Yury A Litvinov

List of Publications



Testing quantum electrodynamics in extreme fields using helium-like uranium
R. Loetzsch, H. F. Beyer, L. Duval, U. Spillmann, D. Banás, P. Dergham, F. M. Kröger, J. Glorius, R. E. Grisenti, M. Guerra, A. Gumberidze, R. Heß, P. M. Hillenbrand, P. Indelicato, P. Jagodzinski, E. Lamour, B. Lorentz, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Machado, N. Paul, G. G. Paulus, N. Petridis, J. P. Santos, M. Scheidel, R. S. Sidhu, M. Steck, S. Steydli, K. Szary, S. Trotsenko, I. Uschmann, G. Weber, T. Stöhlker, M. Trassinelli
Nature 625 (2024) 673–678
doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06910-y



Neutron radius determination of 133Cs and its impact on the interpretation of CEνNS-CsI measurement
Y. Huang, S. Xia, Y. Li, X. Tu, J. Zhang, C. Shao, K. Yue, P. Ma, Y. Niu, Z. Li, Y. Kuang, X. Liu, J. Han, P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, Z. Sun
Physics Letters B 856 (2024) 138902
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138902



Measurement of nuclear interaction cross sections towards neutron-skin thickness determination
L. Ponnath, T. Aumann, C. Bertulani, R. Gernhäuser, M. Heil, T. Almusidi, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atar, L. Atkins, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, L. Bott, G. Bruni, B. Brückner, P. Cabanelas, C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkall, A. Corsi, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Dueñas, M. Duer, Z. Elekes, S. Escribano Rodriguez, L. Fabbietti, A. Falduto, M. Feijoo, M. Feijoo Fontan, L. Fonseca, A. Frotscher, D. Galaviz, E. Galiana, G. García-Jiménez, I. Gašparić, E. Geraci, A. Gillibert, B. Gnoffo, D. González Caamaño, A. Graña González, K. Göbel, A.-L. Hartig, A. Heinz, T. Hensel, M. Holl, A. Horvat, A. Jedele, D. Jelavić Malenica, T. Jenegger, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kelic-Heil, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, D. Kresan, T. Kröll, E. Kudaibergenova, D. Kurtulgil, D. Ko ̈rper, M. Labiche, C. Langer, I. Lihtar, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Löher, J. Mayer, S. Murillo Morales, E. Nacher, T. Nilsson, A. Obertelli, V. Panin, J. Park, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, M. Petri, S. Pirrone, T. Pohl, R. Reifarth, H.-B. Rhee, J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, L. Rose, D. Rossi, P. Russotto, D. Savran, H. Scheit, H. Simon, S. Storck-Dutine, A. Stott, C. Sürder, R. Taniuchi, O. Tengblad, P. Teubig, L. Trache, M. Trimarchi, H. To ̈rnqvist, L. Varga, V. Wagner, F. Wamers
Physics Letters B 855 (2024) 138780
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2024.138780



Isochronous mass spectrometry at the RIKEN Rare-RI Ring facility
D. Nagae, S. Omika, Y. Abe, Y. Yamaguchi, F. Suzaki, K. Wakayama, N. Tadano, R. Igosawa, K. Inomata, H. Arakawa, K. Nishimuro, T. Fujii, T. Mitsui, T. Yamaguchi, T. Suzuki, S. Suzuki, T. Moriguchi, M. Amano, D. Kamioka, A. Ozawa, S. Naimi, Z. Ge, Y. Yanagisawa, H. Baba, S. Michimasa, S. Ota, G. Lorusso, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wakasugi, T. Uesaka, Y. Yano
Physical Review C 110 (2024) 014310
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.110.014310



A new approach for deducing rms proton radii from charge-changing reactions of neutron-rich nuclei and the reaction-target dependence
J. Zhang, B. Sun, I. Tanihata, R. Kanungo, C. Scheidenberger, S. Terashima, F. Wang, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, S. Bagchi, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estradé, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, S. Kaur, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. J. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. S. Winfield
Science Bulletin 69 (2024) 1647–1652
doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.03.051



Incoherent tune measurement of an ion storage ring using single ions
T. Liao, C. Guo, X. L. Yan, X. Zhou, Y. M. Xing, M. Wang, Y. J. Yuan, Y. H. Zhang, X. H. Zhou, M. Zhang, W. W. Ge, H. Y. Jiao, Y. L. Jiang, L. J. Mao, R. J. Chen, C. Y. Fu, R. S. Mao, J. C. Yang, S. A. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 27 (2024) 062801
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.062801



Investigations of nuclear isomeric states utilizing heavy-ion storage rings
Yu. A. Litvinov, W. Korten,
The European Physical Journal: Special Topics 233 (2024) 1191 – 1207
doi: 10.1140/epjs/s11734-024-01151-0



New insight into knockout reactions from the two-proton halo nucleus 17Ne
F. Wamers, C. Lehr, J. Marganiec-Galazka, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Álvarez-Pol, L. Atar, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C. A. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. J. G. Borge, C. Caesar, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. V. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, P. Díaz Fernández, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, M. Holl, H. T. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. A. Kiselev, J. V. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Mu ̈ntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, D. Savran, H. Scheit, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Sümmerer, O. Tengblad, S. Typel, H. Weick
Physical Review C 109 (2024) 054602
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.054602



The first in-beam reaction measurement at CRYRING@ESR using the CARME array
J. J. Marsh, C. G. Bruno, T. Davinson, P. J. Woods, Z. Andelkovic, A. Bräuning-Demian, R.-J. Chen, S. F. Dellmann, P. Erbacher, S. Fedotova, O. Forstner, D. Freire-Fernandez, J. Glorius, A. Gumberidze, O. Hall, P.-M. Hillenbrand, F. Herfurth, G. Hudson-Chang, A. Kalinin, M. Lestinsky, Y. A. Litvinov, E. B. Menz, C. Nociforo, N. Petridis, A. Psaltis, S. Sanjari, M. Selina, U. Spillman, R. S. Sidhu, T. Stöhlker, L. Varga, G. Vorobjev
The European Physical Journal A 60 (2024) 95
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-024-01318-2



Relativistic Coulomb excitation of 124Sn
I. Lihtar, E. Kudaibergenova, M. Feijoo-Fontán, I. Gašparić, A. Horvat, T. Aumann, D. Rossi, V. Panin, J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atar, J. Benlliure, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, L. Bott, C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkäll, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, E. De Filippo, T. Dickel, M. Duer, A. Falduto, D. Galaviz, G. Garc ́ıa-Jim ́enez, Z. Ge, E. Geraci, R. Gernha ̈user, B. Gnoffo, A. Granña-González, K. Göbel, E. Haettner, A. Hartig, M. Heil, A. Heinz, T. Hensel, M. Holl, A. Jedele, D. J. Malenica, T. Jenegger, L. Ji, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Keli ́c-Heil, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, D. Körper, T. Kröll, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Löher, N. Martorana, L. Fonseca, P. Morfouace, S. Murillo-Morales, C. Nociforo, A. Obertelli, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, M. Petri, S. Pietri, S. Pirrone, L. Ponnath, H. Rhee, L. Rose, P. Russotto, D. Savran, H. Scheit, H. Simon, J. Simon, S. Storck-Dutine, A. Stott, Y. Sun, D. Symochko, C. Sürder, J. Taieb, R. Taniuchi, O. Tengblad, H. To ̈nqvist, S. Velardita, F. Wamers
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement 17 (3) (2024) 3–A17
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.17.3-A17



Measurements of the reaction cross sections of neutron-rich Sn isotopes at the R3B setup
E. Kudaibergenova, I. Lihtar, M. Feijoo-Fontán, T. Aumann, C. Bertulani, I. Gašparić, A. Horvat, V. Panin, J. Rodríguez-Sánchez, D. Rossi, S. Storck-Dutine, H. Törnqvist, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atar, J. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, L. Bott, C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkäll, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, E. de Filippo, T. Dickel, M. Duer, A. Falduto, L. Fonseca, D. Galaviz, G. García-Jiménez, Z. Ge, E. Geraci, R. Gernha ̈user, B. Gnoffo, A. Graña-González, K. Go ̈bel, A. Hartig, M. Heil, A. Heinz, T. Hensel, M. Holl, A. Jedele, D. Jelavić-Malenica, T. Jenegger, L. Ji, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kelić-Heil, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, D. Körper, T. Kröll, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Löher, N. Martorana, P. Morfouace, S. Murillo-Morales, C. Nociforo, A. Obertelli, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, M. Petri, S. Pietri, S. Pirrone, L. Ponnath, H. Rhee, L. Rose, P. Russotto, D. Savran, H. Scheit, H. Simon, J. Simon, A. Stott, Y. Sun, D. Symochko, C. Sürder, J. Taieb, R. Taniuchi, O. Tengblad, S. Velardita, F. Wamers
Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement 17 (2024) 3–A18
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.17.3-A18



Ground-state mass of 22Al and test of state-of-the-art ab initio calculations
M. Sun, Y. Yu, X. Wang, M. Wang, J. Li, Y. Zhang, K. Blaum, Z. Chen, R. Chen, H. Deng, C. Fu, W. Ge, W. Huang, H. Jiao, H. Li, H. Li, Y. Luo, T. Liao, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Si, P. Shuai, J. Shi, Q. Wang, Y. Xing, X. Xu, H. Xu, F. Xu, Q. Yuan, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, X. Zhou, X. Zhou, M. Zhang, Q. Zeng
Chinese Physics C 48 (2024) 034002
doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/ad1a0a




Mass measurements show slowdown of rapid proton capture process at waiting-point nucleus 64Ge
X. Zhou, M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Meisel, K. Blaum, X. H. Zhou, S. Q. Hou, K. A. Li, H. S. Xu, R. J. Chen, H. Y. Deng, C. Y. Fu, W. W. Ge, J. J. He, W. J. Huang, H. Y. Jiao, H. F. Li, J. G. Li, T. Liao, S. A. Litvinov, M. L. Liu, Y. F. Niu, P. Shuai, J. Y. Shi, Y. N. Song, M. Z. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. M. Xing, X. Xu, F. R. Xu, X. L. Yan, J. C. Yang, Y. Yu, Q. Yuan, Y. J. Yuan, Q. Zeng, M. Zhang, S. Zhang
Nature Physics 19 (2023) 1091–1097
doi: 10.1038/s41567-023-02034-2



Isomeric excitation energy for 99Inm from mass spectrometry reveals constant trend next to doubly magic 100Sn
L. Nies, D. Atanasov, M. Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, M. Au, K. Blaum, J. Dobaczewski, B. S. Hu, J. D. Holt, J. Karthein, I. Kulikov, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, T. Miyagi, M. Mougeot, L. Schweikhard, A. Schwenk, K. Sieja, F. Wienholtz
Physical Review Letters 131 (2023) 022502
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.022502



Mass measurement of upper fp-shell N = Z − 2 and N = Z − 1 nuclei and the importance of three-nucleon force along the N = Z line
M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, X. Zhou, X. H. Zhou, H. S. Xu, M. L. Liu, J. G.Li, Y. F. Niu, W. J. Huang, Q. Yuan, S. Zhang, F. R. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, Z. Meisel, R. F. Casten, R. B. Cakirli, R. J. Chen, H. Y. Deng, C. Y. Fu, W. W. Ge, H. F. Li, T. Liao, S. A. Litvinov, P. Shuai, J. Y. Shi, Y. N. Song, M. Z. Sun, Q. Wang, Y. M. Xing, X. Xu, X. L. Yan, J. C. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, Q. Zeng, M. Zhang
Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) 192501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.130.192501



Nascent precision mass spectrometry for scantly produced exotic nuclei
Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. H. Zhang
Science Bulletin 68 (2023) 2298–2301
doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2023.08.044



Excitation and probing of low-energy nuclear states at high-energy storage rings
J. Jin, H. Bekker, T. Kirschbaum, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Palffy, J. Sommerfeldt, A. Surzhykov, P. G. Thirolf, D. Budker
Physical Review Research 5 (2023) 023134
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.023134



Matter radius of 78Kr from proton elastic scattering at 153 MeV
J. T. Zhang, P. Ma, Y. Huang, X. L. Tu, P. Sarriguren, Z. P. Li, Y. Kuang, W. Horiuchi, T. Inakura, L. Xayavong, Y. Sun, K. Kaneko, X. Q. Liu, K. Yue, C. J. Shao, Q. Zeng, B. Mei, P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, X. H. Zhou, Z. Y. Sun
Physical Review C 108 (2023) 014614
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.014614



Ground-state mass of the odd-odd N = Z nuclide 70Br
W. J. Huang, X. Zhou, Y. H. Zhang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum
Physical Review C 108 (2023) 034301
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.108.034301



Isochronous mass measurements of neutron-deficient nuclei from 112Sn projectile fragmentation
Y. M. Xing, C. X. Yuan, M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, X. H. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, H. S. Xu, T. Bao, R. J. Chen, C. Y. Fu, B. S. Gao, W. W. Ge, J. J. He, W. J. Huang, T. Liao, J. G. Li, H. F. Li, S. Litvinov, S. Naimi, P. Shuai, M. Z. Sun, Q. Wang, X. Xu, F. R. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. L. Yan, J. C. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, Q. Zeng, M. Zhang, X. Zhou
Physical Review C 107 (2023) 014304
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.107.014304



Novel isochronous features for FRS-ESR experiments with stored exotic projectile fragments
H. Geissel, B. Franczak, E. Haettner, Z. Ge, T. Dickel, N. Kuzminchuk-Feuerstein, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Patyk, W. Plaß, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 541 (2023) 305–309
doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.05.007



Storage, accumulation and deceleration of secondary beams for nuclear astrophysics
J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Aliotta, F. Amjad, B.Brückner, C. Bruno, R. Chen, T. Davinson, S. Dellmann, T. Dickel, I. Dillmann, P. Erbacher, O. Forstner, H. Geissel, C. Griffin, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, E. Haettner, R. Hess, P.-M. Hillenbrand, C. Hornung, R. Joseph, B. Jurado, E. Kazanseva, R. Knöbel, D. Kostyleva, C. Kozhuharov, N. Kuzminchuk, C. Langer, G. Leckenby, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, B. Löher, B. Lorenz, E. Lorenz, J. Marsh, E. Menz, T. Morgenroth, I. Mukha, N. Petridis, U. Popp, A. Psaltis, S. Purushothaman, R. Reifarth, E. Rocco, P. Roy, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, M. Sguazzin, R. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, J. Swartz, Y. Tanaka, H. Törnqvist, L. Varga, D. Vescovi, H. Weick, M. Weigand, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, J. Zhao
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 541 (2023) 190–193
doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.059



CARME – The CRYRING Array for Reaction MEasurements: A new approach to study nuclear reactions using storage rings
C. Bruno, J. Marsh, T. Davinson, P. Woods, P. Black, A. Bräuning-Demian, J. Glorius, A. Grant, O. Hall, A. Headspith, P. Hindley, I. Lazarus, K. Middleman, N. Petridis, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Sidhu, T. Stöhlker
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1048 (2023) 168007
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2022.168007



Diverse mechanisms in proton knockout reactions from the Borromean nucleus 17Ne
F. Wamers, C. Lehr, J. Marganiec-Galazka, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez Pol, L. Atar, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C. A. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. J. G. Borge, C. Caesar, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. V. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, P. D. Fernandez, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. M. Fraile, H. O. U. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, M. Holl, H. T. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. A. Kiselev, J. V. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Müntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Rodriguez Tajes, D. Rossi, D. Savran, H. Scheit, G. Schrieder, P. Schrock, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Sümmerer, O. Tengblad, H. Weick, C. Wimmer
The European Physical Journal A 59 (2023) 154
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-023-01063-y



Matter radius of the doubly-magic 56Ni measured in a storage ring
M. von Schmid, T. Aumann, S. Bagchi, S. Bönig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhäuser, M. N. Harakeh, A.-L. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar- Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, H. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kröll, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. A. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, R. Roth, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thürauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. S. Winfield, D. Winters, P. J. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. C. Zamora Cardona, J. Zenihiro, EXL Collaboration
The European Physical Journal A 59 (2023) 83
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00967-z



Radioactive decays of stored highly charged ions
Yu. A. Litvinov, R. J. Chen
The European Physical Journal A 59 (2023) 102
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00978-w



Bρ-defined isochronous mass spectrometry and mass measurements of 58Ni fragments
M. Zhang, X. Zhou, M. Wang, Y. H. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. S. Xu, R. J. Chen, H. Y. Deng, C. Y. Fu, W. W. Ge, H. F. Li, T. Liao, S. A. Litvinov, P. Shuai, J. Y. Shi, R. S. Sidhu, Y. N. Song, M. Z. Sun, S. Suzuki, Q. Wang, Y. M. Xing, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. L. Yan, J. C. Yang, Y. J. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. H. Zhou
The European Physical Journal A 59 (2023) 27
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-023-00928-6



Precision experiments with heavy-ion storage rings
Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Glorius, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Blaum, C. G. Bruno, P. J. Woods, I. Dillmann, B. Jurado, W. Korten, X. Ma, Y. Zhang, R. Reifarth, P. M. Walker, T. Yamaguchi
Acta Physica Polonica B Proceedings Supplement 16 (2023) 4–A25
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolBSupp.16.4-A25



Towards experiments with polarized beams and targets at the GSI/FAIR storage rings
P. Lenisa, A. Maiorova, A. Nass, J. Pretz, F. Rathmann, T. Stöhlker, A. Bondarev, R. Engels, S. Fritzsche, R. Gebel, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, V. Hejny, D. Gu, P. M. Hillenbrand, A. Kacharava, T. Krings, A. Lehrach, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lorentz, F. Maas, W. Middents, T. Over, P. Pfäfflein, N. Petridis, J. Ritman, S. Schippers, R. Schuch, M. Steck, U. Spillmann, A. Surzhykov, G. Webera, B. Zhu
Proceedings of Science PSTP2022 (2023) 028
doi: 10.22323/1.433.0028



Precision Physics with Stored Exotic Ions: Storage Ring Mass Spectrometry
Yu. A. Litvinov
Proceedings of Science FAIRness2022 (2023) 033
doi: 10.22323/1.419.0033



Quasi-free (p,2p) reactions in inverse kinematics for studying the fission yield dependence on temperature
A. Graña Gonzalez, H. Johansson, O. Kiselev, H.-B. Rhee, D. Rossi, H. Törnqvist, J. L. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, G. Garcia-Jimenez, H. Alvarez-Pol, D. Cortina-Gil, L. Atar, L. Audouin, G. Authelet, A. Besteiro, G. Blanchon, K. Boretzky, P. Cabanelas, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkall, A. Chatillon, A. Corsi, M. Feijoo, D. Galaviz, I. Gasparic, R. Gernha ̈user, M. Heil, A. Heinz, M. Holl, T. Jenegger, H. Johansson, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, A. Knyazev, D. Körper, T. Kröll, J. Liancheng, I. Lihtar, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Löher, P. Morfouace, D. Mücher, S. Murillo-Morales, A. Obertelli, V. Panin, J. Park, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, M. Petri, S. Pirrone, L. Ponnath, A. Revel, H. B. Rhee, L. Rose, D. Rossi, P. Russotto, H. Simon, A. Stott, Y. Sun, C. Sürder, J. Taieb, R. Taniuchi, O. Tengblad, H. T. T ̈ornqvist, S. Velardita, J. Vesic, B. Voss
Proceedings of Science FAIRness2022 (2023) 017
doi: 10.22323/1.419.001



X-ray spectroscopy of few-electron uranium ions for tests of QED
L. Duval, R. Loetzsch, H. Beyer, D. Banas, P. Dergham, J. Glorius, R. E. Grisenti, M. Guerra, A. Gumberidze, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Jagodzinski, E. Lamour, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Machado, G. Paulus, N. Paul, N. Petridis, J.-P. Santos, M. Scheidel, R. S. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, S. Steydli, K. Szary, S. Trotsenko, I. Uschmann, G. Weber, T. Stöhlker, P. Indelicato, M. Trassinelli
Proceedings of Science FAIRness2022 (2023) 012
doi: 10.22323/1.419.0012



Determining neutron-induced reaction cross sections through surrogate reactions at storage rings
M. Sguazzin, J. Swartz, B. Jurado, J. Pibernat, M. Grieser, J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, K. Blaum, P. Alfaurt, P. Ascher, L. Audouin, C. Berthelot, B. Blank, B. Bruckner, S. Dellmann, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, M. Dupuis, P. Erbacher, M. Flayol, O. Forstner, D. Freire-Fernández, J. Giovinazzo, M. Gerbaux, S. Grèvy, C. J. Griffin, A. Gumberidze, S. Heil, A. Heinz, D. Kurtulgil, G. Leckenby, S. Litvinov, B. Lorentz, V. Mèot, J. Michaud, S. Perard, N. Petridis, U. Popp, D. Ramos, M. Roche, M. Sanjari, R. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, B. Thomas, L. Thulliez, M. Versteegen
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2586 (2023) 012082
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/ 2586/1/012082



Proton capture on stored radioactive 118Te ions
S. F. Dellmann, J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, K. Al-Khasawneh, M. Aliotta, L. Bott, B. Brückner, C. Bruno, R. J. Chen, T. Davinson, T. Dickel, I. Dillmann, D. Dmytriev, P. Erbacher, D. Freire-Fernandez, O. Forstner, H. Geissel, K. Göbel, C. J. Griffin, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, E. Haettner, S. Hagmann, M. Heil, R. Heß, P.-M. Hillenbrand, R. Joseph, B. Jurado, C. Kozhuharov, I. Kulikov, B. Löher, C. Langer, G. Leckenby, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, B. A. Lorenz, E. Lorenz, J. Marsh, E. Menz, T. Morgenroth, N. Petridis, J. Pibernat, U. Popp, A. Psaltis, S. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, M. Sguazzin, R. S. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, A. Surzhykov, J. A. Swartz, H. Törnqvist, L. Varga, D. Vescovi, H. Weick, M. Weigand, P. Woods, Y. Xing, T. Yamaguchi
EPJ Web of Conferences 279 (2023) 11018
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202327911018



Indirect measurements of neutron-induced reaction cross sections at storage rings
M. Sguazzin, B. Jurado, J. Pibernat, J. A. Swartz, M. Grieser, J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, K. Blaum, P. Alfaurt, P. Ascher, L. Audouin, C. Berthelot, B. Blank, B. Brückner, S. Dellmann, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, M. Dupuis, P. Erbacher, M. Flayol, O. Forstner, D. Freire-Fernandez, M. Gerbaux, J. Giovinazzo, S. Grevy, C. J. Griffin, A. Gumberidze, S. Heil, A. Heinz, D. Kurtulgil, G. Leckenby, S. Litvinov, B. Lorentz, V. M ́eot, J. Michaud, S. Perard, N. Petridis, U. Popp, D. Ramos, M. Roche, M. Sanjari, R. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, B. Thomas, L. Thulliez, M. Versteegen
EPJ Web of Conferences 279 (2023) 11006
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202327911006



Analysis methods to determine the bound-state beta-decay half-life of thallium-205
G. Leckenby, R. S. Sidhu, R. J. Chen, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Glorius, C. Griffin, I. Dillmann
EPJ Web of Conferences 279 (2023) 06010
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/202327906010




