple Electron Scattering in Soft X-Ray High-Order Harmonic Generation
    Photonics. Vol. 2. No. 1. Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2015

  24. F. Wagner, S. Bedacht, C. P. Joao, A. Ortner, M. Roth, T. Stöhlker, A. Tauschwitz, V. Bagnoud:
    Adjustable temporal contrast for laser plasma experiments at the PHELIX laser facility
    42nd European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics (P5.211) (2015)

  25. F. Wagner, S. Bedacht, V. Bagnoud, O. Deppert, S. Geschwind, R. Jaeger, A. Ortner, A. Tebartz, B. Zielbauer, D.H.H. Hoffmann, M. Roth:
    Simultaneous observation of angularly separated laser-driven proton beams accelerated via two different mechanisms
    Physics of Plasmas 22 063110 (2015)

  26. G. Xu, G. Loisch, J. Jacoby, Y. Li, Ch. Hock, G. Xiao, K. Weyrich, Y. Zhao:
    New Model for Calculating the Energy Transfer Efficiency for the Spherical Theta-Pinch Device
    Physics of Plasmas 22 (5) 052703, January 2015)

  27. V. Yahia, P.-E. Masson-Laborde, S. Depierreux, C. Goyon, G. Loisel, C. Baccou, N. G. Borisenko, A. Orekhov,T. Rienecker, O. Rosmej, D. Teychenné, and C. Labaune:
    Reduction of Stimulated Brillouin Backscattering with Plasma Beam Smoothing
    Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 22, 042707 (2015)