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HELIAC project manager Dr. Maksym Miski-Oglu works at the demonstrator.
The HElmholtz LInear ACcelerator HELIAC is a continuous-wave linear accelerator planned at GSI/FAIR that opens up new research opportunities with its continuous particle beam. The first cryogenic accelerator module for HELIAC, the so-called Advanced Demonstrator, has now been cooled down to four Kelvin with liquid helium and tested.

Ion track nanotechnology from GSI Materials Research creates a highly sensitive nanopore.
Easy and fast detection of viruses are crucial in a pandemic. Based on single-nanopore membranes of GSI, an international interdisciplinary team of researchers developed a test method that detects SARS-CoV-2 in saliva, without sample pretreatment, with the same sensitivity as a qPCR test, and in only 2 hours. On top, the sensor can distinguish infectious from non-infectious corona viruses — a crucial innovation.

Ion sources - starting point of the accelerator facility
The Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts has approved the foundation of a research academy to further the involvement of Hessian universities in the FAIR particle accelerator and will fund it with three million euros per year. The new Helmholtz Research Academy Hesse for FAIR (HFHF), with three locations in Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Giessen, will support FAIR-focused science at Technical University of Darmstadt, Goethe University Frankfurt and Justus Liebig…

Event logo "Meet a scientist"
What happens in a supernova explosion? Why do we accelerate particles? What does the work of researchers involve? High-school students can get to the bottom of these and many other questions in the interactive online events of "Meet a scientist". From October 25 to November 5, 2021, school classes will have the opportunity to talk directly with scientists from the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research and the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt.