A new Time-of-flight detector for the R3B setup
M. Heil, A. Kelic-Heil, L. Bott, T. Almusidi, H. Alvarez Pol, L. Atar, L. Atkins, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, B. Brückner, P. Cabanelas, C. Caesar, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkall, L. Chulkov, A. Corsi, J. Duenas, P. Erbacher, S. E. Rodriguez, A. Falduto, M. Feijoo, A. Frotscher, J. Frühauf, I. Gasparic, M. J. G. Borge, J. Gerbig, R. Gernhäuser, M. Gilbert, J. Glorius, B. Gnoffo, K. G ̈obel, D. G. Caamano, A. Grein, A. L. Hartig, H. Heggen, M. Heine, A. Heinz, M. Holl, I. Homm, A. Horvat, H. T. Johansson, B. Jonson, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kamenyero, A. Khodaparast, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, M. Knösel, K. Koch, D. Körper, T. Kröll, D. Kurtulgil, N. Kurz, B. Löher, C. Langer, C. Lehr, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Liu, S. M. Morales, E. Nacher, T. Nilsson, J. Park, S. Paschalis, L. Pellegri, A. Perea, M. Petri, T. Pohl, L. Ponnath, R. Popocovski, R. Reifarth, H. B. Rhee, J. L. R. Sanchez, D. Rossi, C. Sürder, A. M. Sanchez- Benıtez, D. Savran, H. Scheit, H. Simon, Z. Slavkovska, S. Storck-Dutine, Y. Sun, H. T. Törnqvist, J. Tanaka, O. Tengblad, B. Thomas, L. Varga, M. Volknandt, V. Wagner, F. Wamers, L. Zanetti, The R3B Collaboration
The European Physical Journal A 58 (12) (2022) 248
doi: 10.1140/epja/s10050-022-00875-8



Bρ-defined isochronous mass spectrometry: An approach for high-precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclei
M. Wang, M. Zhang, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Xu, R. Chen, H. Deng, C. Fu, W. Ge, H. Li, T. Liao, S. Litvinov, P. Shuai, J. Shi, M. Si, R. Sidhu, Y. Song, M. Sun, S. Suzuki, Q. Wang, Y. Xing, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou
Physical Review C 106 (5) (2022) L051301
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.L051301



First application of mass measurements with the Rare-RI Ring reveals the solar r -process abundance trend at A=122 and A=123
H. Li, S. Naimi, T. Sprouse, M. Mumpower, Y. Abe, Y. Yamaguchi, D. Nagae, F. Suzaki, M. Wakasugi, H. Arakawa, W. Dou, D. Hamakawa, S. Hosoi, Y. Inada, D. Kajiki, T. Kobayashi, M. Sakaue, Y. Yokoda, T. Yamaguchi, R. Kagesawa, D. Kamioka, T. Moriguchi, M. Mukai, A. Ozawa, S. Ota, N. Kitamura, S. Masuoka, S. Michimasa, H. Baba, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimizu, H. Suzuki, H. Takeda, D. Ahn, M. Wang, C. Fu, Q. Wang, S. Suzuki, Z. Ge, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lorusso, P. Walker, Z. Podolyak, T. Uesaka
Physical Review Letters 128 (2022) 152701
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.152701



Proton distribution radii of 16-24O: Signatures of new shell closures and neutron skin
S. Kaur, R. Kanungo, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, J. Holt, B. Hu, T. Miyagi, T. Suzuki, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, S. Bagchi, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, T. Otsuka, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 142502
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.142502



Expanding nuclear physics horizons with the Gamma Factory
D. Budker, J. Berengut, V. Flambaum, M. Gorchtein, J. Jin, F. Karbstein, M. Krasny, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Palffy, V. Pascalutsa, A. Petrenko, A. Surzhykov, P. Thirolf, M. Vanderhaeghen, H. Weidenmuller, V. Zelevinsky
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Unveiling the two-proton halo character of 17Ne: Exclusive measurement of quasi-free proton-knockout reactions
C. Lehr, F. Wamers, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atar, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, C. Caesar, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, P. Diaz Fernandez, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, M. Heine, D. Hoffmann, M. Holl, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. L ̈oher, K. Mahata, J. Marganiec-Galuzka, C. Mu ̈ntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, D. Savran, H. Scheit, G. Schrieder, P. Schrock, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Su ̈mmerer, O. Tengblad, H. Weick, C. Wimmer
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 827 (2022) 136957
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2022.136957



The status and future of direct nuclear reaction measurements for stellar burning
M. Aliotta, R. Buompane, M. Couder, A. Couture, R. Deboer, A. Formicola, L. Gialanella, J. Glorius, G. Imbriani, M. Junker, C. Langer, A. Lennarz, Yu. A. Litvinov, W.-P. Liu, M. Lugaro, C. Matei, Z. Meisel, L. Piersanti, R. Reifarth, D. Robertson, A. Simon, O. Straniero, A. Tumino, M. Wiescher, Y. Xu
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 49 (2022) 010501
doi: 10.1088/1361-6471/ac2b0f



X-ray emission associated with radiative recombination for Pb82+ ions at threshold energies
B. Zhu, A. Gumberidze, T. Over, G. Weber, Z. Andelkovic, A. Bräuning-Demian, R. Chen, D. Dmytriiev, O. Forstner, C. Hahn, F. Herfurth, M. Herdrich, P.-M. Hillenbrand, A. Kalinin, F. Kröger, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Menz, W. Middents, T. Morgenroth, N. Petridis, P. Pfäfflein, M. Sanjari, R. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, R. Schuch, S. Schippers, S. Trotsenko, L. Varga, G. Vorobyev, T. Stöhlker
Physical Review A 105 (2022) 052804
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052804



Screening effects in the electron bremsstrahlung from heavy ions
M. Groshev, V. Zaytsev, V. Yerokhin, P.-M. Hillenbrand, Yu. A. Litvinov, V. Shabaev
Physical Review A 105 (2022) 052803
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.105.052803



Single and double K-shell vacancy production in slow Xe54+,53+-Xe collisions,
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, Y. S. Kozhedub, E. P. Benis, C. Brandau, R. J. Chen, D. Dmytriiev, O. Forstner, J. Glorius, R. E. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. B. Menz, T. Morgenroth, S. Nanos, N. Petridis, P. Pfa ̈fflein, H. Rothard, M. S. Sanjari, R. S. Sidhu, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, I. I. Tupitsyn, L. Varga, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A 105 (2022) 022810
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Ground-state b-decay spectroscopy of 187Ta
M. Mukai, Y. Hirayama, Y. Watanabe, H. Watanabe, H. Koura, S. Jeong, H. Miyatake, M. Brunet, S. Ishizawa, F. Kondev, G. Lane, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Niwase, M. Oyaizu, Z. Podolyak, M. Rosenbusch, P. Schury, M. Wada, P. Walker
Physical Review C 105 (2022) 034331
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.034331



Systematic study of Δ(1232) resonance excitations using single isobaric charge-exchange reactions induced by medium-mass projectiles of Sn
J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, I. Vidal, H. Lenske, J. Vargas, C. Scheidenberger, H. Alvarez- Pol, J. Atkinson, T. Aumann, Y. Ayyad, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Caamao, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, P. Diaz Fernandez, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, A. Kelic-Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Paradela, D. Perez-Loureiro, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physical Review C 106 (2022) 014618
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.106.014618



Precision measurement of the transition energy γt versus magnetic rigidity for storage-ring isochronous mass spectrometry
M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, X. Yan, Y. Xing, C. Fu, R. Chen, X. Xu, P. Shuai, Q. Zeng, M. Sun, H. Li, M. Si, Q. Wang, T. Bao, H. Deng, M. Liu, T. Liao, J. Shi, Y. Song, H. Jiao, X. Zhou, H. Xu, J. Yang, W. Ge, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, T. Yamaguchi, S. Suzuki
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1027 (2022) 166329
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Mass measurements of 99–101In challenge ab initio nuclear theory of the nuclide 100Sn
M. Mougeot, D. Atanasov, J. Karthein, R. Wolf, P. Ascher, K. Blaum, K. Chrysalidis, G. Hagen, J. Holt, W. Huang, G. Jansen, I. Kulikov, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, T. Miyagi, T. Papenbrock, L. Schweikhard, A. Schwenk, T. Steinsberger, S. Stroberg, Z. Sun, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, S. Wilkins, K. Zuber
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Masses of exotic nuclei
T. Yamaguchi, H. Koura, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 120 (2021) 103882
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Beta decay of the axially asymmetric ground state of 192Re
H. Watanabe, Y. Watanabe, Y. Hirayama, A. Andreyev, T. Hashimoto, F. Kondev, G. Lane, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Liu, H. Miyatake, J. Moon, A. Morales, M. Mukai, S. Nishimura, T. Niwase, M. Rosenbusch, P. Schury, Y. Shi, M. Wada, P. Walker
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 814 (2021) 136088
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The (6+) isomer in 102Sn revisited: Neutron and proton effective charges close to the double shell closure
H. Grawe, K. Straub, T. Faestermann, M. Gorska, C. Hinke, R. Krucken, F. Nowacki, M. Bohmer, P. Boutachkov, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, A. Gottardo, J. Grebosz, N. Kurz, Z. Liu, L. Maier, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, K. Steiger, H. Weick, H. Wollersheim, P. Woods, N. Al-Dahan, N. Alkhomashi, A. Atas, A. Blazhev, N. Braun, I. Celikovic, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo-Pardo, P. Doornenbal, G. Farrelly, F. Farinon, G. de France, J. Gerl, N. Goel, T. Habermann, R. Hoischen, R. Janik, M. Karny, A. Kaskas, I. Kojouharov, T. Kroll, M. Lewitowicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Myalski, F. Nebel, S. Nishimura, C. Nociforo, J. Nyberg, A. Parikh, A. Prochazka, P. Regan, C. Rigollet, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwertel, P.-A. Soderstrom, S. Steer, A. Stolz, P. Strmen, and the RISING Collaboration
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 820 (2021) 136591
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Electron-loss-to-continuum cusp in collisions of U89+ with N2 and Xe
P.-M. Hillenbrand, K. Lyashchenko, S. Hagmann, O. Andreev, D. Banas, E. Benis, A. Bondarev, C. Brandau, E. De Filippo, O. Forstner, J. Glorius, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, M. Herdrich, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Pagano, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, M. Vockert, A. Voitkiv, G. Weber, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A 104 (2021) 012809
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.104.012809



First direct observation of isomeric decay in neutron-rich odd-odd 186Ta
Y. Watanabe, P. Walker, Y. Hirayama, M. Mukai, H. Watanabe, G. Lane, M. Ahmed, M. Brunet, T. Hashimoto, S. Ishizawa, S. Kimura, F. Kondev, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Miyatake, J. Moon, T. Niwase, M. Oyaizu, J. Park, Z. Podolyak, M. Rosenbusch, P. Schury, M. Wada
Physical Review C 104 (2021) 024330
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Systematic trends of neutron skin thickness versus relative neutron excess
J. Zhang, X. Tu, P. Sarriguren, K. Yue, Q. Zeng, Z. Sun, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review C 104 (2021) 034303
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.104.034303



In-ring velocity measurement for isochronous mass spectrometry
X. Zhou, M. Zhang, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, Y. Yuan, X. Yan, X. Zhou, H. Xu, X. Chen, Y. Xing, R. Chen, X. Xu, P. Shuai, C. Fu, Q. Zeng, M. Sun, H. Li, Q. Wang, T. Bao, M. Si, H. Deng, M. Liu, T. Liao, J. Shi, Y. Song, J. Yang, W. Ge, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, R. Sidhu, T. Yamaguchi, S. Omika, K. Wakayama, S. Suzuki, T. Moriguchi
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 24 (2021) 042802
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Development and operation of an electrostatic time-of-flight detector for the Rare RI storage ring
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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 986 (2021) 164713
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Nuclear matter distributions in the neutron-rich carbon isotopes 14-17C from intermediate-energy proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics
A. Dobrovolsky, G. Korolev, S. Tang, G. Alkhazov, G. Colss, I. Dillmann, P. Egelhof, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, S. Ilieva, A. Inglessi, Y. Ke, A. Khanzadeev, O. Kiselev, J. Kurcewicz, L. Chung, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Petrov, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, L. Sergeev, H. Simon, M. Takechi, V. Volkov, A. Vorobyov, H. Weick, V. Yatsoura
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Charge resolution in the isochronous mass spectrometry and the mass of 51Co
X. Zhou, M. Wang, Y.-H. Zhang, H.-S. Xu, Y.-J. Yuan, J.-C. Yang, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, B. Mei, X.-L. Yan, X. Xu, P. Shuai, Y.-M. Xing, R.-J. Chen, X.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Fu, Q. Zeng, M.-Z. Sun, H.-F. Li, Q. Wang, T. Bao, M. Zhang, M. Si, H.-Y. Deng, M.-Z. Liu, T. Liao, J.-Y. Shi, Y.-N. Song
Nuclear Science and Techniques 32 (2021) 37
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Future perspectives for surrogate-reaction studies at storage rings
A. Henriques, B. Jurado, D. Denis-Petit, T. Chiron, L. Gaudefroy, J. Glorius, M. Grieser, C. Langer, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Mathieu, V. Meot, R. Perez-Sanchez, J. Pibernat, R. Reifarth, O. Roig, B. Thomas, B. Thomas, J. Thomas, I. Tsekhanovich
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First glimpse of the N=82 shell closure below Z=50 from masses of neutron-rich cadmium isotopes and isomers
V. Manea, J. Karthein, D. Atanasov, M. Bender, K. Blaum, T. Cocolios, S. Eliseev, A. Herlert, J. Holt, W. Huang, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, J. Menendez, M. Mougeot, D. Neidherr, L. Schweikhard, A. Schwenk, J. Simonis, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, K. Zuber
Physical Review Letters 124 (2020) 092502
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Properties of 187Ta revealed through isomeric decay
P. Walker, Y. Hirayama, G. Lane, H. Watanabe, G. Dracoulis, M. Ahmed, M. Brunet, T. Hashimoto, S. Ishizawa, F. Kondev, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Miyatake, J. Moon, M. Mukai, T. Niwase, J. Park, Z. Podolyak, M. Rosenbusch, P. Schury, M. Wada, X. Watanabe, W. Liang, F. Xu
Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 192505
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Heavy-ion storage rings and their use in precision experiments with highly charged ions
M. Steck, Yu. A. Litvinov
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 115 (2020) 103811
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A 410 MHz resonant cavity pickup for heavy ion storage rings
M. Sanjari, D. Dmytriiev, Yu. A. Litvinov, O. Gumenyuk, R. Hess, R. Joseph, S. Litvinov, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
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Study of Δ excitations in medium-mass nuclei with peripheral heavy ion charge-exchange reactions
J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, I. Vidass, H. Lenske, C. Scheidenberger, J. Vargas, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Atkinson, T. Aumann, Y. Ayyad, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Caamasso, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, P. Diaz Fernandez, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, A. Kelic-Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Paradela, D. Perez-Loureiro, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 807 (2020) 135565
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First on-line detection of radioactive fission isotopes produced by laser-accelerated protons
P. Boller, A. Zylstra, P. Neumayer, L. Bernstein, C. Brabetz, J. Despotopulos, J. Glorius, J. Hellmund, E. Henry, J. Hornung, J. Jeet, J. Khuyagbaatar, L. Lens, S. Roeder, T. Stoehlker, A. Yakushev, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Shaughnessy, V. Bagnoud, T. Kuehl, D. Schneider
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Electron capture of Xe54+ in collisions with H2 molecules in the energy range between 5.5 and 30.9 MeV/u
F. Kroger, G. Weber, M. Herdrich, J. Glorius, C. Langer, Z. Slavkovska, L. Bott, C. Brandau, B. Bruckner, K. Blaum, X. Chen, S. Dababneh, T. Davinson, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, T. Gassner, K. Gobel, M. Groothuis, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyurky, S. Hagmann, C. Hahn, M. Heil, R. Hess, R. Hensch, P. Hillmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, O. Hinrichs, B. Jurado, T. Kausch, A. Khodaparast, T. Kisselbach, N. Klapper, C. Kozhuharov, D. Kurtulgil, G. Lane, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Loher, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, U. Popp, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, J. Stumm, T. Szucs, T. Nguyen, A. Taremi Zadeh, B. Thomas, S. Torilov, H. Tornqvist, C. Trageser, S. Trotsenko, M. Volknandt, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. Woods, V. Shevelko, I. Tolstikhina, T. Stohlker
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Radiative electron capture to the continuum in U89++N2 collisions: Experiment and theory
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, M. Groshev, D. Banas, E. Benis, C. Brandau, E. De Filippo, O. Forstner, J. Glorius, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, B. Hai, M. Herdrich, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Pagano, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, M. Vockert, G. Weber, V. Yerokhin, T. Stohlker
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Erratum: Measurement of 58Ni (p,p)58Ni elastic scattering at low momentum transfer by using the HIRFL-CSR heavy-ion storage ring
K. Yue, J. Zhang, X. Tu, C. Shao, H. Li, P. Ma, B. Mei, X. Chen, Y. Yang, X. Liu, Y. Xing, K. Fang, X. Li, Z. Sun, M. Wang, P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
Physical Review C 102 (2020) 049901
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Mass measurements for the Tz=-2 fp-shell nuclei 40Ti, 44Cr, 46Mn, 48Fe, 50Co, and 52Ni
C. Fu, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, X. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, H. Xu, X. Xu, P. Shuai, Y. Lam, R. Chen, X. Yan, X. Chen, J. He, S. Kubono, M. Sun, X. Tu, Y. Xing, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou, W. Zhan, S. Litvinov, G. Audi, T. Uesaka, T. Yamaguchi, A. Ozawa, B. Sun, Y. Sun, F. Xu
Physical Review C 102 (2020) 054311
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Determination of luminosity for in-ring reactions: A new approach for the low-energy domain
Y. Xing, J. Glorius, L. Varga, L. Bott, C. Brandau, B. Bruckner, R. Chen, X. Chen, S. Dababneh, T. Davinson, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, T. Gassner, K. Gobel, M. Groothuis, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyurky, M. Heil, R. Hess, R. Hensch, P. Hillmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, O. Hinrichs, B. Jurado, T. Kausch, A. Khodaparast, T. Kisselbach, N. Klapper, C. Kozhuharov, D. Kurtulgil, G. Lane, C. Langer, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Loher, N. Petridis, U. Popp, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, H. Simon, Z. Slavkovska, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, J. Stumm, T. Szucs, T. Nguyen, A. Zadeh, B. Thomas, S. Torilov, H. Tornqvist, C. Trageser, S. Trotsenko, M. Volknandt, M. Wang, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. Woods, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
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Improving the resolving power of isochronous mass spectrometry by employing an in-ring mechanical slit
J. Liu, X. Xu, P. Zhang, P. Shuai, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Xu, K. Blaum, T. Bao, H. Chen, X. Chen, R. Chen, C. Fu, D. Liu, W. Ge, R. Mao, X. Ma, M. Sun, X. Tu, Y. Xing, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou, X. Zhou, W. Zhan, S. Litvinov, T. Uesaka, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Yamaguchi, A. Ozawa, B. Sun
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Position sensitive resonant Schottky cavities for heavy ion storage rings
D. Dmytriiev, M. Sanjari, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
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First investigation of the response of solar cells to heavy ions above 1 AMeV
A. Henriques, B. Jurado, J. Pibernat, J. Thomas, D. Denis-Petit, T. Chiron, L. Gaudefroy, J. Glo- rius, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Mathieu, V. Meot, R. Perez-Sanchez, O. Roig, U. Spillmann, B. Thomas, B. Thomas, I. Tsekhanovich, L. Varga, Y. Xing
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 969 (2020) 163941
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Employing p+58Ni elastic scattering for determination of K-shell ionization cross section of 58Ni19+ in collisions with hydrogen gas target at 95 MeV/u
J. Zhang, K. Yue, C. Shao, X. Tu, Y. Wang, P. Ma, B. Mei, X. Chen, Y. Yang, Z. Sun, M. Wang, V. Shevelko, I. Tolstikhina, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
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Masses of short-lived 49Sc, 50Sc, 70As, 73Br and stable 196Hg nuclides
I. Kulikov, A. Algora, D. Atanasov, P. Ascher, K. Blaum, R. Cakirli, A. Herlert, W. Huang, J. Karthein, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, L. Schweikhard, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz
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Towards experiments with highly charged ions at HESR
R. Sanchez, A. Braeuning-Demian, J. Glorius, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, A. Kalinin, T. Kohler, Yu. A. Litvinov, N. Petridis, S. Sanjari, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker
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High-resolution wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy of K-shell transitions in hydrogen-like gold
T. Gassner, A. Gumberidze, M. Trassinelli, R. Hess, U. Spillmann, D. Banas, K.-H. Blumenhagen, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, W. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, E. Forster, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillen- brand, P. Indelicato, P. Jagodzinski, T. Kampfer, M. Lestinsky, D. Liesen, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Loetzsch, B. Manil, R. Martin, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, K. Schulze, M. Schwemlein, A. Simionovici, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, C. Szabo, S. Trotsenko, I. Uschmann, G. Weber, O. Wehrhan, N. Winckler, D. Winters, N. Winters, E. Ziegler, H. Beyer
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A magnetic spectrometer for electron-positron pair spectroscopy in storage rings
S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, Yu. A. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker
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Coulomb dissociation of 16O into 4He and 12C
K. Gobel, M. Heil, L. Bott, L. Brandenburg, C. Caesar, I. Deuter, A. Grein, A. Kelic-Heil, D. Korper, B. Loher, R. Reifarth, D. Savran, H. Schulte, H. Simon, H. Tornqvist, T. Almusidi, H. Alvarez-Pol, L. Atkins, T. Aumann, D. Bemmerer, J. Benlliure, K. Boretzky, B. Bruckner, P. Eiras, E. Casarejos, J. Cederkall, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, R. Danilov, P. Erbacher, S. Rodriguez, Z. Fulop, A. Falduto, S. Fiebiger, I. Gasparic, M. Borge, R. Gernhauser, J. Glorius, D. Caamao, A.-L. Hartig, T. Heftrich, H. Heggen, M. Heine, R. Heinz, T. Hensel, M. Holl, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, A. Kamenyero, K. Khasawneh, O. Kiselev, P. Klenze, M. Kohls, T. Kroll, D. Kresan, D. Kurtulgil, N. Kurz, C. Langer, C. Lehr, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Lorenz, S. Morales, E. Nacher, T. Nilsson, J. Park, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, M. Petri, R. Plag, L. Ponnath, R. Popocovski, M. Reich, H.-B. Rhee, J. Sanchez, D. Rossi, H. Scheit, K. Schmidt, Z. Slavkovsk, V. Starostin, S. Storck, C. Surder, J. Tanaka, O. Tengblad, B. Thomas, S. Typel, L. Varga, K. Volk, M. Volknandt, V. Wagner, F. Wamers, M. Weigand, L. Zanetti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668 (2020) 012016
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1668/1/012016



Impact parameter sensitive study of inner-shell atomic processes in Xe54+, Xe52+ - Xe collisions
A. Gumberidze, C. Kozhuharov, R. Zhang, S. Trotsenko, Y. Kozhedub, R. Du, H. Bois, F. Beyer, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, A. Brauning-Demian, W. Chen, O. Forstner, B. Gao, T. Gassner, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Indelicato, A. Kumar, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, N. Petridis, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, C. Trageser, M. Trassinelli, X. Tu, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412 (2020) 142015
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Excitation of baryonic resonances in stable medium-mass nuclei of Sn
J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, E. Haettner, C. Scheidenberger, J. Vargas, Y. Ayyad, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Atkinson, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Caamano, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, P. D az Fernandez, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, K. Itahashi, A. Kelic-Heil, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Paradela, D. Perez-Loureiro, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, T. Saito, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, I. Vidana, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1667 (2020) 012036
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Isobaric charge-exchange reactions: A tool to study the excitation of baryonic resonances in exotic nuclear matter
J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, E. Haettner, C. Scheidenberger, J. Vargas, Y. Ayyad, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Atkinson, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Caamasso, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, P. Fernandez, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, K. Itahashi, A. Kelic-Heil, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Paradela, D. Perez-Loureiro, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, T. Saito, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, I. Vidass, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1643 (2020) 012104
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1643/1/012104



Indirect measurements of neutron cross-sections at heavy- ion storage rings
A. Henriques, B. Jurado, M. Grieser, D. Denis-Petit, T. Chiron, L. Gaudefroy, J. Glorius, C. Langer, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Mathieu, V. Meot, R. Perez-Snchez, J. Pibernat, R. Reifarth, O. Roig, B. Thomas, B. Thomas, J. Thomas, I. Tsekhanovich
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668 (2020) 012019
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1668/1/012019



Towards background-free studies of capture reactions in a heavy-ion storage ring
L. Varga, K. Blaum, T. Davinson, J. Glorius, B. Jurado, C. Langer, C. Lederer-Woods, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, Z. Slavkovska, T. Stohlker, T. Stohlker, P. Woods, Y. Xing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412 (2020) 232011
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Towards background-free studies of capture reaction in a heavy-ion storage ring
L. Varga, T. Davinson, J. Glorius, B. Jurado, C. Langer, C. Lederer-Woods, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, Z. Slavkovsk, T. Stohlker, P. Woods, Y. Xing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668 (2020) 012046
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1668/1/012046



Coincident mapping of e+ and e-from free-free pair production in a magnetic toroidal lepton spectrometer
S. Hagmann, S. Hagmann, P. Hillenbrand, P. Hillenbrand, Yu. A. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker, T. Stohlker, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1412 (2020) 232004
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Software defined radio for Schottky analysis in storage rings
D. Dmytriiev, M. Sanjari, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668 (2020) 012014
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1668/1/012014



Experimental challenges of the first mass measurement campaign at the Rare-RI Ring
S. Naimi, H. Li, Y. Abe, Y. Yamaguchi, D. Nagae, F. Suzaki, M. Wakasugi, H. Arakawa, W. Dou, D. Hamakawa, S. Hosoi, Y. Inada, K. Inomata, D. Kajiki, T. Kobayashi, M. Sakaue, K. Yokoya, T. Yamaguchi, R. Kagesawa, D. Kamioka, T. Moriguchi, M. Mukai, A. Ozawa, S. Ota, N. Kitamura, S. Masuaoka, S. Michimasa, D. Ahn, H. Baba, N. Fukuda, Y. Shimizu, H. Suzuki, H. Takeda, C. Fu, Z. Ge, S. Suzuki, Q. Wang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lorusso, T. Uesaka
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1643 (2020) 012058
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Nuclear physics research at heavy ion accelerators: Precision studies with stored and cooled exotic nuclei
Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker, X. Ma, Y. Zhang, T. Yamaguchi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1401 (2020) 012001
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/1401/1/012001



The 9th Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics Conference, NPA IX: Preface
R. Reifarth, A. Arcones, K. Blaum, Yu. A. Litvinov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1668 (2020) 011001
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Approaching the gamow window with stored ions: Direct measurement of 124Xe(p,g) in the ESR storage ring
J. Glorius, C. Langer, Z. Slavkovska, L. Bott, C. Brandau, B. Bruckner, K. Blaum, X. Chen, S. Dabab- neh, T. Davinson, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, T. Gassner, K. Gobel, M. Groothuis, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyurky, M. Heil, R. Hess, R. Hensch, P. Hillmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, O. Hinrichs, B. Jurado, T. Kausch, A. Khodaparast, T. Kisselbach, N. Klapper, C. Kozhuharov, D. Kurtulgil, G. Lane, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Loher, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, U. Popp, T. Rauscher, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, D. Savran, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, J. Stumm, A. Surzhykov, T. Szucs, T. Nguyen, A. Taremi Zadeh, B. Thomas, S. Torilov, H. Tornqvist, M. Trager, C. Trageser, S. Trotsenko, L. Varga, M. Volknandt, H. Weick, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. Woods, Y. Xing
Physical Review Letters 122 (2019) 092701
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Towards the limits of existence of nuclear structure: Observation and first spectroscopy of the isotope 31K by measuring its three-proton decay
D. Kostyleva, I. Mukha, L. Acosta, E. Casarejos, V. Chudoba, A. Ciemny, W. Dominik, J. Duessas, V. Dunin, J. Espino, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, A. Fomichev, H. Geissel, A. Gorshkov, L. Grigorenko, Z. Janas, G. Kaminski, O. Kiselev, R. Knobel, S. Krupko, M. Kuich, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Marquinez-Duran, I. Martel, C. Mazzocchi, C. Nociforo, A. Ordssz, M. Pfutzner, S. Pietri, M. Pomorski, A. Prochazka, S. Rymzhanova, A. Sanchez-Benitez, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, B. Sitar, R. Slepnev, M. Stanoiu, P. Strmen, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, M. Winkler, J. Winfield, X. Xu, M. Zhukov
Physical Review Letters 123 (2019) 092502
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Neutron skin and signature of the N = 14 shell gap found from measured proton radii of 17-22N
S. Bagchi, R. Kanungo, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, T. Morris, S. Stroberg, T. Suzuki, F. Ameil, J. Atkin- son, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, S. Kaur, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, Y. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. Winfield
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New test of modulated electron capture decay of hydrogen-like 142pm ions: Precision measurement of purely exponential decay
F. Ozturk, B. Akkus, D. Atanasov, H. Beyer, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, P. Buhler, R. Cakirli, R. Chen, W. Chen, X. Chen, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, W. Enders, H. Essel, T. Faestermann, O. Forstner, B. Gao, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, M. Herdrich, P.-M. Hillenbrand, T. Izumikawa, P. Kienle, C. Klaushofer, C. Kleffner, C. Kozhuharov, R. Knobel, O. Kovalenko, S. Kreim, T. Kuhl, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Liu, X. Ma, L. Maier, B. Mei, H. Miura, I. Mukha, A. Najafi, D. Nagae, T. Nishimura, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Oktem, S. Omika, A. Ozawa, N. Petridis, J. Piotrowski, R. Reifarth, J. Rossbach, R. Sanchez, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, R. Sidhu, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, L. Susam, F. Suzaki, T. Suzuki, S. Torilov, C. Trageser, M. Trassinelli, S. Trotsenko, X. Tu, P. Walker, M. Wang, G. Weber, H. Weick, N. Winckler, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, X. Xu, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 797 (2019) 134800
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Radiative electron capture as a tunable source of highly linearly polarized x rays
M. Vockert, G. Weber, H. Brauning, A. Surzhykov, C. Brandau, S. Fritzsche, S. Geyer, S. Hagmann, S. Hess, C. Kozhuharov, R. Martin, N. Petridis, R. Hess, S. Trotsenko, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Glorius, A. Gum- beridze, M. Steck, S. Litvinov, T. Gassner, P.-M. Hillenbrand, M. Lestinsky, F. Nolden, M. Sanjari, U. Popp, C. Trageser, D. Winters, U. Spillmann, T. Krings, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A 99 (2019) 052702
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Beyond wigner’s isobaric multiplet mass equation: Effect of charge-symmetry-breaking interaction and coulomb polarization
J. Dong, J. Gu, Y. Zhang, W. Zuo, L. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Sun
Physical Review C 99 (2019) 014319
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Masses of neutron-rich 52-54Sc and 54, 56Ti nuclides: The N=32 subshell closure in scandium
X. Xu, M. Wang, K. Blaum, J. Holt, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Schwenk, J. Simonis, S. Stroberg, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, P. Shuai, X. Tu, X. Zhou, F. Xu, G. Audi, R. Chen, X. Chen, C. Fu, Z. Ge, W. Huang, S. Litvinov, D. Liu, Y. Lam, X. Ma, R. Mao, A. Ozawa, B. Sun, Y. Sun, T. Uesaka, G. Xiao, Y. Xing, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Q. Zeng, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
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Masses of ground and isomeric states of 101In and configuration-dependent shell evolution in odd- A indium isotopes
X. Xu, J. Liu, C. Yuan, Y. Xing, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, R. Chen, X. Chen, C. Fu, B. Gao, J. He, S. Kubono, Y. Lam, H. Li, M. Liu, X. Ma, P. Shuai, M. Si, M. Sun, X. Tu, Q. Wang, H. Xu, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, P. Zhang, X. Zhou, W. Zhan, S. Litvinov, G. Audi, S. Naimi, T. Uesaka, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Yamaguchi, A. Ozawa, B. Sun, K. Kaneko, Y. Sun, F. Xu
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Measurement of 58Ni(p,p)58Ni elastic scattering at low momentum transfer by using the HIRFL-CSR heavy-ion storage ring
K. Yue, J. Zhang, X. Tu, C. Shao, H. Li, P. Ma, B. Mei, X. Chen, Y. Yang, X. Liu, Y. Xing, K. Fang, X. Li, Z. Sun, M. Wang, P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
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Denoising scheme based on singular-value decomposition for one-dimensional spectra and its application in precision storage-ring mass spectrometry
X. Chen, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang, Q. Wang, Y. Zhang
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Scientific program of derica-prospective accelerator and storage ring facility for radioactive ion beam research
L. Grigorenko, B. Sharkov, A. Fomichev, A. Barabanov, W. Barth, A. Bezbakh, S. Bogomolov, M. Golovkov, A. Gorshkov, S. Dmitriev, V. Eremin, S. Ershov, M. Zhukov, I. Kalagin, A. Karpov, T. Katayama, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, S. Krupko, T. Kulevoy, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Lychagin, I. Maksimkin, I. Meshkov, I. Mukha, E. Nikolskii, Y. Parfenova, V. Parkhomchuk, S. Polozov, M. Pfutzner, S. Sidorchuk, H. Simon, R. Slepnev, G. Ter-Akopian, G. Trubnikov, V. Chudoba, C. Scheidenberger, P. Sharov, P. Shatunov, Y. Shatunov, V. Shvetsov, N. Shulgina, A. Yukhimchuk, S. Yaramyshev
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Evaluation of high-precision atomic masses of A = 50-80 and rare-earth nuclides measured with ISOLTRAP
W. Huang, D. Atanasov, G. Audi, K. Blaum, R. Cakirli, A. Herlert, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, M. Mougeot, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
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Roadmap on photonic, electronic and atomic collision physics: III. heavy particles: With zero to relativistic speeds
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Lifetimes and g-factors of the hfs states in H-like and Li-like bismuth
V. Hannen, J. Vollbrecht, Z. Andelkovic, C. Brandau, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, S. Kaufmann, K. Konig, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maa, J. Meisner, T. Murbock, R. Sanchez, M. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, C. Trageser, J. Ullmann, C. Weinheimer, W. Nortershauser
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Characterization of a double time-of-flight detector system for accurate velocity measurement in a storage ring using laser beams
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Corrigendum to -a method to measure the transition energy γt of the isochronously tuned storage ring
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The magnetic toroidal sector as a broad-band electron-positron pair spectrometer I. lepton trajectories
S. Hagmann, P. Hillenbrand, Yu. A. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker
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Particle identification and revolution time corrections for the isochronous mass spectrometry in storage rings
Y. Xing, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Chen, X. Chen, C. Fu, H. Li, P. Shuai, M. Si, M. Sun, X. Tu, Q. Wang, H. Xu, X. Xu, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, P. Zhang, M. Zhang, X. Zhou, X. Zhou
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The development of in-ring reaction measurements at the HIRFL-CSR
J. Zhang, K. Yue, H. Li, X. Tu, C. Shao, P. Ma, B. Mei, X. Chen, Y. Yang, X. Liu, Y. Xing, K. Fang, Z. Sun, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Yamaguchi, P. Egelhof, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
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Nuclear-matter distribution in the proton-rich nuclei 7be and 8b from intermediate energy proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics
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The hyperfine puzzle of strong-field bound-state QED
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Hyperfine structure and nuclear magnetic moments of the praseodymium isotopes 135,136,137Pr
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High-resolution wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy of K-shell transitions in hydrogen-like gold
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Halo structure of 8B determined from intermediate energy proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics
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Mass measurements of neutron-deficient Y, Zr, and Nb isotopes and their impact on rp and nup nucleosynthesis processes
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Wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy in the hard x-ray regime of a heavy highly-charged ion: The 1S lamb shift in hydrogen-like gold
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Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of 17Ne
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First application of combined isochronous and schottky mass spectrometry: Half-lives of fully ionized 49Cr24+ and 53Fe26+ atoms
X. Tu, X. Chen, J. Zhang, P. Shuai, K. Yue, X. Xu, C. Fu, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou, Y. Xing, J. Wu, R. Mao, L. Mao, K. Fang, Z. Sun, M. Wang, J. Yang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, Y. Zhang, Y. Yuan, X. Ma, X. Zhou, H. Xu
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Spectroscopy of excited states of unbound nuclei 30Ar and 29Cl
X.-D. Xu, I. Mukha, L. Grigorenko, C. Scheidenberger, L. Acosta, E. Casarejos, V. Chudoba, A. Ciemny, W. Dominik, J. Duenas-Diaz, V. Dunin, J. Espino, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, A. Fomichev, H. Geissel, T. Golubkova, A. Gorshkov, Z. Janas, G. Kaminski, O. Kiselev, R. Knobel, S. Krupko, M. Kuich, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Marquinez-Duran, I. Martel, C. Mazzocchi, C. Nociforo, A. Ordssz, M. Pfutzner, S. Pietri, M. Pomorski, A. Prochazka, S. Rymzhanova, A. Sanchez-Benitez, P. Sharov, H. Simon, B. Sitar, R. Slepnev, M. Stanoiu, P. Strmen, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, M. Winkler, J. Winfield
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Isochronous mass measurements of Tz=-1 fp-shell nuclei from projectile fragmentation of 58Ni
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Masses of the Tz=-3/2 nuclei 27P and 29S
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Deep excursion beyond the proton dripline. I. argon and chlorine isotope chains
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Deep excursion beyond the proton dripline. II. toward the limits of existence of nuclear structure
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Detailed illustration of the accuracy of currently used nuclear-mass models
A. Sobiczewski, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Palczewski
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Dynamic high energy density plasma environments at the national ignition facility for nuclear science research
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Precision mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at HIRFL-CSR in Lanzhou
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Experimental investigation of the transition energy γt in the isochronous mode of the HIRFL-CSR
W. Ge, Y. Yuan, J. Yang, R. Chen, X. Yan, H. Du, Z. Li, J. Yang, D. Yin, L. Mao, X. Li, W. Zheng, G. Shen, B. Wu, S. Ruan, G. Wang, H. Zhao, M. Wang, M. Sun, Y. Xing, P. Zhang, C. Fu, P. Shuai, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, T. Bao, X. Chen, W. Huang, H. Li, J. Liu, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou
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Lorandite from Allchar as geochemical detector for pp-solar neutrinos
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Lifetimes of relativistic heavy-ion beams in the high energy storage ring of FAIR
V. Shevelko, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker, I. Tolstikhina
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A method to measure the transition energy γt of the isochronously tuned storage ring
R. Chen, X. Yan, W. Ge, Y. Yuan, M. Wang, M. Sun, Y. Xing, P. Zhang, C. Fu, P. Shuai, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, T. Bao, X. Chen, X. Hu, W. Huang, H. Li, J. Liu, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, L. Mao, B. Wu, H. Xu, J. Yang, D. Yin, Q. Zeng, X. Zhang, W. Zheng, X. Zhou, X. Zhou
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Neutron-induced reactions in nuclear astrophysics
R. Reifarth, D. Brown, S. Dababnehc, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Mosby
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Electroweak decays of highly charged ions
R. Singh Sidhu, J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Pavicevic, M. Sanjari, T. Stohlker
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High precision hyperfine measurements in bismuth challenge bound-state strong-field QED
J. Ullmann, Z. Andelkovic, C. Brandau, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. Konig, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maass, J. Meisner, T. Murbock, R. Sanchez, M. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, C. Trageser, J. Vollbrecht, C. Weinheimer, W. Nortershauser
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Half-life measurement of short-lived 94mRu44+ using isochronous mass spectrometry
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Nuclear-matter radius studies from 58Ni(p,p) experiments at the GSI experimental storage ring with the EXL facility
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Knockout and fragmentation reactions using a broad range of tin isotopes
J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Benlliure, C. Bertulani, J. Vargas, Y. Ayyad, H. Alvarez-Pol, J. Atkinson, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Caamasso, E. Casarejos, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Diaz-Cortes, P. Fernandez, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, A. Kelic-Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mostazo, C. Paradela, D. Perez- Loureiro, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, M. Takechi, H. Weick, J. Winfield
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Statistical approaches to lifetime measurements with restricted observation times
X. Chen, Q. Zeng, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Tu, P. Walker, M. Wang, Q. Wang, K. Yue, Y. Zhang
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β-decay half-lives and β-delayed neutron emission probabilities for several isotopes of Au, Hg, Tl, Pb, and Bi, beyond N=126
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Penning-trap mass spectrometry and mean-field study of nuclear shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient lead region
V. Manea, P. Ascher, D. Atanasov, A. Barzakh, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Borgmann, M. Breitenfeldt, R. Cakirli, T. Cocolios, T. Day Goodacre, D. Fedorov, V. Fedosseev, S. George, F. Herfurth, M. Kowal- ska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, B. Marsh, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, R. Rossel, S. Rothe, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
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A pplication of isochronous mass spectrometry for the study of angular momentum population in projectile fragmentation reactions
X. Tu, A. Kelic-Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Podolyak, Y. Zhang, W. Huang, H. Xu, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, R. Chen, X. Chen, C. Fu, B. Gao, Z. Ge, Z. Hu, D. Liu, S. Litvinov, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, B. Sun, Y. Sun, Z. Sun, P. Walker, M. Wang, N. Winckler, J. Xia, G. Xiao, Y. Xing, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, W. Zhang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, X. Zhou
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Spallation-based neutron target for direct studies of neutron-induced reactions in inverse kinematics
R. Reifarth, K. Gobel, T. Heftrich, M. Weigand, B. Jurado, F. Kappeler, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 20 (4) (2017) 044701
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Laser spectroscopy measurement of the 2s-hyperfine splitting in lithium-like bismuth
R. Sanchez, M. Lochmann, R. Johren, Z. Andelkovic, D. Anielski, B. Botermann, M. Bussmann, A. Dax, N. Frommgen, C. Geppert, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, T. Kuhl, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Lopez-Coto, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, J. Vollbrecht, W. Wen, C. Weinheimer, E. Will, D. Winters, W. Nortershauser
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Precision mass measurements of cesium isotopes - new entries in the ISOLTRAP chronicles
D. Atanasov, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Borgmann, R. Cakirli, T. Eronen, S. George, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 44 (2017) 044004
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High-precision qec values of superallowed 0+ → 0+ β-emitters 46Cr, 50Fe and 54Ni
P. Zhang, X. Xu, P. Shuai, R. Chen, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, H. Xu, T. Bao, X. Chen, H. Chen, C. Fu, J. He, S. Kubono, Y. Lam, D. Liu, R. Mao, X. Ma, M. Sun, X. Tu, Y. Xing, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou, X. Zhou, W. Zhan, S. Litvinov, G. Audi, T. Uesaka, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Yamaguchi, A. Ozawa, B. Sun, Y. Sun, F. Xu
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 767 (2017) 20–24
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Impact parameter sensitive study of inner-shell atomic processes in the experimental storage ring
A. Gumberidze, C. Kozhuharov, R. Zhang, S. Trotsenko, Y. Kozhedub, R. DuBois, H. Beyer, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, A. Brauning-Demian, W. Chen, O. Forstner, B. Gao, T. Gassner, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Indelicato, A. Kumar, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, N. Petridis, D. Schury, U. Spillmann, C. Trageser, M. Trassinelli, X. Tu, T. Stohlker
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 408 (2017) 27–30
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Electromagnetic non-destructive detectors for storage rings
S. Sanjari, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (2017) 092014
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SPARC experiments with highly charged ions at the HESR of FAIR
O. Kovalenko, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (2017) 092013
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/875/10/092013



Studies at the border between nuclear and atomic physics: Weak decays of highly charged ions
D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, P. Buhler, R. Cakirli, X. Chen, I. Dillmann, T. Faester- mann, B. Gao, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, J. Glorius, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Kienle, C. Kozhuharov, G. Lane, C. Langer, C. Lederer-Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Ma, M. Najafi, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, F. Ozturk, Z. Patyk, M. Pavicevic, N. Petridis, R. Reifarth, R. Sanchez, M. Sanjari, D. Schneider, V. Shevelko, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, F. Suzaki, T. Suzuki, S. Torilov, C. Trageser, M. Trassinelli, X. Tu, T. Uesaka, P. Walker, M. Wang, H. Weick, N. Winckler, P. Woods, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (2017) 012008
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Proton and a capture studies for nuclear astrophysics at GSI storage rings
J. Glorius, C. Langer, Z. Slavkovska, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth, C. Brandau, B. Bruckner, X. Chen, T. Davinson, P. Erbacher, S. Fiebiger, T. Gassner, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyurky, K. Gobel, M. Heil, R. Hess, P. Hillenbrand, O. Hinrichs, B. Jurado, C. Kozhuharov, D. Kurtulgil, G. Lane, C. Lederer- Woods, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, B. Loher, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, U. Popp, M. Reed, S. Sanjari, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, T. Szucs, B. Thomas, M. Trager, H. Tornqvist, S. Torilov, C. Trageser, S. Trotsenko, M. Volknandt, M. Weigand, C. Wolf, P. Woods
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 875 (2017) 092015
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Geochemical determination of the solar pp-neutrino flux with LOREX: A progress report
M. Pavicevic, W. Henning, F. Bosch, T. Uesaka, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Kubo, V. Pejovic, G. Amthauer, I. Anicin, B. Boev, V. Cvetkovic
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 888 (2017) 012192
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Constraining astrophysical reaction rates: Using the storage rings at FAIR/GSI
C. Langer, J. Glorius, Z. Slavkovska, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth
EPJ Web of Conferences 165 (2017) 01033
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Reactor neutrons in nuclear astrophysics
R. Reifarth, J. Glorius, K. Gobel, T. Heftrich, M. Jentschel, B. Jurado, F. Kappeler, U. Koster, C. Langer, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Weigand
EPJ Web of Conferences 146 (2017) 01003
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Identification of the lowest T=2, Jpi=0+ isobaric analog state in 52Co and its impact on the understanding of β-decay properties of 52Ni
X. Xu, P. Zhang, P. Shuai, R. Chen, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Xu, T. Bao, X. Chen, H. Chen, C. Fu, S. Kubono, Y. Lam, D. Liu, R. Mao, X. Ma, M. Sun, X. Tu, Y. Xing, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou, X. Zhou, W. Zhan, S. Litvinov, K. Blaum, G. Audi, T. Uesaka, Y. Yamaguchi, T. Yamaguchi, A. Ozawa, B. Sun, Y. Sun, A. Dai, F. Xu
Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 182503
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First measurement of several β-delayed neutron emitting isotopes beyond N=126
R. Caballero-Folch, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, F. Ameil, A. Arcones, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, I. Borzov, M. Bowry, F. Calvisso, D. Cano-Ott, G. Cortes, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, T. Faestermann, F. Farinon, D. Galaviz, A. Garcia, H. Geissel, W. Gelletly, R. Gernhauser, M. Gomez-Hornillos, C. Guerrero, M. Heil, C. Hinke, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, J. Marganiec, T. Marketin, M. Marta, T. Martinez, G. Martinez-Pinedo, F. Montes, I. Mukha, D. Napoli, C. Nociforo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, S. Rice, A. Riego, B. Rubio, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, K. Smith, E. Sokol, K. Steiger, B. Sun, J. Tain, M. Takechi, D. Testov, H. Weick, E. Wilson, J. Winfield, R. Wood, P. Woods, A. Yeremin
Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 012501
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Proton distribution radii of 12-19C illuminate features of neutron halos
R. Kanungo, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, G. Jansen, P. Navratil, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina- Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, M. Kimura, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, Y. Suzuki, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 102501
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First measurement of isoscalar giant resonances in a stored-beam experiment
J. Zamora, T. Aumann, S. Bagchi, S. Bonig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Harakeh, A.-L. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar- Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, H. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kroll, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. von Schmid, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thurauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. Zeni- hiro
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 763 (2016) 16–19
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Coulomb and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne
J. Marganiec, F. Wamers, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoffmann, H. Jo- hansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, K. Riisager, D. Savran, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, O. Tengblad, S. Typel, H. Weick, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer
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Parameter-free calculation of charge-changing cross sections at high energy
Y. Suzuki, W. Horiuchi, S. Terashima, R. Kanungo, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, R. Knoebel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Proc- hazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physical Review C 94 (2016) 011602
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Odd-even staggering in yields of neutron-deficient nuclei produced by projectile fragmentation
B. Mei, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Wang, X. Tu, K.-H. Schmidt, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Sun, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, K. Blaum, M. Ricciardi, A. Kelic-Heil, R. Mao, Z. Hu, P. Shuai, Y. Zang, X. Ma, X. Zhang, J. Xia, G. Xiao, Z. Guo, J. Yang, X. Zhang, X. Xu, X. Yan, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
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Coulomb dissociation of 27P at 500 MeV/u
J. Marganiec, S. Beceiro Novo, S. Typel, C. Langer, C. Wimmer, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta-Pramanik, Z. Elekes, Z. Fulop, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, S. Giron, U. Greife, F. Hammache, M. Heil, J. Hoffman, H. Johansson, O. Kiselev, N. Kurz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muentz, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, W. Prokopowicz, C. Rodriguez Tajes, D. Rossi, H. Simon, M. Stanoiu, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, A. Wagner, F. Wamers, H. Weick, M. Wiescher, R. Collaboration
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Physics book: CRYRING@ESR
M. Lestinsky, V. Andrianov, B. Aurand, V. Bagnoud, D. Bernhardt, H. Beyer, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, A. Bleile, J. Borovik, A., F. Bosch, C. Bostock, C. Brandau, A. Brauning-Demian, I. Bray, T. Davinson, B. Ebinger, A. Echler, P. Egelhof, A. Ehresmann, M. Engstrom, C. Enss, N. Ferreira, D. Fischer, A. Fleischmann, E. Forster, S. Fritzsche, R. Geithner, S. Geyer, J. Glorius, K. Gobel, O. Gorda, J. Goullon, P. Grabitz, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, M. Heil, A. Heinz, F. Herfurth, R. Hess, P.-M. Hillenbrand, R. Hubele, P. Indelicato, A. Kallberg, O. Kester, O. Kiselev, A. Knie, C. Kozhuharov, S. Kraft-Bermuth, T. Kuhl, G. Lane, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Liesen, X. Ma, R. Martin, R. Moshammer, A. Muller, S. Namba, P. Neumeyer, T. Nilsson, W. Nortershauser, G. Paulus, N. Petridis, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, P. Reiss, J. Rothhardt, R. Sanchez, M. Sanjari, S. Schippers, H. Schmidt, D. Schneider, P. Scholz, R. Schuch, M. Schulz, V. Shabaev, A. Simonsson, J. Sjoholm, s. Skeppstedt, K. Sonnabend, U. Spillmann, K. Stiebing, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, A. Surzhykov, S. Torilov, E. Trabert, M. Trassinelli, S. Trotsenko, X. Tu, I. Uschmann, P. Walker, G. Weber, D. Winters, P. Woods, H. Zhao, Y. Zhang
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Storage ring mass spectrometry for nuclear structure and astrophysics research
Y. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Uesaka, H. Xu
Physica Scripta 91 (2016) 073002
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Strong asymmetry of the electron-loss-to-continuum cusp of multielectron U28+ projectiles in near-relativistic collisions with gaseous targets
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, J. Monti, R. Rivarola, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, W. Chen, R. Dubois, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, S. Schippers, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, G. Weber, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A 93 (2016) 042709
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CsI-silicon particle detector for heavy ions orbiting in storage rings (CsISiPHOS)
M. Najafi, I. Dillmann, F. Bosch, T. Faestermann, B. Gao, R. Gernhauser, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, F. Nolden, U. Popp, M. Sanjari, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, H. Weick
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 836 (2016) 1–6
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Intensity-sensitive and position-resolving cavity for heavy-ion storage rings
X. Chen, M. Sanjari, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, J. Piotrowski, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, P. Walker
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 826 (2016) 39–47
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An improvement of isochronous mass spectrometry: Velocity measurements using two time-of-flight detectors
P. Shuai, X. Xu, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang, X. Tu, K. Blaum, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, X. Yan, X. Chen, R. Chen, C. Fu, Z. Ge, W. Huang, Y. Xing, Q. Zeng
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 376 (2016) 311–315
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TSR: A storage and cooling ring for HIE-ISOLDE
P. Butler, K. Blaum, T. Davinson, K. Flanagan, S. Freeman, M. Grieser, I. Lazarus, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, R. Page, R. Raabe, E. Siesling, F. Wenander, P. Woods
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 376 (2016) 270–274
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Exciting baryon resonances in isobar charge-exchange reactions
J. Benlliure, J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, J. Vargas, H. Alavarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, S. Be- ceiro, K. Boretzky, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina, P. Diaz, A. Estrade, H. Geissel, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mostazo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, M. Takechi, I. Vidass, H. Weick, J. Winfield
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New results from isochronous mass measurements of neutron-rich uranium fission fragments with the FRS-ESR-facility at GSI
R. Knobel, M. Diwisch, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sun, H. Weick, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Matos, M. Mazzocco, G. Munzenberg, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, T. Suzuki, P. Walker, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
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Observation of large enhancements of charge exchange cross sections with neutron-rich carbon isotopes
I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, R. Kanungo, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, R. Knoebel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, H. Toki, J. Vargas, J. Winfield, H. Weick
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Indirect mass determination for the neutron-deficient nuclides 44V, 48Mn, 52Co and 56Cu
X. Tu, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, B. Mei, B. Sun, Y. Sun, M. Wang, H. Xu, Y. Zhang
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Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive ions at FAIR
R. Reifarth, S. Altstadt, K. Gobel, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, A. Koloczek, C. Langer, R. Plag, M. Pohl, K. Sonnabend, M. Weigand, T. Adachi, F. Aksouh, J. Al-Khalili, M. Algarawi, S. Alghamdi, G. Alkha- zov, N. Alkhomashi, H. Alvarez-Pol, R. Alvarez-Rodriguez, V. Andreev, B. Andrei, L. Atar, T. Aumann, V. Avdeichikov, C. Bacri, S. Bagchi, C. Barbieri, S. Beceiro, C. Beck, C. Beinrucker, G. Belier, D. Bem- merer, M. Bendel, J. Benlliure, G. Benzoni, R. Berjillos, D. Bertini, C. Bertulani, S. Bishop, N. Blasi, T. Bloch, Y. Blumenfeld, A. Bonaccorso, K. Boretzky, A. Botvina, A. Boudard, P. Boutachkov, I. Bozto- sun, A. Bracco, S. Brambilla, J. Monago, M. Caamano, C. Caesar, F. Camera, E. Casarejos, W. Catford, J. Cederkall, B. Cederwall, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, M. Cherciu, L. Chulkov, P. Coleman-Smith, D. Cortina-Gil, F. Crespi, R. Crespo, J. Cresswell, M. Csatlos, F. Dechery, B. Davids, T. Davinson, V. Derya, P. Detistov, P. Fernandez, D. Dijulio, S. Dmitry, D. Dore, J. Duessas, E. Dupont, P. Egelhof, I. Egorova, Z. Elekes, J. Enders, J. Endres, S. Ershov, O. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, A. Fetisov, E. Fiori, A. Fomichev, M. Fonseca, L. Fraile, M. Freer, J. Friese, M. Borge, D. Redondo, S. Gannon, U. Garg, I. Gasparic, L. Gasques, B. Gastineau, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, T. Ghosh, M. Gilbert, J. Glorius, P. Golubev, A. Gorshkov, A. Gourishetty, L. Grigorenko, J. Gulyas, M. Haiduc, F. Hammache, M. Harakeh, M. Hass, M. Heine, A. Hennig, A. Henriques, R. Herzberg, M. Holl, A. Ignatov, A. Ignatyuk, S. Ilieva, M. Ivanov, N. Iwasa, B. Jakobsson, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, P. Joshi, A. Junghans, B. Jurado, G. Korner, N. Kalantar, R. Kanungo, A. Kelic-Heil, K. Kezzar, E. Khan, A. Khanzadeev, O. Kiselev, M. Kogimtzis, D. Korper, S. Krackmann, T. Kroll, R. Krucken, A. Krasznahorkay, J. Kratz, D. Kresan, T. Krings, A. Krumbholz, S. Krupko, R. Kulessa, S. Kumar, N. Kurz, E. Kuzmin, M. Labiche, K. Langanke, I. Lazarus, T. Le Bleis, C. Lederer, A. Lemasson, R. Lemmon, V. Liberati, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Loher, J. Herraiz, G. Munzenberg, J. Machado, E. Maev, K. Mahata, D. Mancusi, J. Marganiec, M. Perez, V. Marusov, D. Mengoni, B. Million, V. Morcelle, O. Moreno, A. Movsesyan, E. Nacher, M. Najafi, T. Nakamura, F. Naqvi, E. Nikolski, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, P. Nolan, B. Novatsky, G. Nyman, A. Ornelas, R. Palit, S. Pandit, V. Panin, C. Paradela, V. Parkar, S. Paschalis, P. Paw????lowski, A. Perea, J. Pereira, C. Petrache, M. Petri, S. Pickstone, N. Pietralla, S. Pietri, Y. Pivovarov, P. Potlog, A. Prokofiev, G. Rastrepina, T. Rauscher, G. Ribeiro, M. Ricciardi, A. Richter, C. Rigollet, K. Riisager, A. Rios, C. Ritter, T. Frutos, J. Vignote, M. Roder, C. Romig, D. Rossi, P. Roussel-Chomaz, P. Rout, S. Roy, P. Soderstrom, M. Sarkar, S. Sakuta, M. Salsac, J. Sampson, J. Del Rio Saez, J. Rosado, S. Sanjari, P. Sarriguren, A. Sauerwein, D. Savran, C. Scheidenberger, H. Scheit, S. Schmidt, C. Schmitt, L. Schnorrenberger, P. Schrock, R. Schwengner, D. Seddon, B. Sherrill, A. Shrivastava, S. Sidorchuk, J. Silva, H. Simon, E. Simpson, P. Singh, D. Slobodan, D. Sohler, M. Spieker, D. Stach, E. Stan, M. Stanoiu, S. Stepantsov, P. Stevenson, F. Strieder, L. Stuhl, T. Suda, K. Summerer, B. Streicher, J. Taieb, M. Takechi, I. Tanihata, J. Taylor, O. Tengblad, G. Ter-Akopian, S. Terashima, P. Teubig, R. Thies, M. Thoennessen, T. Thomas, J. Thornhill, G. Thungstrom, J. Timar, Y. Togano, U. Tomohiro, T. Tornyi, J. Tostevin, C. Townsley, W. Trautmann, T. Trivedi, S. Typel, E. Uberseder, J. Udias, T. Uesaka, L. Uvarov, Z. Vajta, P. Velho, V. Vikhrov, M. Volknandt, V. Volkov, P. Von Neumann-Cosel, M. Von Schmid, A. Wagner, F. Wamers, H. Weick, D. Wells, L. Westerberg, O. Wieland, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer, K. Wimmer, J. Winfield, M. Winkel, P. Woods, R. Wyss, D. Yakorev, M. Yavor, J. Cardona, I. Zartova, T. Zerguerras, M. Zgura, A. Zhdanov, M. Zhukov, M. Zieblinski, A. Zilges, K. Zuber
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 665 (2016) 012044
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012044



Measurement of the 92,93,94,100Mo(γ,n) reactions by coulomb dissociation
K. Gobel, P. Adrich, S. Altstadt, H. Alvarez-Pol, F. Aksouh, T. Aumann, M. Babilon, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, T. Berg, M. Bohmer, K. Boretzky, A. Brunle, R. Beyer, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, D. Cortina-Gil, A. Chatillon, U. Pramanik, L. Deveaux, M. Elvers, T. Elze, H. Emling, M. Erhard, E. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, M. Hellstroem, G. Ickert, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, F. Kappeler, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, K. Lindenberg, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Maierbeck, A. Movsesyan, S. Muller, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, N. Paar, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, W. Prokopow- icz, R. Reifarth, D. Rossi, L. Schnorrenberger, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, K. Summerer, G. Surowka, D. Vretenar, A. Wagner, S. Walter, W. Walu ́s, F. Wamers, H. Weick, M. Weigand, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, A. Zilges
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 665 (2016) 012034
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012034



Experimental study of the 15O(2p,γ)17Ne cross section by coulomb dissociation for the rp process
J. Marganiec, F. Warners, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Egorova, H. Emling, O. Ershova, C. Forssen, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, L. Grigorenko, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoffmann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, M. Karakos, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, Y. Parfenova, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Tajes, D. Rossi, G. Schrieder, N. Shulgina, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, J. Taylor, O. Tengblad, E. Tengborn, H. Weick, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 665 (2016) 012046
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012046



Approaching the precursor nuclei of the third r-process peak with ribs
C. Domingo-Pardo, R. Caballero-Folch, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, A. Arcones, F. Ameil, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, M. Bowry, F. Calvisso, D. Cano-Ott, G. Cortes, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, T. Faestermann, F. Farinon, D. Galaviz, A. Garcia-Rios, H. Geissel, W. Gelletly, R. Gern- hauser, M. Gomez-Hornillos, C. Guerrero, M. Heil, C. Hinke, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, J. Marganiec, M. Marta, T. Martinez, G. Martinez-Pinedo, B. Meyer, F. Montes, I. Mukha, D. Napoli, C. Nociforo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, S. Rice, A. Riego, B. Rubio, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, K. Smith, E. Sokol, K. Steiger, B. Sun, J. Tain, M. Takechi, D. Testov, H. Weick, E. Wilson, J. Winfield, R. Wood, P. Woods, A. Yeremin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 665 (2016) 012045
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012045



Nuclear reactions in the storage ring ESR with EXL
T. Kroll, M. Von Schmid, J. Zamora, S. Bagchi, S. Bonig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Harakeh, A. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, H. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thurauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. Zenihiro
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 724 (2016) 012026
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/724/1/012026



Recent results on mass measurements of exotic nuclides in storage rings
X. Yan, K. Blaum, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Tu, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 665 (2016) 012053
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/665/1/012053



TSR: A storage ring for HIE-ISOLDE
P. Butler, R. Page, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, T. Davinson, P. Woods, K. Flanagan, S. Freeman, I. Lazarus, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Raabe, E. Siesling, F. Wenander
Acta Physica Polonica B 47 (2016) 627–636
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Search for bound-state electron+positron pair decay
F. Bosch, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, G. Lane, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Reed, M. Sanjari, T. Stohlker, S. Torilov, X. Tu, P. Walker
EPJ Web of Conferences 123 (2016) 04003
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Nuclear lifetime measurements from data with independently varying observation times
T. Gray, M. Reed, G. Lane, A. Akber, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Walker
EPJ Web of Conferences 123 (2016) 04004
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Observation and spectroscopy of new proton-unbound isotopes 30Ar and 29Cl: An interplay of prompt two-proton and sequential decay
I. Mukha, L. Grigorenko, X. Xu, L. Acosta, E. Casarejos, A. Ciemny, W. Dominik, J. Duenas-Diaz, V. Dunin, J. Espino, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, A. Fomichev, H. Geissel, T. Golubkova, A. Gorshkov, Z. Janas, G. Kaminski, O. Kiselev, R. Knobel, S. Krupko, M. Kuich, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Marquinez-Duran, I. Martel, C. Mazzocchi, C. Nociforo, A. Ordssz, M. Pfutzner, S. Pietri, M. Pomorski, A. Prochazka, S. Rymzhanova, A. Sanchez-Benitez, C. Scheidenberger, P. Sharov, H. Simon, B. Sitar, R. Slepnev, M. Stanoiu, P. Strmen, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, M. Winkler, J. Winfield, M. Zhukov
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Precision mass measurements of 129-131Cd and their impact on stellar nucleosynthesis via the rapid neutron capture process
D. Atanasov, P. Ascher, K. Blaum, R. Cakirli, T. Cocolios, S. George, S. Goriely, F. Herfurth, H.-T. Janka, O. Just, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, D. Kisler, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, D. Neidherr, M. Rosen- busch, L. Schweikhard, A. Welker, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
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Toward precision mass measurements of neutron- rich nuclei relevant to r-process nucleosynthesis
B. Sun, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Tanihata, Y. Zhang
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β-delayed three-proton decay of 31Ar
A. Lis, C. Mazzocchi, W. Dominik, Z. Janas, M. Pfutzner, M. Pomorski, L. Acosta, S. Baraeva, E. Casare- jos, J. Duenas-Diaz, V. Dunin, J. Espino, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, A. Fomichev, H. Geissel, A. Gorshkov, G. Kaminski, O. Kiselev, R. Knobel, S. Krupko, M. Kuich, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Marquinez-Duran, I. Martel, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, A. Ordssz, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, A. Sanchez-Benitez, H. Simon, B. Sitar, R. Slepnev, M. Stanoiu, P. Strmen, I. Szarka, M. Takechi, Y. Tanaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield
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Increased isomeric lifetime of hydrogen-like 192mOs
A. Akber, M. Reed, P. Walker, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lane, T. Kibedi, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, J. Car- roll, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, A. Deo, B. Detwiler, C. Dimopoulou, G. Dracoulis, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R. Kempley, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, D. Shubina, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, T. Swan, G. Trees, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi
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First measurement of the 96Ru(p,γ)97Rh cross section for the p process with a storage ring
B. Mei, T. Aumann, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, H. Brauning, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, O. Ershova, Z. Fulop, H. Geissel, J. Glorius, G. Gyurky, M. Heil, F. Kappeler, A. Kelic-Heil, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, G. Munzenberg, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, G. Rastrepina, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, T. Szucs, K. Summerer, G. Weber, H. Weick, D. Winters, N. Winters, P. Woods, Q. Zhong
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Total projectile electron loss cross sections of U28+ ions in collisions with gaseous targets ranging from hydrogen to krypton
G. Weber, M. Herdrich, R. DuBois, P.-M. Hillenbrand, H. Beyer, L. Bozyk, T. Gassner, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, D. Winters, T. Stohlker
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Electron-capture-to-continuum cusp in U88++N2 collisions
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Crystal optics for precision x-ray spectroscopy on highly charged ions - conception and proof
H. Beyer, T. Gassner, M. Trassinelli, R. Hess, U. Spillmann, D. Banas, K.-H. Blumenhagen, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, W. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, E. Forster, R. Grisenti, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Indelicato, P. Jagodzinski, T. Kampfer, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, D. Liesen, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Loetzsch, B. Manil, R. Martin, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, M. Sanjari, K. Schulze, M. Schwemlein, A. Simionovici, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, C. Szabo, S. Trotsenko, I. Uschmann, G. Weber, O. Wehrhan, N. Winckler, D. Winters, N. Winters, E. Ziegler
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An improved value for the hyperfine splitting of hydrogen-like 209Bi82+
J. Ullmann, Z. Andelkovic, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. Konig, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maass, J. Meisner, T. Murbock, R. Sanchez, M. Schmidt, S. Schmidt, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, J. Vollbrecht, C. Weinheimer, W. Nörtershäuser
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Between atomic and nuclear physics: Radioactive decays of highly-charged ions
D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, P. Buhler, X. Chen, I. Dillmann, T. Faestermann, B. Gao, H. Geissel, R. Gernhuser, S. Hagmann, T. Izumikawa, P.-M. Hillenbrand, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Ma, G. Munzenberg, M. Najafi, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, F. Ozturk, Z. Patyk, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, D. Schneider, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, F. Suzaki, T. Suzuki, C. Trageser, X. Tu, T. Uesaka, P. Walker, M. Wang, H. Weick, N. Winckler, P. Woods, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, for the FRS-ESR, ILIMA, SPARC, and TWBD Collaborations
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 48 (2015) 144024
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Studies of continuum states in 16Ne using three-body correlation techniques
J. Marganiec, F. Wamers, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoffmann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, K. Riisager, D. Savran, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, O. Tengblad, H. Weick, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
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APPA at FAIR: From fundamental to applied research
T. Stohlker, V. Bagnoud, K. Blaum, A. Blazevic, A. Brauning-Demian, M. Durante, F. Herfurth, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Neff, R. Pleskac, R. Schuch, S. Schippers, D. Severin, A. Tauschwitz, C. Trautmann, D. Varentsov, E. Widmann
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 365 (2015) 680–685
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Direct mass measurements of neutron-rich 86Kr projectile fragments and the persistence of neutron magic number N=32 in Sc isotopes
X. Xu, M. Wang, Y.-H. Zhang, H.-S. Xu, P. Shuai, X.-L. Tu, Yu. A. Litvinov, X.-H. Zhou, B.-H. Sun, Y.-J. Yuan, J.-W. Xia, J.-C. Yang, K. Blaum, R.-J. Chen, X.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Fu, Z. Ge, Z.-G. Hu, W.-J. Huang, D.-W. Liu, Y.-H. Lam, X.-W. Ma, R.-S. Mao, T. Uesaka, G.-Q. Xiao, Y.-M. Xing, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Q. Zeng, X.-L. Yan, H.-W. Zhao, T.-C. Zhao, W. Zhang, W.-L. Zhan
Chinese Physics C 39 (2015) 104001
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A data analysis method for isochronous mass spectrometry using two time-of-flight detectors at CSRe
X. Xu, M. Wang, P. Shuai, R.-J. Chen, X.-L. Yan, Y.-H. Zhang, Y.-J. Yuan, H.-S. Xu, X.-H. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, X.-L. Tu, X.-C. Chen, C.-Y. Fu, W.-W. Ge, Z. Ge, X.-J. Hu, W.-J. Huang, D.-W. Liu, Y.-M. Xing, Q. Zeng, W. Zhang
Chinese Physics C 39 (2015) 106201
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Proceedings of the 9th international conference on nuclear physics at storage rings STORI’14
P. Egelhof, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Steck
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 010301
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Nuclear astrophysics experiments at storage rings: Midterm perspectives at GSI
P. Woods, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, M. Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014002
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014002



Investigation of the nuclear matter distribution of 56Ni by elastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics
M. Schmid, S. Bagchi, S. Bonig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Harakeh, A.-L. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, H. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kroll, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thurauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. Win- field, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. Zamora, J. Zenihiro, for the EXL Collaboration
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014005
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014005



Isoscalar giant resonance studies in a stored-beam experiment within EXL
J. Zamora, S. Bagchi, S. Bonig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Harakeh, A.-L. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, K. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kroll, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. Schmid, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thurauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. Zenihiro, the EXL Collaboration
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014006
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014006



Nuclear transfer reaction measurements at the ESR - for the investigation of the astrophysical 15O(α,γ)19Ne reaction
D. Doherty, P. Woods, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Najafi, S. Bagchi, S. Bishop, M. Bo, C. Brandau, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, P. Egelhof, A. Evdokimov, A. Gumberidze, M. Heil, C. Lederer, S. Litvi- nov, G. Lotay, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kroll, M. Mahjour-Shafei, M. Mutterer, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, U. Popp, R. Reifarth, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Streicher, S. Trotsenko, M. Schmid, X. Yan, J. Zamora
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014007
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014007



Neutron-induced reaction studies using stored ions
J. Glorius, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Reifarth
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014008
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014008



Study of projectile fragmentation reaction with isochronous mass spectrometry
X. Tu, B. Mei, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, W. Huang, Z. Podolyak, A. Kelic-Heil, W. Zhang, S. Litvinov, K. Blaum, X. Zhou, P. Shuai, M. Wang, B. Gao, X. Chen, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, J. Yang, Z. Hu, X. Ma, B. Sun, X. Yan, R. Mao, Z. Sun, G. Xiao, X. Xu, P. Walker, T. Yamaguchi, F. Bosch, N. Winckler, R. Chen, Y. Xing, C. Fu, D. Liu, Q. Zeng, Z. Ge, Y. Sun, H. Zhao, T. Zhao
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014009
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014009



First isochronous mass measurements with two time-of-flight detectors at CSRe
Y. Xing, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Shuai, X. Xu, R. Chen, X. Yan, X. Tu, W. Zhang, C. Fu, H. Xu, Y. Litvi- nov, K. Blaum, X. Chen, Z. Ge, B. Gao, W. Huang, S. Litvinov, D. Liu, X. Ma, R. Mao, G. Xiao, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhou
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014010
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014010



Hyperfine transition in 209Bi80+ - one step forward
R. Sanchez, J. Ullmann, J. Vollbrecht, Z. Andelkovic, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. Konig, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maass, J. Meisner, T. Murbock, W. Nortershauser, S. Schmidt, M. Schmidt, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, C. Weinheimer
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014021
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014021



Atomic physics experiments at the high energy storage ring
T. Stohlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, and the SPARC Collaboration
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014025
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014025



Experimental concepts of positron spectroscopy at HESR
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, K. Stiebing, S. Schippers, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014026
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014026



Coherent population of magnetic sublevels of 2p3/2 state in hydrogenlike uranium by radiative recombination
S. Tashenov, D. Banas, H. Beyer, C. Brandau, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, H. Jorg, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Maiorova, H. Schaffner, V. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker, A. Surzhykov, S. Trotsenko
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014027
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014027



Investigation of the heavy-ion mode in the FAIR high energy storage ring
O. Kovalenko, O. Dolinskii, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014042
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014042



Simulations of the isochronous mass spectrometry at the HIRFL-CSR
R. Chen, Y. Yuan, M. Wang, X. Xu, P. Shuai, Y. Zhang, X. Yan, Y. Xing, H. Xu, X. Zhou, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Litvinov, X. Chen, C. Fu, W. Ge, Z. Ge, X. Hu, W. Huang, D. Liu, Q. Zeng, W. Zhang
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014044
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014044



Investigation of the momentum compaction factor of the ESR thorough Schottky mass measurements
X. Yan, F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, X. Tu, H. Xu, X. Zhou, Y. Zhang
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014045
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014045



Prototype internal target design for storage ring experiments
N. Petridis, R. Grisenti, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014051
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/ T166/014051



Conceptual design of elliptical cavities for intensity and position sensitive beam measurements in storage rings
M. Sanjari, X. Chen, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, J. Piotrowski, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014060
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014060



Report on a computer-controlled automatic test platform for precision rf cavity characterizations
X. Chen, M. Sanjari, J. Piotrowski, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014061
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014061



A new data acquisition system for Schottky signals in atomic physics experiments at GSI’s and FAIR’s storage rings
C. Trageser, C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, F. Nolden, S. Sanjari, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014062
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014062



Antiproton chain of the FAIR storage rings
T. Katayama, V. Kamerdzhiev, A. Lehrach, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst, F. Herfurth, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014073
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014073



CRYRING@ESR: Present status and future research
M. Lestinsky, A. Brauning-Demian, H. Danared, M. Engstrom, W. Enders, S. Fedotova, B. Franzke, A. Heinz, F. Herfurth, A. Kallberg, O. Kester, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Steck, D. Reistad, A. Simonsson, O. Skeppstedt, T. Stohlker, G. Vorobjev
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014075
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014075



Atomic physics at the future facility for antiproton and ion research: Status report 2014
A. Gumberidze, T. Stohlker, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physica Scripta T166 (2015) 014076
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2015/T166/014076



Coulomb dissociation experiment of 27P
J. Marganiec, S. Novo, S. Typel, C. Wimmer, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Gil, U. Datta-Pramanik, Z. Elekes, Z. Fulop, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, S. Giron, U. Greife, F. Hammache, M. Heil, J. Hoffman, H. Johansson, O. Kiselev, N. Kurz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muentz, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, W. Prokopowicz, C. Rodriguez Tajes, D. Rossi, H. Simon, M. Stanoiu, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, A. Wagner, F. Wamers, H. Weick
Acta Physica Polonica B 46 (2015) 473–476
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.46.473



Laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine structure in h-like and li-like bismuth
J. Vollbrecht, Z. Andelkovic, A. Dax, W. Geithner, C. Geppert, C. Gorges, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, S. Kaufmann, K. Konig, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Lochmann, B. Maass, J. Meisner, T. Murboeck, W. Nortershauser, R. Sanchez, S. Schmidt, M. Schmidt, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, J. Ullmann, C. Weinheimer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 583 (2015) 012002
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/583/1/012002



Forward-angle electron spectroscopy in heavy-ion atom collisions studied at the ESR
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, D. Banas, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, W. Chen, E. De Filippo, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, D. Jakubassa-Amundsen, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Monti, A. Muller, H. Rothard, S. Schippers, M. Schoffler, U. Spillmann, A. Surzhykov, S. Trotsenko, A. Voitkiv, X. Zhu, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022005
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022005



First observation of coherence in a highly charged ion
S. Tashenov, D. Banas, H. Beyer, C. Brandau, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillen- brand, H. Jorg, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Maiorova, H. Schaffner, V. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker, A. Surzhykov, S. Trotsenko
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022096
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022096



Electron emission spectra of U28+-ions colliding with gaseous targets
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, J. Monti, R. Rivarola, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, W. Chen, R. Dubois, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, M. Sanjari, S. Schippers, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, G. Weber, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022049
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022049



A continuous, broadband data acquisition for Schottky signals in atomic and nuclear physics experiments at heavy-ion storage rings
C. Trageser, C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, F. Nolden, S. Sanjari, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022085
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022085



A lepton spectrometer for studies of fundamental atomic processes at HESR at FAIR
K. Stiebing, F. King, P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Schippers, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022087
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022087



The magnetic toroidal sector: A broad-band electron-positron pair spectrometer
S. Hagmann, P. Hillenbrand, Yu. A. Litvinov, U. Spillmann, K. Stiebing
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 022046
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/2/022046



Forward-angle electron spectroscopy in heavy-ion atom collisions studied at the ESR
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015) 012011
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/635/1/012011



Accuracy improvement in the isochronous mass measurement using a cavity doublet
X. Chen, M. Sanjari, J. Piotrowski, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
Hyperfine Interactions 235 (2015) 51–59
doi: 10.1007/s10751-015-1183-3



Experiments with Stored Highly Charged Ions at the Border between Atomic and Nuclear Physics
B. Gao, M. Najafi, D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, X. Chen, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, T. Faestermann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, H. Geissel, R. Gernha ̈user, C. Kozhuharov, O. Kovalenko, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, F. Nolden, J. Piotrowski, M. Sanjari, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Sto ̈hlker, C. Trageser, X. Tu, H. Weick, N. Winckler, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
Physics Procedia 66 (2015) 28–38
doi: 10.1016/j.phpro.2015.05.006



Radioactive decays of highly-charged ions
B. Gao, M. Najafi, D. Atanasov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, X. Chen, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, P.-M. Hillenbrand, O. Kovalenko, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvi- nov, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, F. Nolden, J. Piotrowski, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, C. Trageser, X. Tu, H. Weick, N. Winckler, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Zhang, X. Zhou
EPJ Web of Conferences 93 (2015) 05003
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20159305003



Measurements of neutron-induced reactions in inverse kinematics and applications to nuclear astrophysics
R. Reifarth, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Endres, K. Gobel, T. Heftrich, J. Glorius, A. Koloczek, K. Sonnabend, C. Travaglio, M. Weigand
EPJ Web of Conferences 93 (2015) 02013
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20159302013




Dominant secondary nuclear photoexcitation with the x-ray free-electron laser
J. Gunst, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Keitel, A. Palffy
Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 082501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.082501



First observation of the unbound nucleus 15Ne
F. Wamers, J. Marganiec, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, H. Emling, O. Ershova, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Kara- giannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, K. Riisager, D. Savran, G. Schrieder, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, O. Tengblad, H. Weick, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 132502
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.132502



First experimental constraint on the 59Fe(n,γ)60Fe reaction cross section at astrophysical energies via the coulomb dissociation of 60Fe
E. Uberseder, T. Adachi, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, K. Boretzky, C. Caesar, I. Dillmann, O. Ershova, A. Estrade, F. Farinon, J. Hagdahl, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, M. Heine, M. Holl, A. Ignatov, H. Johansson, N. Kalantar, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Marganiec, A. Movsesyan, M. Najafi, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, V. Panin, S. Pietri, R. Plag, A. Prochazka, G. Rastrepina, R. Reifarth, V. Ricciardi, C. Rigollet, D. Rossi, D. Savran, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, B. Streicher, S. Terashima, R. Thies, Y. Togano, V. Volkov, F. Wamers, H. Weick, M. Weigand, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer, N. Winckler, P. Woods
Physical Review Letters 112 (2014) 211101
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.211101



Observation of coherence in the time-reversed relativistic photoelectric effect
S. Tashenov, D. Banas, H. Beyer, C. Brandau, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillen- brand, H. Jorg, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Maiorova, H. Schaffner, V. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker, A. Surzhykov, S. Trotsenko
Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 113001
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.113001



Proton radii of 12-17B define a thick neutron surface in 17B
A. Estrade, R. Kanungo, W. Horiuchi, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, M. Kimura, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Schei- denberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, Y. Suzuki, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Vargas, H. Weick, J. Winfield
Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 132501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.113.132501



Measurements of neutron-induced reactions in inverse kinematics
R. Reifarth, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams 17 (2014) 014701
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.014701



Charge and frequency resolved isochronous mass spectrometry and the mass of 51Co
P. Shuai, H. Xu, X. Tu, Y. Zhang, B. Sun, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, X. Zhou, J. He, Y. Sun, K. Kaneko, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, J. Yang, G. Audi, X. Yan, X. Chen, G. Jia, Z. Hu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, Z. Sun, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 735 (2014) 327–331
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.06.046



Accuracy of theoretical descriptions of nuclear masses
A. Sobiczewski, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 89 (2014) 024311
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.024311



Origin of odd-even staggering in fragment yields: Impact of nuclear pairing and shell structure on the particle-emission threshold energy
B. Mei, H. Xu, X. Tu, Y. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K.-H. Schmidt, M. Wang, Z. Sun, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, M. Ricciardi, A. Kelic-Heil, R. Reifarth, K. Blaum, R. Mao, Z. Hu, P. Shuai, Y. Zang, X. Ma, X. Zhang, J. Xia, G. Xiao, Z. Guo, J. Yang, X. Zhang, X. Xu, X. Yan, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 89 (2014) 054612
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.054612



Predictive power of nuclear-mass models
A. Sobiczewski, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 90 (2014) 017302
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.017302



Accuracy of theoretical descriptions of nuclear masses
A. Sobiczewski, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 89 (2014) 024311
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.89.024311



Competition between pairing correlations and deformation from the odd-even mass staggering of francium and radium isotopes
S. Kreim, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Borgmann, M. Breitenfeldt, T. Cocolios, A. Gottberg, F. Herfurth, M. Kowalska, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, T. Mendonca, S. Naimi, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, T. Stora, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 90 (2014) 024301
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.90.024301



Radiative-electron-capture-to-continuum cusp in U88++N2 collisions and the high-energy endpoint of electron-nucleus bremsstrahlung
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, D. Atanasov, D. Banas, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, W. Chen, E. De Filippo, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, D. Jakubassa-Amundsen, O. Kovtun, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, R. Muller, H. Rothard, S. Schippers, M. Schoffler, U. Spillmann, A. Surzhykov, S. Trotsenko, N. Winckler, X. Yan, V. Yerokhin, X. Zhu, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 90 (2014) 022707
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.022707



Electron-loss-to-continuum cusp in U88+ + N2 collisions
P.-M. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, A. Voitkiv, B. Najjari, D. Banas, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, W. Chen, E. De Filippo, A. Gumberidze, D. Guo, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, H. Rothard, S. Schippers, M. Schoffler, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, X. Zhu, T. Stohlker
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 90 (2014) 042713
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.042713



Observation of the hyperfine transition in lithium-like bismuth 209Bi80+: Towards a test of qed in strong magnetic fields
M. Lochmann, R. Johren, C. Geppert, Z. Andelkovic, D. Anielski, B. Botermann, M. Bussmann, A. Dax, N. Frommgen, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, T. Kuhl, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Lopez-Coto, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, J. Vollbrecht, A. Volotka, C. Weinheimer, W. Wen, E. Will, D. Winters, R. Sanchez, W. Nortershauser
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 90 (2014) 030501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.90.030501



A survey of coulomb displacement energies and questions on the anomalous behavior in the upper fp-shell
X. Tu, Y. Sun, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, K. Kaneko, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Wang
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 41 (2014) 025104
doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/41/2/025104



β-decay and β-delayed neutron emission measurements at GSI-FRS beyond N=126, for r-process nucleosynthesis
R. Caballero-Folch, C. Domingo-Pardo, G. Cortess, J. Tain, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, F. Ameil, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, M. Bowry, F. Calvisso, D. Cano-Ott, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, T. Faestermann, F. Farinon, D. Galaviz, A. Garcia-Rios, H. Geissel, W. Gelletly, R. Gernhauser, M. Gomez-Hornillos, C. Guerrero, M. Heil, C. Hinke, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, J. Marganiec, M. Marta, T. Martinez, F. Montes, I. Mukha, D. Napoli, C. Nociforo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, S. Rice, A. Riego, B. Rubio, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, K. Smith, E. Sokol, K. Steiger, B. Sun, M. Takechi, D. Testov, H. Weick, E. Wilson, J. Winfield, R. Wood, P. Woods, A. Yeremin
Nuclear Data Sheets 120 (2014) 81–83
doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2014.07.012



A timing detector with pulsed high-voltage power supply for mass measurements at CSRe
W. Zhang, X. Tu, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, X. Chen, Z. Hu, W. Huang, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, B. Sun, T. Yamaguchi, J. Xia, G. Xiao, X. Xu, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, X. Zhou, H. Zhao, T. Zhao
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 755 (2014) 38–43
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.04.031



Time-of-flight detectors with improved timing performance for isochronous mass measurements at the CSRe
W. Zhang, X. Tu, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, R. Chen, X. Chen, C. Fu, Z. Ge, B. Gao, Z. Hu, W. Huang, S. Litvinov, D. Liu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, B. Sun, J. Xia, G. Xiao, Y. Xing, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, Y. Yuan, Q. Zeng, X. Zhang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, X. Zhou
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 756 (2014) 1–5
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.04.051



Isochronicity corrections for isochronous mass measurements at the HIRFL-CSEe
X. Gao, Y.-J. Yuan, J.-C. Yang, S. Litvinov, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, W. Zhang, D.-Y. Yin, G.-D. Shen, W.-P. Chai, J. Shi, P. Shang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 763 (2014) 53–57
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2014.05.122



Proton radius of 14Be from measurement of charge-changing cross sections
S. Terashima, I. Tanihata, R. Kanungo, A. Estrade, W. Horiuchi, F. Ameil, J. Atkinson, Y. Ayyad, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Dillmann, A. Evdokimov, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, G. Guastalla, R. Janik, M. Kimura, R. Knoebel, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Marta, M. Mostazo, I. Mukha, T. Neff, C. Nociforo, H. Ong, S. Pietri, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, Y. Suzuki, M. Takechi, J. Tanaka, J. Vargas, J. Winfield, H. Weick
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2014 (2014) 101D02
doi: 10.1093/ptep/ptu134



Study of the 15O(2p, γ)17Ne cross section by coulomb dissociation of 17Ne for the rp process of nucleosynthesis
J. Marganiec, F. Wamers, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Egorova, H. Emling, O. Ershova, C. Forssen, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, L. Grigorenko, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoffmann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, M. Karakos, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, K. Larsson, T. Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, Y. Parfenova, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, K. Riisager, C. Tajes, D. Rossi, G. Schrieder, N. Shulgina, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, J. Taylor, O. Tengblad, E. Tengborn, H. Weick, M. Wiescher, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
Acta Physica Polonica B 45 (2014) 229–234
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.229



Illustration of accuracy of presently used nuclear-mass models
Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Palczewski, E. Cherepanov, A. Sobiczewski
Acta Physica Polonica B 45 (2014) 1979–1991
doi: 10.5506/APhysPolB.45.1979



Mass measurement of short-lived nuclei at HIRFL-CSR
M. Wang, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, X. Tu, Yu. A. Litvinov
EPJ Web of Conferences 66 (2014) 02107
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146602107



First EXL experiment with stored radioactive beam: Proton scattering on 56Ni
M. Von Schmid, S. Bagchi, S. Bonig, M. Csatlos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, T. Furuno, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, M. Harakeh, A.-L. Hartig, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, H. Kollmus, C. Kozhuharov, A. Krasznahorkay, T. Kroll, M. Kuilman, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, M. Mutterer, D. Nagae, M. Najafi, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, S. Roy, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Streicher, L. Stuhl, M. Thurauf, T. Uesaka, H. Weick, J. Winfield, D. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, K. Yue, J. Zamora, J. Zenihiro
EPJ Web of Conferences 66 (2014) 03093
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146603093



Exclusive measurements of nuclear breakup reactions of 17Ne
F. Wamers, J. Marganiec, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro-Novo, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Egorova, H. Emling, O. Ershova, C. Forssen, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, L. Grigorenko, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoffmann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, M. Karakos, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, Y. Parfenova, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, K. Riisager, D. Savran, G. Schrieder, N. Shul’Gina, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, J. Taylor, O. Tengblad, E. Tengborn, H. Weick, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
EPJ Web of Conferences 66 (2014) 03094
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20146603094



SPARC collaboration: New strategy for storage ring physics at FAIR
T. Stöhlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Brauning-Demian, M. Lestinsky, F. Herfurth, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, R. Schuch, M. Steck
Hyperfine Interactions 227 (2014) 45–53
doi: 10.1007/s10751-014-1047-2



Reaction studies using stored ions
J. Glorius, T. Aumann, C. Beinrucker, A. Sanchez-Benitez, S. Bishop, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, H. Brauning, T. Davinson, F. De Oliveira Santos, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, A. Endres, O. Ershova, A. Estrade, D. Ferreira, Z. Fulop, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, K. Gobel, A. Gumberidze, G. Gyurky, T. Heftrich, M. Heil, S. Heil, A. Hennig, F. Kappeler, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, C. Lederer, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Loher, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, B. Mei, M. Meister, G. Munzenberg, F. Nolden, M. Petri, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, G. Randisi, G. Rastrepina, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, D. Rossi, G. Savino, C. Scheidenberger, T. Szucs, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, I. Syndikus, H. Tornqvist, S. Trotsenko, L. Urban, G. Weber, H. Weick, M. Weigand, D. Winters, N. Winters, P. Woods, Q. Zhong
Proceedings of Science (NIC XIII) (2014) 234
doi: 10.22323/1.204.0096



Considerations for a cavity-based position-sensitive heavy ion detector for the CR at FAIR
X. Chen, M. Sanjari, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, J. Piotrowski
IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2014, pp. 3477–3479
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-THPME101



Conceptual design of elliptical cavity beam position monitors for heavy ion storage rings
M. Sanjari, X. Chen, P. Hulsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, J. Piotrowski, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
International Beam Instrumentation Conference, IBIC 2014, 2014



Ion optics of the HESR storage ring at FAIR for operation with heavy ions
O. Kovalenko, A. Dolinskii, T. Katayama, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stoehlker, B. Lorentz, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, H. Stockhorst
IPAC 2014: Proceedings of the 5th International Particle Accelerator Conference, 2014, pp. 1117–1119
doi: 10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2014-TUPRO042



Strong-field physics using lasers and relativistic heavy ions at the high-energy storage ring HESR at FAIR
T. Kuehl, V. Bagnoud, T. Stoehlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Winters, B. Zielbauer, H. Backe, C. Spielmann, J. Seres, A. Tunnermann, P. Neumayer, B. Aurand, S. Namba, H. Zhao
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014) 142003
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/488/14/142003



First observation of correlated photons emitted by heavy highly charged ions in the process of radiative recombination
S. Tashenov, D. Banas, H. Beier, K.-H. Blumenhagen, C. Brandau, A. Gumberidze, T. Habermann, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Minami, H. Schaffner, U. Spillmann, T. Stohlker, A. Surzhykov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014) 082023
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/488/8/082023



Laser cooling of stored relativistic ion beams with large momentum spreads using a laser system with a wide scanning range
W. Wen, D. Winters, T. Beck, B. Rein, T. Walther, S. Tichelmann, G. Birkl, R. Sanchez-Alarcon, J. Ullmann, M. Lochmann, W. Nortershauser, C. Clark, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kuhl, S. Sanjari, Y. Litvi- nov, T. Giacomini, M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, F. Nolden, T. Stohlker, J. Yang, D. Zhang, X. Ma, M. Seltmann, M. Siebold, U. Schramm, M. Bussmann
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014) 122005
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/488/12/122005




Direct observation of long-lived isomers in 212Bi
L. Chen, P. Walker, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Caceres, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, B. Franzke, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Jones, A. Kishada, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, F. Montes, G. Munzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, Z. Podolyak, S. Rigby, N. Saito, T. Saito, C. Scheidenberger, E. Simpson, M. Shindo, M. Steck, B. Sun, S. Williams, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H.-J. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 122502
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.122502



Measurement of the dipole polarizability of the unstable neutron-rich nucleus 68Ni
D. Rossi, P. Adrich, F. Aksouh, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, M. Bohmer, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, A. Kelic-Heil, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, J. Kratz, R. Krucken, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Movsesyan, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, D. Savran, H. Scheit, H. Simon, K. Summerer, A. Wagner, W. Walua, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 242503
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.242503



Nuclear physics with unstable ions at storage rings
F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 73 (2013) 84–140
doi: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2013.07.002



High-resolution measurement of the time-modulated orbital electron capture and of the β+ decay of hydrogen-like 142Pm60+ ions
P. Kienle, F. Bosch, P. Buhler, T. Faestermann, Yu. A. Litvinov, N. Winckler, M. Sanjari, D. Shubina, D. Atanasov, H. Geissel, V. Ivanova, X. Yan, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, R. Hess, P.-M. Hillebrand, T. Izumikawa, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, X. Ma, L. Maier, M. Mazzocco, I. Mukha, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, C. Scheidenberger, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, F. Suzaki, T. Suzuki, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, X. Tu, M. Wang, H. Weick, D. Winters, N. Winters, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, G. Zhang, T. Ohtsubo
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 726 (2013) 638–645
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2013.09.033



Schottky mass measurements of heavy neutron-rich nuclides in the element range 70≤Z≤79 at the GSI experimental storage ring
D. Shubina, R. Cakirli, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, C. Brandau, F. Bosch, J. Carroll, R. Casten, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, A. Deo, B. Detwiler, C. Dimopoulou, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R. Kempley, C. Kozhuharov, R. Knobel, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, M. Reed, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, T. Swan, G. Trees, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi, C. Zhou
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 88 (2013) 024310
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.024310



Population of high-spin isomeric states following fragmentation of 238U
M. Bowry, Z. Podolyak, S. Pietri, J. Kurcewicz, M. Bunce, P. Regan, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, C. No- ciforo, A. Prochazka, H. Weick, N. Al-Dahan, N. Alkhomashi, P. Allegro, J. Benlliure, G. Benzoni, P. Boutachkov, A. Bruce, A. Denis Bacelar, G. Farrelly, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, A. Gottardo, J. Grebosz, N. Gregor, R. Janik, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, T. Kubo, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Merchan, I. Mukha, F. Naqvi, B. Pfeiffer, M. Pfutzner, W. Plass, M. Pomorski, B. Riese, M. Ricciardi, K.-H. Schmidt, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, E. Simpson, B. Sitar, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Valiente Dobon, J. Winfield, H.-J. Wollersheim, P. Woods
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 88 (2013) 024611
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.024611



Collective degrees of freedom of neutron-rich A≈100 nuclei and the first mass measurement of the short-lived nuclide 100Rb
V. Manea, D. Atanasov, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Borgmann, R. Cakirli, T. Eronen, S. George, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, F. Wienholtz, R. Wolf, K. Zuber
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 88 (2013) 054322
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.054322



Hyperfine-induced effects on the linear polarization of Kα1 emission from heliumlike ions
A. Surzhykov, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker, S. Fritzsche
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 87 (2013) 052507
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.052507



Mass measurement of 45Cr and its impact on the Ca-Sc cycle in x-ray bursts
X. Yan, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Zhang, H. Schatz, X. Tu, K. Blaum, X. Zhou, B. Sun, J. He, Y. Sun, M. Wang, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, J. Yang, G. Audi, G. Jia, Z. Hu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, Z. Sun, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
Astrophysical Journal Letters 766 (2013) L8
doi: 10.1088/2041-8205/766/1/L8



Nuclear physics experiments with ion storage rings
Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Dillmann, P. Egelhof, H. Geissel, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, M. Heil, A. Heinz, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, M. Lestinsky, X. Ma, T. Nilsson, F. Nolden, A. Ozawa, R. Raabe, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, M. Sanjari, D. Schneider, H. Simon, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, X. Tu, T. Uesaka, P. Walker, M. Waka- sugi, H. Weick, N. Winckler, P. Woods, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zhang
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 317 (2013) 603–616
doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2013.07.025



Optical measurement of the longitudinal ion distribution of bunched ion beams in the ESR
W. Wen, M. Lochmann, X. Ma, M. Bussmann, D. Winters, W. Nortershauser, B. Botermann, C. Geppert, N. Frommgen, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, R. Johren, T. Kuhl, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Sanchez, T. Stohlker, J. Vollbrecht, C. Weinheimer, C. Dimopoulou, F. Nolden, M. Steck
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 711 (2013) 90–95
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2013.01.058



Quality of theoretical masses in various regions of the nuclear chart
A. Sobiczewski, Yu. A. Litvinov
Physica Scripta T154 (2013) 014001
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T154/014001



First observation of the ground-state hyperfine transition in 209Bi80+
W. Nortershauser, M. Lochmann, R. Johren, C. Geppert, Z. Andelkovic, D. Anielski, B. Botermann, M. Bussmann, A. Dax, N. Frommgen, M. Hammen, V. Hannen, T. Kuhl, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Volbrecht, T. Stohlker, R. Thompson, C. Weinheimer, W. Wen, E. Will, D. Winters, R. Sanchez
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014016
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014016



Beta decay of highly charged ions
F. Bosch, D. Atanasov, C. Brandau, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Kienle, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Ma, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, R. Reuschl, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, D. Shubina, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, M. Trassinelli, S. Trotsenko, X. Tu, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, D. Winters, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014025
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014025



Half-life measurements of highly charged radionuclides
D. Atanasov, D. Balabanski, L. Batist, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, C. Dimopoulou, H. Essel, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, S. Hagmann, R. Hess, P.-M. Hillenbrand, P. Kienle, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, M. Lestinsky, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Ma, R. Martin, M. Mazzocco, G. Munzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, D. Shubina, U. Spillmann, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, S. Trotsenko, X. Tu, I. Tupitsyn, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, D. Winters, N. Winters, H. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhang
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014026
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014026



Probing nuclear properties by resonant atomic collisions between electrons and ions
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Muller, D. Bernhardt, D. Banas, F. Bosch, F. Currell, C. Dimopoulou, A. Gumberidze, S. Hagmann, P.-M. Hillenbrand, M. Heil, M. Lestinsky, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Martin, F. Nolden, R. Reuschl, S. Sanjari, S. Schippers, D. Schneider, D. Shubina, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, G. Weber, M. Wiedeking, N. Winckler, D. Winters
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014050
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014050



SPARC experiments at the high-energy storage ring
T. Stohlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, V. Bagnoud, U. Bechstedt, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, C. Geppert, S. Hagmann, T. Katayama, T. Kuhl, R. Maier, W. Nortershauser, D. Prasuhn, R. Schuch, M. Steck, H. Stockhorst
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014085
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014085



Few-body quantum dynamics of high-Z ions studied at the future relativistic high-energy storage ring
S. Hagmann, T. Stohlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Kozhuharov, P.-M. Hillenbrand, U. Spillmann, V. Shabaev, K. Stiebing, M. Lestinsky, A. Surzhykov, A. Voitkiv, B. Franzke, D. Fischer, D. Schneider, D. Jakubassa, A. Artiomov, E. Defilippo, X. Ma, R. Dorner, H. Rothard
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014086
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014086



Future experiments using forward electron spectroscopy to study the quantum dynamics of high-Z ions at the ESR/CRYRING storage rings
P. Hillenbrand, S. Hagmann, T. Stohlker, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Kozhuharov, U. Spillmann, V. Shabaev, K. Stiebing, M. Lestinsky, A. Surzhykov, A. Voitkiv, B. Franzke, D. Fischer, C. Brandau, S. Schip- pers, A. Mueller, D. Schneider, D. Jakubassa, A. Artiomov, E. Defilippo, X. Ma, R. Dorner, H. Rothard
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014087
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014087



A resonant Schottky pickup for the study of highly charged ions in storage rings
M. Sanjari, P. Hulsmann, F. Nolden, A. Schempp, J. Wu, D. Atanasov, F. Bosch, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Moritz, C. Peschke, P. Petri, D. Shubina, M. Steck, H. Weick, N. Winckler, Y. Zang, T. Zhao
Physica Scripta T156 (2013) 014088
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2013/T156/014088



100 years of mass spectrometry
K. Blaum, Yu. A. Litvinov
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349-350 (2013) 1–2
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.07.005



Isoltrap’s multi-reflection time-of-flight mass separator/spectrometer
R. Wolf, F. Wienholtz, D. Atanasov, D. Beck, K. Blaum, C. Borgmann, F. Herfurth, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, V. Manea, D. Neidherr, M. Rosenbusch, L. Schweikhard, J. Stanja, K. Zuber
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349-350 (2013) 123–133
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.03.020



Mass and lifetime measurements at the experimental storage ring of GSI
F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349-350 (2013) 151–161
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.04.025



Accurate mass measurements of exotic nuclei with the CSRe in Lanzhou
H. Xu, Y. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349-350 (2013) 162–171
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.04.029



The ILIMA project at FAIR
P. Walker, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 349-350 (2013) 247–254
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2013.04.007



Impact of precision mass measurements on nuclear physics and astrophysics
S. Kreim, K. Blaum, J. Dilling, Yu. A. Litvinov
Nuclear Physics News 23 (2013) 18–23
doi: 10.1080/10619127.2013.793089



β-delayed neutron emission measurements around the third r-process abundance peak
R. Caballero-Folch, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Tain, G. Cortes, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, F. Ameil, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, M. Bowry, F. Calvisso, D. Cano-Ott, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, T. Faestermann, F. Farinon, D. Galaviz, A. Garcia-Rios, H. Geissel, W. Gelletly, R. Gernhauser, M. Gomez-Hornillos, C. Guerrero, M. Heil, C. Hinke, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, J. Marganiec, M. Marta, T. Martinez, F. Montes, I. Mukha, D. Napoli, C. No- ciforo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, S. Rice, A. Riego, B. Rubio, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, K. Smith, E. Sokol, K. Steiger, B. Sun, M. Takechi, D. Testov, H. Weick, E. Wilson, J. Winfield, R. Wood, P. Woods, A. Yeremin
AIP Conference Proceedings 1541 (2013) 137–139
doi: 10.1063/1.4810816



Predictive power of nuclear-mass models
Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Sobiczewski, E. Cherepanov
Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy 14 (2013) 317–320
doi: 10.15407/jnpae



Predictive power of nuclear-mass models
Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Sobiczewski, E. Cherepanov
4th International Conference on Current Problems in Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy, NPAE 2012 - Proceedings, 2013, pp. 45–48



Test of IMME in fp shell via direct mass measurements of Tz = -3/2 nuclides
Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Tu, X. Yan, S. Typel, K. Blaum, M. Wang, X. Zhou, Y. Sun, B. Brown, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, J. Yang, G. Audi, X. Chen, G. Jia, Z. Hu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, Z. Sun, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420 (2013) 012054
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/420/1/012054



Coulomb excitation of exotic nuclei at the R3B-LAND setup
D. Rossi, P. Adrich, F. Aksouh, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, M. Bohmer, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Pramanik, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, J. Kratz, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, T. Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Movsesyan, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, H. Simon, K. Summerer, A. Wagner, W. Walus, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 420 (2013) 012072
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/420/1/012072




Superallowed gamow-teller decay of the doubly magic nucleus 100Sn
C. Hinke, M. Bohmer, P. Boutachkov, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, R. Gernhauser, M. Gorska, A. Gottardo, H. Grawe, J. Grebosz, R. Krucken, N. Kurz, Z. Liu, L. Maier, F. Nowacki, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, K. Sieja, K. Steiger, K. Straub, H. Weick, H.-J. Wollersheim, P. Woods, N. Al-Dahan, N. Alkhomashi, A. Atass, A. Blazhev, N. Braun, I. Celikovic, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Domingo- Pardo, P. Doornenbal, G. De France, G. Farrelly, F. Farinon, N. Goel, T. Habermann, R. Hoischen, R. Janik, M. Karny, A. Kaskas, I. Kojouharov, T. Kroll, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Myalski, F. Nebel, S. Nishimura, C. Nociforo, J. Nyberg, A. Parikh, A. Prochazka, P. Regan, C. Rigollet, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schwertel, P.-A. Soderstrom, S. Steer, A. Stolz, P. Strmen
Nature 486 (2012) 341–345
doi: 10.1038/nature11116



Mass measurements of the neutron-deficient 41Ti, 45Cr, 49Fe, and 53Ni nuclides: First test of the isobaric multiplet mass equation in fp-shell nuclei
Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Tu, X. Yan, S. Typel, K. Blaum, M. Wang, X. Zhou, Y. Sun, B. Brown, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, J. Yang, G. Audi, X. Chen, G. Jia, Z. Hu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, Z. Sun, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, W. Zhang, W. Zhan
Physical Review Letters 109 (2012) 102501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.102501



Discovery and cross-section measurement of neutron-rich isotopes in the element range from neodymium to platinum with the FRS
J. Kurcewicz, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, S. Pietri, C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, H. Weick, J. Winfield, A. Estrade, P. Allegro, A. Bail, G. Belier, J. Benlliure, G. Benzoni, M. Bunce, M. Bowry, R. Caballero- Folch, I. Dillmann, A. Evdokimov, J. Gerl, A. Gottardo, E. Gregor, R. Janik, A. Kelic-Heil, R. Knobel, T. Kubo, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Merchan, I. Mukha, F. Naqvi, M. Pfutzner, M. Pomorski, Z. Podolyak, P. Regan, B. Riese, M. Ricciardi, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, J. Taieb, S. Terashima, J. Valiente-Dobon, M. Winkler, P. Woods
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 717 (2012) 371–375
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2012.09.021



Measurements of α-decay half-lives at GSI
C. Nociforo, F. Farinon, A. Musumarra, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, A. Del Zoppo, P. Figuera, M. Fisichella, H. Geissel, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kuboki, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, Y. Motizuki, F. Nolden, T. Ohstubo, Y. Ohkuma, Z. Patyk, M. Pellegriti, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, M. Sanjari, C. Scheidenberger, V. Scuderi, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, D. Torresi, H. Weick, J. Winfield, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, H. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Physica Scripta T150 (2012) 014028
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T150/014028



Storage ring at HIE-ISOLDE: Technical design report
M. Grieser, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Raabe, K. Blaum, Y. Blumenfeld, P. Butler, F. Wenander, P. Woods, M. Aliotta, A. Andreyev, A. Artemyev, D. Atanasov, T. Aumann, D. Balabanski, A. Barzakh, L. Batist, A.-P. Bernardes, D. Bernhardt, J. Billowes, S. Bishop, M. Borge, I. Borzov, F. Bosch, A. Boston, C. Brandau, W. Catford, R. Catherall, J. Cederkall, D. Cullen, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, G. Dracoulis, C. Dullmann, P. Egelhof, A. Estrade, D. Fischer, K. Flanagan, L. Fraile, M. Fraser, S. Freeman, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, P. Greenlees, R. Grisenti, D. Habs, R. von Hahn, S. Hagmann, M. Hausmann, J. He, M. Heil, M. Huyse, D. Jenkins, A. Jokinen, B. Jonson, D. Joss, Y. Kadi, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, B. Kay, O. Kiselev, H.-J. Kluge, M. Kowalska, C. Kozhuharov, S. Kreim, T. Kroll, J. Kurcewicz, M. Labiche, R. Lemmon, M. Lestinsky, G. Lotay, X. Ma, M. Marta, J. Meng, D. Mucher, I. Mukha, A. Muller, A. Murphy, G. Neyens, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, W. Nortershauser, R. Page, M. Pasini, N. Petridis, N. Pietralla, M. Pfutzner, Z. Podolyak, P. Regan, M. Reed, R. Reifarth, P. Reiter, R. Repnow, K. Riisager, B. Rubio, M. Sanjari, D. Savin, C. Scheidenberger, S. Schippers, D. Schneider, R. Schuch, D. Schwalm, L. Schweikhard, D. Shubina, E. Siesling, H. Simon, J. Simpson, J. Smith, K. Sonnabend, M. Steck, T. Stora, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, A. Surzhykov, F. Suzaki, O. Tarasov, S. Trotsenko, X. Tu, P. Van Duppen, C. Volpe, D. Voulot, P. Walker, E. Wildner, N. Winckler, D. Winters, A. Wolf, H. Xu, A. Yakushev, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yuan, Y. Zhang, K. Zuber
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 207 (2012) 1–117
doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2012-01599-9



One-neutron removal reactions on al isotopes around the N=20 shell closure
C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, R. Kanungo, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, R. Janik, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knobel, R. Krucken, N. Kurz, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 85 (2012) 044312
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.044312



New states in 18Na and 19Mg observed in the two-proton decay of 19Mg
I. Mukha, L. Grigorenko, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, J. Hofmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korshenin- nikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfutzner, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, E. Roeckl, C. Scheidenberger, M. Stanoiu, K. Summerer, H. Weick, P. Woods
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 85 (2012) 044325
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.85.044325



Long-lived isomers in neutron-rich Z=72-76 nuclides
M. Reed, P. Walker, I. Cullen, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Shubina, G. Dracoulis, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, A. Deo, B. Detwiler, C. Dimopoulou, G. Dong, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R. Kempley, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, T. Swan, G. Trees, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, P. Woods, F. Xu, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 86 (2012) 054321
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.054321



Nuclear-matter density distribution in the neutron-rich nuclei 12,14Be from proton elastic scattering in inverse kinematics
S. Ilieva, F. Aksouh, G. Alkhazov, L. Chulkov, A. Dobrovolsky, P. Egelhof, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, A. Inglessi, R. Kanungo, A. Khanzadeev, O. Kiselev, G. Korolev, X. Le, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Nociforo, D. Seliverstov, L. Sergeev, H. Simon, V. Volkov, A. Vorobyov, H. Weick, V. Yatsoura, A. Zhdanov
Nuclear Physics A 875 (2012) 8–28
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2011.11.010



New results on mass measurements of stored neutron-rich nuclides in the element range from Pt to U with the FRS-ESR facility at 360-400 MeV/u
L. Chen, W. Plass, H. Geissel, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Patyk, C. Scheidenberger, K. Siegien-Iwaniuk, B. Sun, H. Weick, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Caceres, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, B. Franzke, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Jones, A. Kishada, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, F. Montes, G. Munzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Podolyak, R. Propri, S. Rigby, N. Saito, T. Saito, M. Shindo, M. Steck, P. Walker, S. Williams, M. Winkler, H.-J. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Nuclear Physics A 882 (2012) 71–89
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2012.03.002



Description of heavy-nuclei masses by macroscopic-microscopic models
Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Sobiczewski, A. Parkhomenko, E. Cherepanov
International Journal of Modern Physics E 21 (2012) 1250038
doi: 10.1142/S0218301312500383



Investigation of the dipole response in exotic nuclei: Experiments at the LAND-R3B setup
D. Rossi, P. Adrich, F. Aksouh, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, M. Bohmer, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Fernando-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, J. Volker Kratz, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Movsesyan, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, H. Simon, K. Summerer, A. Wagner, W. Walus, H. Weick, W. Martin
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 196 (2012) 465–470
doi: 10.1143/PTPS.196.465



Weighing exotic nuclei for nuclear astrophysics
Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum
AIP Conference Proceedings 1484 (2012) 69–72
doi: 10.1063/1.4763375



Half-life measurements of isomeric states populated in projectile fragmentation
M. Bowry, Z. Podolyak, J. Kurcewicz, S. Pietri, M. Bunce, P. Regan, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, H. Weick, P. Allegro, J. Benlliure, G. Benzoni, P. Boutachkov, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, A. Gottardo, N. Gregor, R. Janik, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, T. Kubo, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Merchan, I. Mukha, F. Naqvi, B. Pfeiffer, M. Pfutzner, W. Plass, M. Pomorski, B. Riese, M. Ricciardi, K.-H. Schmidt, H. Schaffner, N. Kurz, A. Denis Bacelar, A. Bruce, G. Farrelly, N. Alkhomashi, N. Al-Dahan, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, P. Strmen, B. Sun, H. Takeda, I. Tanihata, S. Terashima, J. Valiente Dobon, J. Winfield, H.-J. Wollersheim, P. Woods
AIP Conference Proceedings 1491 (2012) 317–320
doi: 10.1063/1.4764266



Neutron-skin thickness from the study of the anti-analog giant dipole resonance
A. Krasznahorkay, L. Stuhl, M. Csatlos, A. Algora, J. Gulyas, J. Timar, N. Paar, D. Vretenar, M. Harakeh, K. Boretzky, M. Heil, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Rossi, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, H. Weick, A. Bracco, S. Brambilla, N. Blasi, F. Camera, A. Giaz, B. Million, L. Pellegri, S. Riboldi, O. Wieland, S. Altstadt, M. Fonseca, J. Glorius, K. Gobel, T. Heftrich, A. Koloczek, S. Krackmann, C. Langer, R. Plag, M. Pohl, G. Rastrepina, R. Reifarth, S. Schmidt, K. Sonnabend, M. Weigand, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, C. Rigollet, S. Bagchi, M. Najafi, T. Aumann, L. Atar, M. Heine, M. Holl, A. Movsesyan, P. Schrock, V. Volkov, F. Wamers, E. Fiori, B. Loher, J. Marganiec, D. Savran, H. Johansson, P. Fernandez, U. Garg, D. Balabanski
AIP Conference Proceedings 1491 (2012) 190–197
doi: 10.1063/1.4764237



Precision mass measurements for nuclear astro- and neutrino physics
K. Blaum, S. Eliseev, T. Eronen, Yu. A. Litvinov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 381 (2012) 012013
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012013



Technique for resolving low-lying isomers in the experimental storage ring (ESR) and the occurrence of an isomeric state in 192Re
M. Reed, P. Walker, I. Cullen, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, A. Deo, B. Detwiler, C. Dimopoulou, G. Dracoulis, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R. Kempley, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Pla, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, D. Shubina, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, B. Sun, T. Swan, G. Trees, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 381 (2012) 012058
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012058



Coulomb dissociation of 27P
S. Novo, K. Summerer, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Wimmer, R. Plag, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, K. Behr, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, U. Datta-Pramanik, Z. Elekes, Z. Fulop, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, S. Giron, U. Greife, F. Hammache, M. Heil, J. Hoffman, H. Johansson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, N. Kurz, K. Larsson, T. Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muentz, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, S. Paschalis, W. Prokopowicz, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, H. Simon, M. Stanoiu, J. Stroth, S. Typel, A. Wagner, F. Wamers, H. Weick
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 381 (2012) 012115
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/381/1/012115



Dielectronic recombination of in-flight synthesized exotic isotopes
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Muller, D. Bernhardt, L. Bernstein, F. Bosch, F. Currell, C. Dimopoulou, A. Gumberidze, M. Heil, F. Nolden, R. Reifarth, S. Schippers, D. Schneider, H. Simon, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Stohlker, M. Wiedeking, N. Winckler, D. Winters
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 (2012) 062042
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/388/6/062042



Theoretical description of nuclear masses
Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Sobiczewski
EPJ Web of Conferences 38 (2012) 05001
doi: 10.1051/epjconf/20123805001



Operation of the HESR storage ring of the FAIR project with ions and rare isotopes
M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, T. Katayama, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Stohlker, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, H. Stockhorst
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, 2012, pp. 3722–3724



Stochastic cooling developments for HESR at FAIR
H. Stockhorst, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, R. Stassen, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, T. Katayama, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Steck, T. Stohlker
IPAC 2012 - International Particle Accelerator Conference 2012, 2012, pp. 388–390



Current plans for beam cooling at FAIR
M. Steck, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, O. Gorda, T. Katayama, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, C. Peschke, T. Stohlker, J. Dietrich, R. Maier, D. Prasuhn, R. Stassen, H. Stockhorst
RuPAC 2012 Contributions to the Proceedings - 23rd Russian Particle Accelerator Conference, 2012, pp. 63–67



β-delayed neutron emission measurements around the third r-process abundance peak
R. Caballero-Folch, C. Domingo-Pardo, J. Tain, G. Cortes, J. Agramunt, A. Algora, F. Ameil, Y. Ayyad, J. Benlliure, M. Bowry, F. Calvisso, D. Cano-Ott, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, A. Estrade, A. Evdokimov, T. Faestermann, F. Farinon, D. Galaviz, A. Garcia-Rios, H. Geissel, W. Gelletly, R. Gernhauser, M. Gomez-Hornillos, C. Guerrero, M. Heil, C. Hinke, R. Knobel, I. Kojouharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, J. Marganiec, M. Marta, T. Martinez, F. Montes, I. Mukha, D. Napoli, C. No- ciforo, C. Paradela, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, S. Rice, A. Riego, B. Rubio, H. Schaffner, C. Scheidenberger, K. Smith, E. Sokol, K. Steiger, B. Sun, M. Takechi, D. Testov, H. Weick, E. Wilson, J. Winfield, R. Wood, P. Woods, A. Yeremin
Proceedings of Science (NIC XII) (2012) 109
doi: 10.22323/1.146.0109



An alternative approach to measure b-delayed neutron emission
A. Evdokimov, I. Dillmann, M. Marta, F. Bosch, A. Dolinskii, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, M. Steck, H. Weick, T. Faestermann, R. Gernhauser, L. Maier
Proceedings of Science (NIC XII) (2012) 115
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Coulomb breakup of 17Ne from the viewpoint of nuclear astrophysics
J. Marganiec, F. Aksouh, Y. Aksyutina, H. Alvarez Pol, T. Aumann, S. Beceiro, C. Bertulani, K. Boretzky, M. Borge, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, L. Chulkov, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Egorova, H. Emling, O. Ershova, C. Forssen, L. Fraile, H. Fynbo, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, L. Grigorenko, M. Heil, D. Hoffmann, J. Hoff- mann, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, C. Langer, M. Lantz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, A. Lindahl, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muntz, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, G. Nyman, W. Ott, V. Panin, Y. Parfenova, S. Paschalis, A. Perea, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, A. Richter, C. Rodriguez Tajes, D. Rossi, G. Schrieder, N. Shulgina, H. Simon, J. Stroth, K. Summerer, J. Taylor, O. Tengblad, E. Tengborn, F. Wamers, H. Weick, C. Wimmer, M. Zhukov
Proceedings of Science (NIC XII) (2012) 172
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Exploring the anomaly in the interaction cross section and matter radius of 23O
R. Kanungo, A. Prochazka, M. Uchida, W. Horiuchi, G. Hagen, T. Papenbrock, C. Nociforo, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhäuser, J. Gerl, R. Janik, s. Jensen, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, R. Krücken, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, Y. Suzuki, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, H. Weick, M. Winkler,
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 84 (2011) 061304(R)
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A fast and sensitive resonant schottky pick-up for heavy ion storage rings
F. Nolden, P. Hülsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Moritz, C. Peschke, P. Petri, M. Sanjari, M. Steck, H. Weick, J. Wu, Y. Zang, S. Zhang, T. Zhao,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 659 (2011) 69–77
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.06.058



A sensitive resonant Schottky pick-up for the ESR storage ring at GSI
F. Nolden, P. Hülsmann, P. Moritz, C. Peschke, P. Petri, M. Steck, H. Weick, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Sanjari, J. Wu, Y. Zang, S. Zhang, T. Zhao
DIPAC 2011 - Proceedings of the 10th European Workshop on Beam Diagnostics and Instrumentation for Particle Accelerators, 2011, pp. 107–109



Simulation and measurement of the resonant Schottky pickup
Y.-D. Zang, J.-X. Wu, T.-C. Zhao, S.-H. Zhang, R.-S. Mao, H.-S. Xu, Z.-Y. Sun, X.-W. Ma, X.-L. Tu, G.-Q. Xiao, F. Nolden, P. Hülsmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Peschke, P. Petri, M. Sanjari, M. Steck
Chinese Physics C 35 (2011) 1124–1129
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Mass measurements of proton-rich nuclides at the cooler storage ring at IMP
Y. Zhang, X. Tu, H. Xu, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Sun, H. Schatz, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, G. Audi, K. Blaum, C. Du, P. Geng, Z. Hu, W. Huang, S. Jin, L. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, Z. Sun, H. Suzuki, S. Tang, J. Wang, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, R. Ye, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, X. Zhang, W. Zhan
AIP Conference Proceedings 1409 (2011) 15–18
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Energy loss and cooling of relativistic highly charged uranium ions interacting with an internal hydrogen droplet target beam
N. Petridis, A. Kalinin, U. Popp, V. Gostishchev, Yu. A. Litvinov, C. Dimopoulou, F. Nolden, M. Steck, C. Kozhuharov, D. Thorn, A. Gumberidze, S. Trotsenko, S. Hagmann, U. Spillmann, D. Winters, R. Dorner, T. Stöhlker, R. Grisenti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 656 (2011) 1–4
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.07.035



Precision isochronous mass measurements at the storage ring CSRe in Lanzhou
X. Tu, M. Wang, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, Z. Sun, G. Audi, K. Blaum, C. Du, W. Huang, Z. Hu, P. Geng, S. Jin, L. Liu, Y. Liu, B. Mei, R. Mao, X. Ma, H. Suzuki, P. Shuai, Y. Sun, S. Tang, J. Wang, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, J. Xia, J. Yang, R. Ye, T. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, Y. Yuan, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, X. Zhang, X. Zhou, W. Zhan
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 654 (2011) 213–218
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.07.018



At the borderline between atomic and nuclear physics: Two-body β-decay of highly charged ions
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch, C. Kozhuharov, X. Ma, T. Stöhlker, N. Winckler, T. Yamaguchi
Physica Scripta T144 (2011) 014001
doi: 10.1088/0031-8949/2011/T144/014001



SPARC: The stored particle atomic research collaboration at FAIR
T. Stöhlker, H. Beyer, A. Bräuning-Demian, C. Brandau, A. Gumberidze, R. Grisenti, S. Hagmann, F. Herfurth, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kühl, D. Liesen, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Maertin, W. Nörtershäuser, O. Kester, N. Petridis, W. Quint, U. Schramm, R. Schuch, U. Spillmann, S. Trotsenko, G. Weber, D. Winters,
AIP Conference Proceedings 1336 (2011) 132–137
doi: 10.1063/1.3586073



Orbital electron capture of hydrogen- and helium-like ions
K. Siegien-Iwaniuk, N. Winckler, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Patyk
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 84 (2011) 014301
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.84.014301



The electronion scattering experiment ELISE at the international facility for antiproton and ion research (FAIR) - A conceptual design study
A. Antonov, M. Gaidarov, M. Ivanov, D. Kadrev, M. Aiche, G. Barreau, S. Czajkowski, B. Jurado, G. Belier, A. Chatillon, T. Granier, J. Taieb, D. Dore, A. Letourneau, D. Ridikas, E. Dupont, E. Berthoumieux, S. Panebianco, F. Farget, C. Schmitt, L. Audouin, E. Khan, L. Tassan-Got, T. Aumann, P. Beller, K. Boretzky, A. Dolinskii, P. Egelhof, H. Emling, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, A. Kelic-Heil, O. Kester, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, K.-H. Schmidt, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, M. Steck, H. Weick, J. Enders, N. Pietralla, A. Richter, G. Schrieder, A. Zilges, M. Distler, H. Merkel, U. Muller, A. Junghans, H. Lenske, M. Fujiwara, T. Suda, S. Kato, T. Adachi, S. Hamieh, M. Harakeh, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, H. Wortche, G. Berg, I. Koop, P. Logatchov, A. Otboev, V. Parkhomchuk, D. Shatilov, P. Shatunov, Y. Shatunov, S. Shiyankov, D. Shvartz, A. Skrinsky, L. Chulkov, B. Danilin, A. Korsheninnikov, E. Kuzmin, A. Ogloblin, V. Volkov, Y. Grishkin, V. Lisin, A. Mushkarenkov, V. Nedorezov, A. Polonski, N. Rudnev, A. Turinge, A. Artukh, V. Avdeichikov, S. Ershov, A. Fomichev, M. Golovkov, A. Gorshkov, L. Grigorenko, S. Klygin, S. Krupko, I. Meshkov, A. Rodin, Y. Sereda, I. Seleznev, S. Sidorchuk, E. Syresin, S. Stepantsov, G. Ter-Akopian, Y. Teterev, A. Vorontsov, S. Kamerdzhiev, E. Litvinova, S. Karataglidis, R. Alvarez Rodriguez, M. Borge, C. Fernandez Ramirez, E. Garrido, P. Sarriguren, J. Vignote, L. Fraile Prieto, J. Lopez Herraiz, E. Moya De Guerra, J. Udias- Moinelo, J. Amaro Soriano, A. Lallena Rojo, J. Caballero, H. Johansson, B. Jonson, T. Nilsson, G. Nyman, M. Zhukov, P. Golubev, D. Rudolph, K. Hencken, J. Jourdan, B. Krusche, T. Rauscher, D. Kiselev, D. Trautmann, J. Al-Khalili, W. Catford, R. Johnson, P. Stevenson, C. Barton, D. Jenkins, R. Lemmon, M. Chartier, D. Cullen, C. Bertulani, A. Heinz
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 637 (2011) 60–76
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.246



Direct mass measurements of short-lived nuclides at the storage ring facility in Lanzhou
Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Xu
Nuclear Physics News 21 (2011) 13–17
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First feasibility experiment for the EXL project with prototype detectors at the ESR storage ring,
H. Moeini, S. Ilieva, F. Aksouh, K. Boretzky, A. Chatillon, A. Corsi, P. Egelhof, H. Emling, G. Ickert, J. Jourdan, N. Kalantar Nayestanaki, D. Kiselev, O. Kiselev, C. Kozhuharov, T. Le Bleis, X. Le, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, J. Meier, F. Nolden, S. Paschalis, U. Popp, H. Simon, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, H. Weick, D. Werthmüller, A. Zalite,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 634 (2011) 77–84
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.036



Direct mass measurements of short-lived A=2Z-1 nuclides 63Ge, 65As, 67Se, and 71Kr and their impact on nucleosynthesis in the rp process,
X. Tu, H. Xu, M. Wang, Y. Zhang, Yu. A. Litvinov, Y. Sun, H. Schatz, X. Zhou, Y. Yuan, J. Xia, G. Audi, K. Blaum, C. Du, P. Geng, Z. Hu, W. Huang, S. Jin, L. Liu, Y. Liu, X. Ma, R. Mao, B. Mei, P. Shuai, Z. Sun, H. Suzuki, S. Tang, J. Wang, S. Wang, G. Xiao, X. Xu, T. Yamaguchi, Y. Yamaguchi, X. Yan, J. Yang, R. Ye, Y. Zang, H. Zhao, T. Zhao, X. Zhang, W. Zhan
Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 112501
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Enhanced Schottky signals from electron-cooled, coasting beams in a heavy-ion storage ring
C. Krantz, K. Blaum, M. Grieser, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Repnow, A. Wolf
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 629 (2011) 1–5
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.12.034



Matter radii of 32-35Mg
R. Kanungo, A. Prochazka, W. Horiuchi, C. Nociforo, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhäuser, J. Gerl, R. Janik, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, R. Krücken, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, Y. Suzuki, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, Y. Utsuno, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 83 (2011) 021302
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R-process nucleosynthesis: Present status and future experiments at the FRS and ESR
I. Dillmann, Yu. A. Litvinov
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 66 (2011) 358–362
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Beta decay of highly charged ions
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch
Reports on Progress in Physics 74 (2011) 016301
doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/74/1/016301



Two-body beta decay of stored few-electron ions
N. Winckler, F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov
Hyperfine Interactions 199 (2011) 103–114
doi: 10.1007/s10751-011-0305-9



Measurements of ground-state properties for nuclear structure studies by precision mass and laser spectroscopy
K. Blaum, M. Block, R. Cakirli, S. Eliseev, M. Kowalska, S. Kreim, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Nagy, W. Nörtershäuser, D. Yordanov
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 312 (2011) 092001
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Feasibility studies for the EXL project at FAIR
K. Yue, S. Bagchi, S. Diebold, C. Dimopoulou, P. Egelhof, V. Eremin, S. Ilieva, N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, O. Kiselev, T. Kröll, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mutterer, M. Najafi, N. Petridis, U. Popp, C. Rigollet, M. Von Schmid, M. Steck, B. Streicher
Proceedings of Science (STORI11) (2011) 014
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Measurements of proton-induced reactions on ruthenium-96 in the ESR at GSI
G. Rastrepina, T. Aumann, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, H. Bräuning, C. Brandau, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, C. Dimopoulou, O. Ershova, Z. Fülop, H. Geissel, G. Gyürky, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, A. Kelic-Heil, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, K. Sonnabend, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, T. Scücs, G. Weber, H. Weick, D. Winters, N. Winters, P. Woods, Q. Zhong
Proceedings of Science (STORI11) (2011) 005
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Spectroscopy of proton-unbound nuclei by tracking their decay products in-flight: One- and two-proton decays of 15F, 16Ne, and 19Na
I. Mukha, K. Sümmerer, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, I. Egorova, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, L. Grigorenko, J. Hofmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, E. Litvinova, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfützner, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, E. Roeckl, M. Stanoiu, N. Timofeyuk, H. Weick, P. Woods
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 82 (2010) 054315
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From J. J. Thomson to FAIR, what do we learn from large-scale mass and half-life measurements of bare and few-electron ions?
G. Münzenberg, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov
AIP Conference Proceedings 1224 (2010) 28–46
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Discovery of highly excited long-lived isomers in neutron-rich hafnium and tantalum isotopes through direct mass measurements
M. Reed, I. Cullen, P. Walker, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, A. Deo, B. Detwiller, C. Dimopoulou, G. Dracoulis, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, E. Haettner, M. Heil, R. Kempley, R. Knobel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kuzminchuk, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, R. Mao, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, B. Sun, T. Swan, G. Trees, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, P. Woods, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 105 (2010) 172501
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Direct mass measurements of exotic nuclei in storage rings
Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel, R. Knobel, B. Sun, H. Xu
Acta Physica Polonica B 41 (2010) 511–523



Discovery and investigation of heavy neutron-rich isotopes with time-resolved Schottky spectrometry in the element range from thallium to actinium
L. Chen, W. Plass, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Patyk, C. Scheidenberger, K. Siegien-Iwaniuk, B. Sun, H. Weick, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Caceres, J. Carroll, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, B. Franzke, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Jones, A. Kishada, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Podolyak, R. Propri, S. Rigby, N. Saito, T. Saito, M. Shindo, M. Steck, P. Ugorowski, P. Walker, S. Williams, M. Winkler, H.-J. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 691 (2010) 234–237
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.05.078



MATS and LaSpec: High-precision experiments using ion traps and lasers at FAIR
D. Rodriguez, K. Blaum, W. Nörtershäuser, M. Ahammed, A. Algora, G. Audi, J. Aysto, D. Beck, M. Bender, J. Billowes, M. Block, C. Bohm, G. Bollen, M. Brodeur, T. Brunner, B. Bushaw, R. Cakirli, P. Campbell, D. Cano-Ott, G. Cortes, J. Lopez-Urrutia, P. Das, A. Dax, A. De, P. Delheij, T. Dickel, J. Dilling, K. Eberhardt, S. Eliseev, S. Ettenauer, K. Flanagan, R. Ferrer, J.-E. Garcia-Ramos, E. Gartzke, H. Geissel, S. George, C. Geppert, M. Gomez-Hornillos, Y. Gusev, D. Habs, P.-H. Heenen, S. Heinz, F. Herfurth, A. Herlert, M. Hobein, G. Huber, M. Huyse, C. Jesch, A. Jokinen, O. Kester, J. Ketelaer, V. Kolhinen, I. Koudriavtsev, M. Kowalska, J. Kramer, S. Kreim, A. Krieger, T. Kuhl, A. Lallena, A. Lapierre, F. Le Blanc, Yu. A. Litvinov, D. Lunney, T. Martinez, G. Marx, M. Matos, E. Minaya-Ramirez, I. Moore, S. Nagy, S. Naimi, D. Neidherr, D. Nesterenko, G. Neyens, Y. Novikov, M. Petrick, W. Plass, A. Popov, W. Quint, A. Ray, P.-G. Reinhard, J. Repp, C. Roux, B. Rubio, R. Sanchez, B. Schabinger, C. Scheidenberger, D. Schneider, R. Schuch, S. Schwarz, L. Schweikhard, M. Seliverstov, A. Solders, M. Suhonen, J. Szerypo, J. Tain, P. Thirolf, J. Ullrich, P. van Duppen, A. Vasiliev, G. Vorobjev, C. Weber, K. Wendt, M. Winkler, D. Yordanov, F. Ziegler
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 183 (2010) 1–123
doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2010-01231-2



Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare 133Sb ions
B. Sun, R. Knöbel, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Walker, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Cullen, A. Dolinskii, B. Fabian, M. Hausmann, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, M. Mazzocco, J. Meng, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Suzuki, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 688 (2010) 294–297
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.04.020



Observation of non-exponential orbital electron-capture decay of stored hydrogen-like ions
F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 64 (2010) 435–438
doi: 10.1016/j.ppnp.2009.12.069



Structure of 33Mg sheds new light on the N = 20 island of inversion
R. Kanungo, C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, Y. Utsuno, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhäuser, J. Gerl, R. Janik, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, R. Krücken, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, T. Otsuka, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 685 (2010) 253–257
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2010.02.008



Mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei
Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Blaum, X. Ma, P. Walker, N. Winckler
Proceedings of Science (NIC XI) (2010) 073
doi: 10.22323/1.100.0073



β-decay and neutron emission studies of r-process nuclei near 137Sb
K. Smith, F. Attallah, T. Faestermann, U. Giesen, H. Geissel, M. Hannawald, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, R. Kessler, K.-L. Kratz, H. Mahmud, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mineva, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, B. Pfeiffer, J. Pereira Conca, P. Santi, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, K. Schmidt, R. Schneider, A. Stolz, K. Sümmerer, J. Stadlmann, E. Wefers, P. Woods
Proceedings of Science (NIC XI) (2010) 283
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Coulomb dissociation of 27P: A reaction of astrophysical interest
S. Beceiro Novo, K. Sümmerer, D. Cortina-Gil, C. Wimmer, R. Plag, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, K. Behr, K. Boretzky, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, U. Datta-Pramanik, Z. Elekes, Z. Fülop, D. Galaviz, H. Geissel, S. Giron, U. Greife, F. Hammache, M. Heil, J. Hoffman, H. Johansson, C. Karagiannis, O. Kiselev, N. Kurz, K. Larsson, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, C. Muentz, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, S. Paschalis, W. Prokopowicz, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, D. Rossi, H. Simon, M. Stanoiu, J. Stroth, S. Typel, A. Wagner, F. Wamers, H. Weick
Proceedings of Science (NIC XI) (2010) 227
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Coulomb dissociation reactions on Mo isotopes for astrophysics applications
O. Ershova, P. Adrich, H. Alvarez-Pol, F. Aksouh, T. Aumann, M. Babilon, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, T. Berg, M. Bohmer, K. Boretzky, A. Brünle, R. Beyer, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, L. Deveaux, M. Elvers, T. Elze, H. Emling, M. Erhard, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, M. Hellstrom, G. Ickert, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, F. Käppeler, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, K. Lindenberg, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Maierbeck, A. Movsesyan, S. Muller, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, N. Paar, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, W. Prokopowicz, R. Reifarth, D. Rossi, L. Schnorrenberger, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, G. Surowka, D. Vretenar, A. Wagner, S. Walter, W. Walus, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, A. Zilges
Proceedings of Science (NIC XI) (2010) 232
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Two-body beta decay of stored highly-charged ions
N. Winckler, K. Blaum, F. Bosch, Yu. A. Litvinov
Nuclear Physics A 834 (2010) 432c–435c
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.01.057



Precise measurement of nuclear isomers in the storage ring at GSI
B. Sun, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, B. Fabian, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Meng, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler
Nuclear Physics A 834 (2010) 476c–478c
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2010.01.069



Resonant recombination at ion storage rings: A conceptual alternative for isotope shift and hyperfine studies
C. Brandau, C. Kozhuharov, A. Müller, D. Bernhardt, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, F. Currell, C. Dimopoulou, B. Franzke, S. Fritzsche, A. Gumberidze, Z. Harman, U. Jentschura, C. Keitel, Y. Kozhedub, R. Krücken, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Nolden, B. O’Rourke, R. Reuschl, S. Schippers, V. Shabaev, U. Spillmann, Z. Stachura, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, I. Tupitsyn, D. Winters, A. Wolf
Hyperfine Interactions 196 (2010) 115-127
doi: 10.1007/s10751-009-0142-2



96Ru(p,γ)97Rh measurement at the GSI storage ring
Q. Zhong, T. Aumann, S. Bishop, K. Blaum, K. Boretzky, F. Bosch, H. Bräuning, C. Brandau, T. Davinson, I. Dillmann, O. Ershova, H. Geissel, G. Gyürky, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, A. Kelic, C. Kozhuharov, C. Langer, T. Le Bleis, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Lotay, J. Marganiec, N. Petridis, R. Plag, U. Popp, R. Reifarth, B. Riese, C. Rigollet, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, T. Stöhlker, T. Szucs, G. Weber, H. Weick, D. Winters, N. Winters, J. Woods
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 202 (2010) 012011
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/202/1/012011



Studies of two-body β-decays at the FRS-ESR facility
J. Kurcewicz, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, N. Winckler, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, H. Essel, B. Fabian, T. Faestermann, A. Fragner, B. Franzke, E. Haettner, M. Hausmann, S. Hess, P. Kienle, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, L. Maier, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, R. Reda, R. Reuschl, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, B. Sun, K. Takahashi, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Acta Physica Polonica B 41 (2010) 525–536



Target dependence in the study of collective modes in stable and exotic Ni nuclei
T. Le Bleis, D. Rossi, A. Klimkiewicz, P. Adrich, K. Boretzky, F. Aksouh, H. Alvarez-Pol, T. Aumann, J. Benlliure, M. Boehmer, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maier- beck, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, A. Wagner, W. Walus, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 202 (2010) 012035
doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/202/1/012035




Shell closure N=16 in 24O
C. Nociforo, R. Kanungo, A. Prochazka, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhäuser, J. Gerf, R. Janik, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knöber, R. Krücken, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, T. Otsuka, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sltar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, Y. Utsuno, H. Weick, M. Winkler
AIP Conference Proceedings 1165 (2009) 90–93
doi: 10.1063/1.3232161



Pygmy dipole strength in exotic nuclei and the equation of state
A. Klimkiewicz, N. Paar, P. Adrich, M. Fallot, T. Le Bleis, D. Rossi, K. Boretzky, T. Aumann, H. Alvarez-Pol, F. Aksouh, J. Benlliure, T. Berg, M. Boehmer, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Datta Pramanik, T. Elze, H. Emling, O. Ershova, B. Femando-Dominguez, H. Geissel, M. Gorska, M. Heil, M. Hellstrom, H. Johansson, K. Jones, A. Junghans, O. Kiselev, J. Kratz, R. Kulessa, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, R. Lemmon, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, S. Paschalis, R. Plag, R. Reifarth, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, G. Surowka, D. Vretenar, A. Wagner, W. Walu ́s, H. Weick, M. Winkler
AIP Conference Proceedings 1165 (2009) 181–184
doi: 10.1063/1.3232065



Electron screening effects on α-decay
A. Musumarra, F. Farinon, C. Nociforo, H. Geissel, G. Baur, K.-H. Behr, A. Bonasera, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, A. Brünle, L. Chen, A. Del Zoppo, C. Dimopoulou, A. Di Pietro, T. Faestermann, P. Figuera, K. Hagino, R. Janik, C. Karagiannis, P. Kienle, S. Kimura, R. Knöbel, I. Kojouharov, C. Kozhuharov, T. Kuboki, J. Kurcewicz, N. Kurz, K. Langanke, M. Lattuada, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, G. Martinez-Pinedo, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, Y. Motizuki, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Y. Okuma, Z. Patyk, M. Pellegritf, W. Plass, S. Pietri, Z. Podolyak, A. Prochazka, C. Scheidenberger, V. Scuderf, B. Sitar, M. Steck, P. Strmen, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, I. Szarka, D. Torresi, H. Weick, J. Winfield, M. Winkler, H. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
AIP Conference Proceedings 1165 (2009) 415–418
doi: 10.1063/1.3232139



Orbital electron capture decay of hydrogen- and helium-like 142Pm ions
N. Winckler, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Di- mopoulou, H. Essel, B. Fabian, T. Faestermann, A. Fragner, E. Haettner, S. Hess, P. Kienle, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, R. Reda, R. Reuschl, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 679 (2009) 36–40
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.019



Observation of narrow states in nuclei beyond the proton drip line: 15F and 16Ne
I. Mukha, N. Timofeyuk, K. Sümmerer, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, L. Grigorenko, J. Hofmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfützner, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, E. Roeckl, M. Stanoiu, H. Weick, P. Woods
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 79 (2009) 061301
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.79.061301



One-neutron removal measurement reveals 24O as a new doubly magic nucleus
R. Kanungo, C. Nociforo, A. Prochazka, T. Aumann, D. Boutin, D. Cortina-Gil, B. Davids, M. Diakaki, F. Farinon, H. Geissel, R. Gernhauser, J. Gerl, R. Janik, B. Jonson, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, R. Krücken, M. Lantz, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, K. Mahata, P. Maierbeck, A. Musumarra, T. Nilsson, T. Otsuka, C. Perro, C. Scheidenberger, B. Sitar, P. Strmen, B. Sun, I. Szarka, I. Tanihata, Y. Utsuno, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 152501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.152501



Publisher’s Note: Schottky mass measurement of the 208Hg isotope: Implication for the proton-neutron interaction strength around doubly magic 208Pb
L. Chen, Yu. A. Litvinov, W. Plass, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Caceres, R. Cakirli, J. Carroll, R. Casten, R. Chakrawarthy, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Jones, A. Kishada, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, Z. Podolyak, R. Propri, S. Rigby, N. Saito, T. Saito, C. Scheidenberger, M. Shindo, M. Steck, P. Ugorowski, P. Walker, S. Williams, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H.-J. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 139904
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.139904



Schottky mass measurement of the 208Hg isotope: Implication for the proton-neutron interaction strength around doubly magic 208Pb
L. Chen, Yu. A. Litvinov, W. Plass, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, L. Caceres, R. Cakirli, J. Carroll, R. Casten, R. Chakrawarthy, D. Cullen, I. Cullen, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, J. Gerl, M. Gorska, G. Jones, A. Kishada, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, S. Mandal, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, Z. Podolyak, R. Propri, S. Rigby, N. Saito, T. Saito, C. Scheidenberger, M. Shindo, M. Steck, P. Ugorowski, P. Walker, S. Williams, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H.-J. Wollersheim, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 122503
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.122503



Mass and lifetime measurement at the present ESR facility,
Yu. A. Litvinov
International Journal of Modern Physics E 18 (2009) 323-334
doi: 10.1142/S0218301309012355



First feasibility study for EXL with prototype detectors at the ESR and detector simulations
N. Kalantar-Nayestanaki, H. Moeini, M. Mahjour-Shafiei, F. Aksouh, K. Beckert, P. Beller, K. Boretzky, A. Chatillon, A. Corsi, P. Egelhof, H. Emling, G. Ickert, S. Ilieva, C. Kozhuharov, T. Le Bleis, X. Le Xuang, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Mahata, J. Meier, F. Nolden, U. Popp, H. Simon, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, H. Weick, A. Zalite, O. Kiselev, J. Jourdan, D. Kiselev, D. Werthmuller, S. Paschalis
International Journal of Modern Physics E 18 (2009) 524-530
doi: 10.1142/S0218301309012598



Large-scale mass measurements of short-lived nuclides with the isochronous mass spectrometry at GSI
B. Sun, R. Knöbel, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Nakajima, H. Geissel, J. Meng, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Cullen, C. Dimopoulou, B. Fabian, M. Hausmann, O. Klepper, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Suzuki, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
International Journal of Modern Physics E 18 (2009) 346–351
doi: 10.1142/S0218301309012379




α-decay half-lives for neutral atoms and bare nuclei,
Z. Patyk, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 78 (2008) 054317
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.054317



Nuclear structure studies of short-lived neutron-rich nuclei with the novel large-scale isochronous mass spectrometry at the FRS-ESR facility
B. Sun, R. Knöbel, Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel, J. Meng, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Cullen, C. Dimopoulou, B. Fabian, M. Hausmann, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Suzuki, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
Nuclear Physics A 812 (2008) 1–12
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.08.013



Experiments with the FRS facility at GSI
H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (2008) 4176–4182
doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2008.05.093



Online test of the FRS ion catcher at GSI
M. Petrick, W. Plass, K.-H. Behr, A. Brunle, L. Caceres, J. Clark, Z. Di, S. Elisseev, M. Facina, A. Fettouhi, H. Geissel, W. Huller, M. Huyse, C. Karagiannis, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, Y. Kudryavtsev, J. Kurcewicz, T. Levant, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, M. Maier, D. Morrissey, G. Münzenberg, M. Portillo, G. Savard, C. Scheidenberger, P. Van Duppen, H. Weick, M. Winkler, B. Zabransky
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (2008) 4493–4497
doi: 10.1016/j.nimb.2008.07.007



Application of the relativistic mean-field mass model to the r-process and the influence of mass uncertainties
B. Sun, F. Montes, L. Geng, H. Geissel,Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Meng
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 78 (2008) 025806
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.78.025806



Observation of non-exponential orbital electron capture decays of hydrogen-like 140Pr and 142Pm ions
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch, N. Winckler, D. Boutin, H. Essel, T. Faestermann, H. Geissel, S. Hess, P. Kienle, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, L. Maier, K. Beckert, P. Beller, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Di- mopoulou, B. Fabian, A. Fragner, E. Haettner, M. Hausmann, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, R. Reda, R. Reuschl, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 664 (2008) 162–168
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2008.04.062



Proton-proton correlations observed in two-proton decay of 19Mg and 16Ne
I. Mukha, L. Grigorenko, K. Sümmerer, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, J. Hofmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfützner, C. Rodriguez- Tajes, E. Roeckl, M. Stanoiu, H. Weick, P. Woods
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 77 (2008) 061303(R)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.061303



Mass and half-life measurements of stored exotic nuclei at the FRS-ESR facility
Yu. A. Litvinov
Nuclear Physics A 805 (2008) 260c–269c
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.02.254



Orbital electron capture and β+ decay of h-like 140Pr ions
J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, Z. Patyk, N. Winckler, L. Batist, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, T. Faestermann, L. Grigorenko, P. Kienle, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, L. Maier, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, M. Pfutzner, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Acta Physica Polonica B 39 (2008) 501–506



Orbital electron capture decay of hydrogen- and helium-like ions
Z. Patyk, J. Kurcewicz, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Pfützner
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 77 (2008) 014306
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.77.014306



Masses of short-lived nuclides: Precision measurement tech- niques and applications
K. Blaum, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Schweikhard
Nuclear Physics News 18 (2008) 29-34
doi: 10.1080/10506890802336281



Study of dipole excitations and the single particle structure of neutron rich ni isotopes
K. Mahata, S. Paschalis, P. Adrich, F. Aksouh, T. Aumann, M. Babilon, K.-H. Behr, J. Benlliure, T. Berg, M. Boehmer, K. Boretzky, A. Brunle, E. Casarejos, M. Chartier, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, U. Pramanik, L. Deveaux, M. Elvers, H. Emling, B. Fernandez-Dominguez, M. Gorska, W. Huller, G. Ickert, H. Johansson, A. Junghans, C. Karagiannis, L. Kern, O. Kiselev, A. Klimkiewicz, N. Kurz, M. Labiche, T. Le Bleis, R. Lemmon, K. Lindenberg, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Maierbeck, S. Muller, T. Nilsson, C. Nociforo, R. Palit, W. Prokopowicz, D. Rossi, H. Simon, K. S[mmerer, A. Wagner, W. Walus, H. Weick, M. Winkler
AIP Conference Proceedings 1012 (2008) 389–391
doi: 10.1063/1.2939339




Measurement of the β+ and orbital electron-capture decay rates in fully ionized, hydrogenlike, and heliumlike 140Pr ions
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, J. Kurcewicz, Z. Patyk, N. Winckler, L. Batist, K. Beckert, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, B. Fabian, T. Faestermann, A. Fragner, L. Grigorenko, E. Haettner, S. Hess, P. Kienle, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, S. Litvinov, L. Maier, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, M. Pfützner, W. Plass, A. Prochazka, R. Reda, R. Reuschl, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, S. Torilov, M. Trassinelli, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Physical Review Letters 99 (2007) 262501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.262501



Search for two-proton radioactivity of 19Mg in a tracking experiment
I. Mukha, K. Sümmerer, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, L. Grigorenko, J. Hoffmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfützner, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, E. Roeckl, M. Stanoiu, H. Weick, P. Woods
AIP Conference Proceedings 961 (2007) 93–98
doi: 10.1063/1.2827290



Present and future experiments with stored exotic nuclei at the FRS-ESR facility
H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, M. Hausmann, O. Klepper, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Z. Patyk, M. Pfützner, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Sun, K. Takahashi, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 150 (2007) 109–115
doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00280-x



Feasibility studies of the EXL setup for fair using the GSI storage ring ESR
S. Ilieva, O. Kiselev, H. Emling, P. Egelhof, K. Boretzky, J. Meier, H. Simon, K. Mahata, T. Le Bleis, A. Chatillon, F. Aksouh, K. Beckert, P. Beller, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, X. Le, F. Nolden, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, G. Ickert, U. Popp, H. Weick, D. Rohe, J. Jourdan, D. Werthmuller, H. Moeini, A. Zalite, S. Paschalis
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 150 (2007) 357–358
doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00345-x



The status of the Super-FRS at FAIR
M. Winkler, B. Achenbach, K.-H. Behr, M. Berz, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, H. Emling, H. Geissel, H. Iwase, C. Karagiannis, A. Kelic, H. Leibrock, Yu. A. Litvinov, S. Manikonda, J. Maruhn, G. Moritz, C. Muhle, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, H. Simon, K. Sümmerer, M. Svedentsov, N. Tahir, A. Tauschwitz, Z. Wang, H. Weick, H. Wollnik, M. Yavor
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 150 (2007) 263–264
doi: 10.1140/epjst/e2007-00318-1



Observation of two-proton radioactivity of 19Mg by tracking the decay products
I. Mukha, K. Sümmerer, L. Acosta, M. Alvarez, E. Casarejos, A. Chatillon, D. Cortina-Gil, J. Espino, A. Fomichev, J. Garcia-Ramos, H. Geissel, J. Gomez-Camacho, L. Grigorenko, J. Hoffmann, O. Kiselev, A. Korsheninnikov, N. Kurz, Yu. A. Litvinov, I. Martel, C. Nociforo, W. Ott, M. Pfützner, C. Rodriguez-Tajes, E. Roeckl, M. Stanoiu, H. Weick, P. Woods
Physical Review Letters 99 (2007) 182501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.99.182501



Mass and lifetime measurements in storage rings
H. Weick, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Sun, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, D. Boutin, W. Plass, M. Hausmann, Z. Patyk
AIP Conference Proceedings 912 (2007) 95–104
doi: 10.1063/1.2746584



New developments for isochronous mass measurements of short-lived nuclei
R. Knöbel, S. Litvinov, B. Sun, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Cullen, C. Dimopoulou, A. Dolinskii, B. Fabian, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, Z. Liu, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Shindo, M. Steck, T. Suzuki, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
AIP Conference Proceedings 891 (2007) 199–204
doi: 10.1063/1.2713518



Status of the experimental program on mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei at the FRS-ESR facility
Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, I. Cullen, C. Dimopoulou, B. Fabian, M. Hausmann, O. Klepper, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Z. Liu, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, S. Nakajima, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Sun, T. Suzuki, P. Walker, H. Weick, N. Winckler, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
Nuclear Physics A 787 (2007) 315–320
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2006.12.050



Discovery of a new long-lived isomeric state in 125Ce
B. Sun, Yu. A. Litvinov, P. Walker, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, C. Dimopoulou, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, J. Meng, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, H. Weick, M. Winkler,
European Physical Journal A 31 (2007) 393–394
doi: 10.1140/epja/i2006-10252-0



Gas-solid difference in charge-changing cross sections for bare and h-like nickel ions at 200 MeV/u
H. Ogawa, H. Geissel, A. Fettouhi, S. Fritzsche, M. Portillo, C. Scheidenberger, V. Shevelko, A. Surzhykov, H. Weick, F. Becker, D. Boutin, B. Kindler, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, W. Kurcewicz, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, G. Münzenberg, W. Plass, N. Sakamoto, J. Stadlmann, H. Tsuchida, M. Winkler, N. Yao
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (2007) 020703
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.75.020703




A new experimental approach for isochronous mass measurements of short-lived exotic nuclei with the FRS-ESR facility
H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Sun, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, B. Fabian, M. Hausmann, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, A. Musumarra, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Hyperfine Interactions 173 (2006) 49–54
doi: 10.1007/s10751-007-9541-4



Direct mass measurements of neutron-deficient 152Sm projectile fragments at the FRS-ESR facility
Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, C. Brandau, L. Chen, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, W. Plass, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Hyperfine Interactions 173 (2006) 55–60
doi: 10.1007/s10751-007-9542-3



Isobar separation at FRS-ESR - A development towards pure isomeric stored beams
C. Scheidenberger, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, C. Brandau, D. Boutin, L. Chen, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, J. Kurcewicz, S. Litvinov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Mazzocco, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, W. Plass, M. Steck, B. Sun, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Hyperfine Interactions 173 (2006) 61–66
doi: 10.1007/s10751-007-9543-2



Exploring long-lived k-isomers via schottky-mass-spectrometry at the ESR
Z. Liu, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Chen
International Journal of Modern Physics E 15 (2006) 1645–1651
doi: 10.1142/S0218301306004971



The antiproton-ion-collider at FAIR
R. Krücken, F. Bosch, M. Cargnelli, L. Fabbietti, T. Faestemann, B. Franzke, H. Fuhrmann, R. Hayano, A. Hirtl, J. Homolka, P. Kienle, C. Kozhuharov, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Marton, F. Nolden, P. Ring, Y. Shatunov, A. Skrinsky, K. Suzuki, V. Vostrikov, T. Yamaguchi, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal
AIP Conference Proceedings 831 (2006) 3–7
doi: 10.1063/1.2200890



Present and future experiments with stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
H. Geissel,Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Pfeiffer, F. Attallah, G. Audi, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, T. Bürvenich, L. Chen, T. Faestermann, M. Falch, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, E. Kaza, T. Kerscher, P. Kienle, O. Klepper, R. Knöbel, C. Kozhuharov, K.-L. Kratz, S. Litvinov, K. Löbner, L. Maier, M. Matos, F. Montes, G. Münzenberg, C. Nociforo, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ostrowski, Z. Patyk, W. Plass, M. Portillo, T. Radon, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, B. Sun, K. Takahashi, G. Vorobjev, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H. Wollnik, T. Yamaguchi
AIP Conference Proceedings 831 (2006) 108–113
doi: 10.1063/1.2200908



Experiments with stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
F. Bosch, H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Beckert, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, H. Wollnik
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 251 (2006) 212–219
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.069901



Gas-solid effect in mean charge and slowing down of uranium ions at 60.2 and 200 MeV/u
A. Fettouhi, H. Weick, M. Portillo, F. Becker, D. Boutin, H. Geissel, R. Knöbel, J. Kurcewicz, W. Kurcewicz, J. Kurpeta, Yu. A. Litvinov, R. Livesay, D. Morrissey, G. Munzenberg, J. Nolen, H. Ogawa, N. Sakamoto, C. Scheidenberger, J. Stadlmann, M. Winkler, N. Yao
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 245 (2006) 32–35
doi: 10.1016/j.ijms.2006.01.037



Applications of schottky spectroscopy at the storage ring ESR of GSI
F. Nolden, K. Beckert, P. Beller, B. Franzke, V. Gostishchev, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Schwinn, M. Steck
AIP Conference Proceedings 821 (2006) 211–220
doi: 10.1063/1.2190113



Kπ = 0+ 2.29 s isomer in neutron-rich Tm174
R. Chakrawarthy, P. Walker, J. Ressler, E. Zganjar, G. Ball, M. Smith, A. Andreyev, S. Ashley, R. Austin, D. Bandyopadhyay, J. Becker, J. Carroll, D. Cross, D. Gohlke, J. Daoud, P. Garrett, G. Grinyer, G. Hackman, G. Jones, R. Kanungo, W. Kulp, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Morton, W. Mills, C. Pearson, R. Propri, C. Svensson, R. Wheeler, S. Williams
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics 73 (2006) 024306
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.73.024306




The antiproton-ion-collider at FAIR
R. Krücken, F. Bosch, M. Cargnelli, L. Fabbietti, T. Faestermann, B. Frankze, H. Fuhrmann, R. Hayano, A. Hirtl, J. Homolka, P. Kienle, C. Kozhuharov, H. Lenske, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. Marton, F. Nolden, P. Ring, Y. Shatunov, A. Skrinsky, K. Suzuki, V. Vostrikov, T. Yamaguchi, E. Widmann, S. Wycech, J. Zmeskal
AIP Conference Proceedings 796 (2005) 369–372
doi: 10.1063/1.2130196



Precision experiments with relativistic exotic nuclei at GSI
H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 31 (2005) S1779–S1783
doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/31/10/072



High-resolution γ-ray spectroscopy: A versatile tool for nuclear β-decay studies at TRIUMF-ISAC
G. Ball, T. Achtzehn, D. Albers, J. Al Khalili, C. Andreoiu, A. Andreyev, S. Ashley, R. Austin, J. Becker, P. Bricault, S. Chan, R. Chakrawarthy, R. Churchman, H. Coombes, E. Cunningham, J. Daoud, M. Dombsky, T. Drake, B. Eshpeter, P. Finlay, P. Garrett, C. Geppert, G. Grinyer, G. Hackman, V. Hanemaayer, B. Hyland, G. Jones, K. Koopmans, W. Kulp, J. Lassen, J. Lavoie, J. Leslie, Yu. A. Litvinov, J. MacDonald, C. Mattoon, D. Melconian, A. Morton, C. Osborne, C. Pearson, M. Pearson, A. Phillips, J. Ressler, F. Sarazin, M. Schumaker, J. Schwarzenberg, H. Scraggs, M. Smith, C. Svensson, J. Valiente- Dobon, J. Waddington, P. Walker, K. Wendt, S. Williams, J. Wood, E. Zganjar
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 31 (2005) S1491–S1498
doi: 10.1088/0954-3899/31/10/019



Discovery of a new 2.3 s isomer in neutron-rich 174Tm
R. Chakrawarthy, P. Walker, M. Smith, A. Andreyev, S. Ashley, G. Ball, J. Becker, J. Daoud, P. Garrett, G. Hackman, G. Jones, Yu. A. Litvinov, A. Morton, C. Pearson, C. Svensson, S. Williams, E. Zganjar
European Physical Journal A 25 (Suppl. 1) (2005) 125–126
doi: 10.1140/epjad/i2005-06-169-x



Erratum: Simultaneous measurement of β-decay to bound and continuum electron states
T. Ohtsubo, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, L. Maier, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Boutin, T. Faestermann, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, E. Kaza, P. Kienle, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Matoš, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, M. Portillo, T. Radon, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, K. Takahashi, H. Weick, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 069901
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.069901



Simultaneous measurement of β-decay to bound and continuum electron states
T. Ohtsubo, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, L. Maier, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, D. Boutin, T. Faestermann, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, E. Kaza, P. Kienle, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Matoš, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, M. Portillo, T. Radon, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, K. Takahashi, H. Weick, M. Winkler, T. Yamaguchi
Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 052501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.052501



Isospin dependence in the odd-even staggering of nuclear binding energies
Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Burvenich, H. Geissel, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, G. Audi, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, D. Madland, J. Maruhn, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, T. Radon, M. Steck, S. Typel, H. Wollnik
Physical Review Letters 95 (2005) 042501
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.042501



Mass measurement of cooled neutron-deficient bismuth projectile fragments with time-resolved schottky mass spectrometry at the FRS-ESR facility
Yu. A. Litvinov, H. Geissel, T. Radon, F. Attallah, G. Audi, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, W. Quint, Z. Patyk, H. Reich, C. Scheidenberger, B. Schlitt, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, L. Vermeeren, M. Winkler, T. Winkler, H. Wollnik
Nuclear Physics A 756 (2005) 3–38
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2005.03.015




New results with stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
H. Geissel, Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, T. Faestermann, M. Falch, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, E. Kaza, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Kratz, S. Litvinov, K. Löbner, L. Maier, M. Matoš, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ostrowski, Z. Patyk, B. Pfeiffer, M. Portillo, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, V. Shishkin, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, D. Viera, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H. Wollnik, T. Yamaguchi
Nuclear Physics A 746 (2004) 150–155
doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2004.09.030



Study of basic nuclear properties of highly-charged, unstable nuclei at the SIS-FRS-ESR complex
C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, H. Eickhoff, T. Faestermann, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, E. Kaza, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, R. Koyama, C. Kozhuharov, K.-L. Kratz, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, L. Maier, M. Matoš, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, A. Ostrowski, A. Ozawa, Z. Patyk, B. Pfeiffer, M. Portillo, W. Quint, T. Radon, V. Shishkin, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, T. Suzuki, M. Trzhaskovskaja, D. Vieira, S. Watanabe, H. Weick, M. Winkler, H. Wollnik, T. Yamaguchi
Acta Physica Hungarica, Series A: Heavy Ion Physics 19 (2004) 165–170
doi: 10.1556/APH.19.2004.1-2.27



Direct mass measurement of bare short-lived 44V, 48Mn, 41Ti and 45Cr ions with isochronous mass spectrometry
J. Stadlmann, M. Hausmann, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Lobner, M. Matoš, G. Munzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, T. Radon, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, H. Weick, H. Wollnik
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 586 (2004) 27–33
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.02.014




Observation of a dramatic hindrance of the nuclear decay of isomeric states for fully ionized atoms
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, D. Boutin, M. Falch, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, M. Trzhaskovskaya, H. Wollnik
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics 573 (2003) 80–85
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2003.08.077



Energy and range focusing of in-flight separated exotic nuclei - A study for the energy-buncher stage of the low-energy branch of the Super-FRS
C. Scheidenberger, H. Geissel, M. Maier, G. Münzenberg, M. Portillo, G. Savard, P. Van Duppen, H. Weick, M. Winkler, M. Yavor, F. Attallah, K.-H. Behr, V. Chichkine, S. Eliseev, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, E. Kaza, B. Kindler, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, G. Marx, M. Matoš, N. Nankov, T. Ohtsubo, K. Summerer, Z.-Y. Sun, Z. Zhou
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 204 (2003) 119–123
doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(02)01898-0




Direct observation of bound state beta decay of bare 207Tl at FRS-ESR
T. Ohtsubo, F. Bosch, H. Geissel, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, T. Fästermann, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, M. Hellstrom, P. Kienle, O. Klepper, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, L. Maier, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Radon, V. Shishkin, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, H. Weick, M. Winkler
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 146 (2002) 493 – 497
doi: doi:10.1143/ptps.146.493.



Mass and lifetime measurements at the storage ring ESR
F. Attallah, M. Hausmann, Yu. A. Litvinov, T. Radon, J. Stadlmann, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, W. Quint, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, B. Schlitt, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, H. Weick, H. Wollnik
Nuclear Physics A 701 (2002) 561–564
doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01644-X



Mass mapping of a new area of neutron-deficient suburanium nuclides
Y. Novikov, F. Attallah, F. Bosch, M. Falch, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, Z. Patyk, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, A. Wapstra, H. Wollnik
Nuclear Physics A 697 (2002) 92–106
doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01233-7



Energy-loss straggling of (200-1000) MeV/u uranium ions
H. Weick, A. Sorensen, H. Geissel, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, V. Chichkine, S. Elisseev, M. Hausmann, H. Irnich, Yu. A. Litvinov, B. Lommel, M. Maier, M. Matoš, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nickel, W. Schwab, T. Stöhlker, K. Sümmerer, B. Voss
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 193 (2002) 1–7
doi: 10.1016/S0168-583X(02)00718-8




Progress in mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
H. Geissel, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, Z. Patyk, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, H. Weick, H. Wollnik
Nuclear Physics A 685 (2001) 115-126
doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00533-4



A new concept for time-of-flight mass spectrometry with slowed-down short-lived isotopes
C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, A. Casares, U. Czok, A. Dodonov, S. Eliseev, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, A. Kholomeev, V. Kozlovski, Yu. A. Litvinov, M. Maier, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, Y. Novikov, T. Radon, J. Stadlmann, H. Weick, M. Weidenmuller, H. Wollnik, Z. Zhou
Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001) 531-534
doi: 10.1023/A:1011959903557



Isochronous mass measurements of hot exotic nuclei
M. Hausmann, J. Stadlmann, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, T. Radon, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, Z. Sun, H. Weick, H. Wollnik
Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001) 291-297
doi: 10.1007/978-94-015-1270-1_25



Isochronous mass measurements of hot exotic nuclei
M. Hausmann, J. Stadlmann, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, P. Beller, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, N. Nankov, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, T. Ohtsubo, T. Radon, H. Schatz, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, Z. Sun, H. Weick, H. Wollnik
Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001) 289-295
doi: 10.1023/A:1011911720453



Schottky mass measurements of cooled exotic nuclei
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, W. Quint, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, L. Vermeeren, H. Wollnik
Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001) 283-289
doi: 10.1007/978-94-015-1270-1_24



Schottky mass measurements of cooled exotic nuclei
Yu. A. Litvinov, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, M. Falch, B. Franzke, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, W. Quint, T. Radon, C. Scheidenberger, M. Steck, L. Vermeeren, H. Wollnik
Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001) 281-287
doi: 10.1023/A:1011907602706




Schottky mass measurements of stored and cooled neutron-deficient projectile fragments in the element range of 57≤Z≤84
T. Radon, H. Geissel, G. Münzenberg, B. Franzke, T. Kerscher, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, T. Beha, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, Y. Fujita, M. Hausmann, F. Herfurth, H. Irnich, H. Jung, O. Klepper, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, F. Nickel, H. Reich, W. Schwab, B. Schlitt, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, T. Winkler, H. Wollnik
Nuclear Physics A 677 (2000) 75-99
doi: 10.1016/S0375-9474(00)00304-3




Mass measurements of relativistic exotic nuclei
C. Scheidenberger, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franzke, Y. Fujita, H. Geissel, M. Hausmann, M. Hellström, F. Herfurth, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, W. Quint, T. Radon, H. Reich, H. Schatz, B. Schlitt, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, L. Vermeeren, H. Weick, M. Winkler, T. Winkler, H. Wollnik
Acta Physica Hungarica New Series Heavy Ion Physics 10 (1999) 177–184



Mass measurements of relativistic projectile fragments in the storage ring ESR
T. Radon, H. Geissel, F. Attallah, K. Beckert, F. Bosch, A. Dolinskiy, H. Eickhoff, M. Falch, B. Franczak, B. Franzke, Y. Fujita, M. Hausmann, M. Hellström, F. Herfurth, T. Kerscher, O. Klepper, H.-J. Kluge, C. Kozhuharov, Yu. A. Litvinov, K. Löbner, G. Münzenberg, F. Nolden, Y. Novikov, Z. Patyk, W. Quint, H. Reich, C. Scheidenberger, B. Schlitt, J. Stadlmann, M. Steck, K. Sümmerer, L. Vermeeren, M. Winkler, T. Winkler, H. Wollnik
Pramana - Journal of Physics 53 (1999) 609-618
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